2019-06-09 16:50:28
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Bibcode: 2019TNSAN..27....1F
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
Source Group: ePESSTO+
ePESSTO+, the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Smartt et al. 2015, A&A, 579, 40 http://www.pessto.org<http://www.pessto.org/> ), reports the following supernova classifications.
Targets were supplied by the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team and DPAC (http://gsaweb.ast.cam.ac.uk/alerts), by the Zwicky Transient Facility (https://www.ztf.caltech.edu/; Kulkarni et al. 2018, ATel 11266) data stream processed through the Lasair broker (http://lasair.roe.ac.uk/), by the ATLAS survey, see Tonry et al. (2018, PASP, 130, 064505), and the IAU TNS list (see https://www.wis-tns.org/).
All observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2019 June 8, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024), GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383) and DASH (Muthukrishna et al. 2019, arXiv:1903.02557).
Classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org<http://www.pessto.org/> (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.
The classified objects are listed in the Related Objects table below.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Source | Reported Type | Reported Redshift | Phase (days) | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2019hcc [Gaia19cdu] | 21:00:20.930 | -21:20:36.06 | SLSN-I | 0.044 | Gaia | SLSN I | 0.044 | PreMax | Spectrum shows blue continuum with host emission lines at z=0.0435. At this redshift, a w-shaped absorption feature in the blue matches the O II lines in young SLSNe. The absolute magnitude at discovery is -17.7, faint for that class unless it is a very early detection. | 21:00:20.930 | -21:20:36.06 | SLSN-I | 0.044 | ||
TNS | 2019fyt [ZTF19aavndxo] | 20:47:51.018 | +10:17:35.35 | AGN | 0.102 | ZTF | AGN? | 0.102 | Blue continuum, narrow H and [O III] emission at z=0.102. Coincident with a faint SDSS galaxy. | 20:47:51.028 | +10:17:35.58 | AGN | 0.102 | |||
TNS | 2019gis [ATLAS19lzi] | 16:09:42.876 | -04:23:18.01 | SN Ia | 0.027 | ATLAS | Ia | 0.027 | At max | 16:09:42.930 | -04:23:18.10 | SN Ia | 0.04 | |||
TNS | 2019gsg [ATLAS19mbn] | 21:45:50.733 | +15:06:33.10 | SN Ia | 0.112 | ATLAS | Ia | 0.112 | +8 to +10 | 21:45:50.761 | +15:06:32.75 | SN Ia | 0.112 | |||
TNS | 2019gqm [Gaia19bzw] | 19:48:09.560 | -24:26:36.60 | SN IIP | 0.02 | Gaia | IIP | 0.02 | At max | 19:48:09.560 | -24:26:36.60 | SN II | 0.02 | |||
TNS | 2019gth [ZTF19aavyafo] | 15:52:31.264 | -15:19:47.21 | SN Ia | 0.01 | ZTF | Ia | 0.01 | At max | 15:52:31.256 | -15:19:47.14 | SN Ia | 0.1 | |||
TNS | 2019hbb [ZTF19aaycomi] | 23:25:13.041 | +09:27:11.41 | SN Ia | 0.03 | ZTF | Ia | 0.03 | At max | 23:25:13.050 | +09:27:11.27 | SN Ia | 0.03 | |||
TNS | 2019hat [ATLAS19mfw] | 13:23:05.925 | -42:20:31.48 | Other | 0 | ATLAS | Unclear | Noisy spectrum showing some blue continuum, no clear classification. | 13:23:05.930 | -42:20:31.42 | ||||||
TNS | 2019gyy [ATLAS19mee] | 17:16:39.994 | +11:28:45.78 | Varstar | 0 | ATLAS | Stellar | 0.0 | Blue continuum with Balmer absorption at z=0, likely CV. | 17:16:39.994 | +11:28:45.78 | CV | ||||
TNS | 2019gyx [ATLAS19mec] | 23:56:30.563 | -03:06:08.48 | SN Ib | 0.02 | ATLAS | Ib | 0.02 | +4 to +7 | 23:56:30.595 | -03:06:08.51 | SN Ib | 0.02 | |||
TNS | 2019gwa [ZTF19aaxffum] | 15:58:41.191 | +11:14:25.02 | SN Ia-91T-like | 0.054 | ZTF | Ia-91T | 0.054 | -7 | 15:58:41.190 | +11:14:25.04 | SN Ia-91T-like | 0.054988 | |||
TNS | 2019gvp [ATLAS19mco] | 16:46:35.521 | -31:35:31.28 | SN Ib | 0.015 | ATLAS | Ib | 0.015 | +7 | Also classified by Do et al. (TNS Report No. 4237). | 16:46:35.521 | -31:35:31.28 | SN Ib | 0.015 | ||
TNS | 2019gvn [ BraTS-SON-T2-006] | 19:49:06.810 | +10:06:58.70 | Varstar | 0 | BraTS | Stellar | 0.0 | Blue continuum with Balmer absorption at z=0, likely CV. Also classified by Ochner and Pastorello (ATEL #12854). | 19:49:06.770 | +10:06:58.35 | CV | ||||
TNS | 2019gsp [ATLAS19mce] | 22:10:04.254 | +23:28:38.27 | Other | 0 | ATLAS | Unclear | Blue continuum, no clear features to determine a redshift | 22:10:04.244 | +23:28:38.50 | SLSN-II | 0.171 |