2020-08-21 15:05:46
Type: Announcement-Data Release
Bibcode: 2020TNSAN.160....1P
Fast Radio Burst Catalogue on the TNS
Source Group: FRBCAT
The contents of the Fast Radio Burst Catalogue (FRBCAT) have now been migrated to the Transient Name Server. All archival FRB events reported in the literature are now available and searchable through the TNS. The TNS will become the primary repository for new fast radio burst reports going forward.
The contents of the Fast Radio Burst Catalogue (FRBCAT; Petroff et al. 2016) have been migrated to the Transient Name Server. All archival FRB events reported in the literature from 2001 onward are now available and searchable through the TNS, including relevant plots previously uploaded to the FRBCAT. All new reported FRBs should now be submitted to the TNS for naming and archiving. The current FRBCAT webpage will remain in operation and as up-to-date as possible for the time being but we encourage everyone reporting FRBs in the literature to start familiarizing themselves with the TNS and developing relevant procedures for submission. Any queries can be directed to the administrators of the FRB Catalogue.