ePESSTO+, the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (Smartt et al. 2015 2015A&A...579A..40S), reports the following supernova classifications.
Targets were supplied by the ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2018 2018PASP..130f4505T), the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae ASAS-SN (see Shappee et al. 2014 2014ApJ...788...48S), the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team DPAC and OGLE-IV Real-time Transient Search (Wyrzykowski et al., 2014 arxiv:1409.1095; http://ogle.astrouw.edu.pl/).
Observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) at La Silla on the night of 2019 September 6, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B) and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008 2008A&A...488..383H).
The classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.
The classified objects are listed in the Related Objects table below.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Source | Phase (days) | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2019omo [ASASSN-19uj] | 03:12:27.953 | -64:55:35.40 | SN II | 0.0335 | APMUKS(BJ) B031141.45-650647.3 | ASAS-SN | ~ +14 | young Type II, redshift measured form spectral lines | 03:12:27.970 | -64:55:38.93 | SN II | 0.0335 | |
TNS | 2019ovu [ASASSN-19vh] | 02:10:05.837 | -32:56:19.86 | SN Iax[02cx-like] | 0.011174 | IC 1783 | 0.011174 | ASAS-SN | +7/10 | spectrum shows many low velocity lines (Si II at 3000 km/s and Ca II and 3500 km/s). Spectrum reminds of 2008ha like SN, 7-10 after maximum, superimposed by host emission lines, redshift taken from NED | 02:10:05.800 | -32:56:19.54 | SN Iax[02cx-like] | 0.011174 |
TNS | 2019ozz [ASASSN-19vk] | 19:20:01.752 | -60:49:03.18 | SN Ia | 0.036232 | FAIRALL 0056 | 0.036232 | ASAS-SN | -7/+5 | redshift from NED | 19:20:01.850 | -60:49:04.94 | SN Ia | 0.0362 |
TNS | 2019pcp [Gaia19dwo] | 05:38:46.310 | -62:37:08.83 | SN Ia | 0.083 | OGLE-GAL-LMC597.30-1034.267-3100.189 | Gaia | +8 | redshift from SNID match | 05:38:46.310 | -62:37:08.83 | SN Ia | 0.083 | |
TNS | 2019pcr [Gaia19dxe] | 01:04:26.890 | -64:07:32.34 | SN II | 0.018883 | OGLE-GAL-SMC806.31-1180.189-841.778 | Gaia | +5 | redshift from NED | 01:04:26.890 | -64:07:32.34 | SN II | 0.0189 | |
TNS | 2019pgr | 05:12:55.350 | -61:10:11.90 | SN Ia | 0.115 | OGLE-GAL-MBR130.15-261.736-2842.467 | OGLE | +4 | redshift from SNID match | 05:12:55.350 | -61:10:11.90 | SN Ia | 0.115 | |
TNS | 2019phq [ASASSN-19vo] | 00:35:30.360 | -52:10:58.94 | SN Ia-91T-like | 0.054 | FAIRALL 0368 | 0.042029 | ASAS-SN | -3 | redshift from SNID match | 00:35:30.420 | -52:10:57.00 | SN Ia-91T-like | 0.054 |
TNS | 2019pij | 05:08:34.320 | -60:41:31.70 | SN Ia | 0.096 | OGLE-GAL-LMC580.29-1879.362-4246.821 | OGLE | -3 | redshift from SNID match | 05:08:34.320 | -60:41:31.70 | SN Ia | 0.096 | |
TNS | 2019pik | 02:20:32.960 | -73:23:03.60 | SN Ic | 0.1184 | OGLE-GAL-MBR113.30-1418.879-754.769 | OGLE | low S/N but compatible with being a Ic, redshift measure form spectral lines | 02:20:32.960 | -73:23:03.60 | SN Ic | 0.1184 | ||
TNS | 2019pia | 04:18:26.760 | -68:34:01.70 | 0.094 | OGLE-GAL-LMC616.21-522.381-3527.520 | OGLE | -4/+3 | redshift from SNID match | 04:18:26.760 | -68:34:01.70 | SN Ia | 0.094 | ||
TNS | 2019owu [ATLAS19tsi] | 03:46:01.576 | -20:30:27.92 | SN Ia | 0.035 | ATLAS | -1 | redshift from SNID match | 03:46:01.580 | -20:30:28.01 | SN Ia | 0.035 | ||
TNS | 2019pky [ASASSN-19we] | 19:05:49.658 | -54:32:53.30 | GALEXASC J190549.75-543254.4 | ASAS-SN | object not visible in 10 s acquisition image | 19:05:49.470 | -54:32:54.31 | ||||||
TNS | 2019pal [Gaia19dve] | 19:24:43.310 | -30:03:03.28 | Gaia | object not visible in 20 s acquisition image | 19:24:43.310 | -30:03:03.28 |