2019-12-18 17:36:18
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
Authors: T. Müller Bravo, P. Wiseman, M. Pursiainen (Southampton), T.-W. Chen (Stockholm), M. Fraser (UCD), G. Pignata (UNAB/MAS), I. Arcavi (Tel Aviv University), S. Benetti (INAF-Padova), J. Anderson (ESO), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), C. Inserra (Cardiff), E. Kankare (Turku), M. Nicholl (Birmingham), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), I. Manulis (Weizmann), J. Tonry, L. Denneau, A. Heinze, H. Weiland, H. Flewelling (IfA, Univ. of Hawaii), B. Stalder (LSST), A. Rest (STScI), K. W. Smith, S. J. Smartt, O. McBrien, S. Srivastav (QUB)
Source Group: ePESSTO+
This report includes classifications of 2 Type Ia SNe around maximum brightness (SN2019wku and ZTF19acyihlk), a transient with a blue continuum (AT2019wmc), and a star-forming galaxy (ZTF19acyfumm). AT2019wmc shows a strong blue continuum with no strong broad emission or absorption features. We have potentially identified narrow HeI 5876 absorption along with narrow HeI 4471 and 7065 emission lines, drawing comparisons to young Type Ibn SNe. Follow up is encouraged. The spectrum of ZTF19acyfumm is red, and dominated by very strong emission lines signifying a highly star-forming galaxy. There are no discernible transient features.

ePESSTO+, the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (Smartt et al. 2015 2015A&A...579A..40S), reports the following supernova classifications.

Targets were supplied by the ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2018 2018PASP..130f4505T), and the Zwicky Transient Facility ZTF (Kulkarni 2018 2018ATel11266....1K) - data stream processed through the Lasair broker (Smith, Williams, Young et al. 2019 2019RNAAS...3a..26S). 

Observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) at La Silla on the night of 2019 December 17, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B).

The classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.

The classified objects are listed in the Related Objects table below.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2019wku [ATLAS19bdbq] 05:17:21.489 +12:31:02.39 SN Ia 0.036 Redshift from SNID match 05:17:21.476 +12:31:02.56 SN Ia 0.039
Other 08:48:11.530 +03:55:56.95 SN Ia 0.068
TNS 2019wmc [ZTF19acyjzeo] 12:13:51.845 +14:13:15.77 Other 0.050193 IC 3053 0.050193 strong blue continuum with no strong broad emission or absorption features. We have potentially identified narrow HeI 5876 absorption along with narrow HeI 4471 and 7065 emission lines 12:13:51.846 +14:13:15.63 SN Ib 0.05016
Other 04:34:00.073 -08:34:44.72 Galaxy 0.015
