2020-09-26 20:44:13
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ZTF Bright Transient Survey classifications with APO (2020suj, taz, shr, and skb)
Authors: M. L. Graham, T. D. Kennedy, B. Sipocz, E. C. Bellm, Z. Golkhou, K. J. Bell, (UW), C. Fremling, A. Dahiwale, Y. Sharma, S. R. Kulkarni, R. Walters, N. Blagorodnova, J. D. Neill (Caltech), A. A. Miller (Northwestern), K. Taggart, D. A. Perley (LJMU), A. Goobar (OKC), on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility collaboration
Keywords: Supernova
We announce classifications of supernovae 2020suj (Ia), 2020taz (Ibn), 2020shr (Ia), and 2020skb (Ia) with optical spectroscopy from Apache Point Observatory.

The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; ATel #11266) Bright Transient Survey (BTS; ATel #11688; see also Fremling et al. 2019, arXiv:1910.12973) reports spectral classifications obtained with the Dual Imaging Spectrograph (range 340-1000nm, spectral resolution R~1000) mounted on the 3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory, and reduced with PyDIS (Davenport et al. 2016, http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.58753). Classifications were done with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) or GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383). All of the following classifications have been reported to the TNS and the spectra are publicly available.

2020suj and 2020skb were first reported by ATLAS; 2020taz by Pan-STARRS1; and 2020shr by ALeRCE.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2020suj [ZTF20abzayoe] 23:00:30.401 -21:54:46.90 SN Ia 0.079 23:00:30.401 -21:54:46.90 SN Ia 0.079
TNS 2020taz [ZTF20abyznqs] 22:26:06.270 +10:33:29.65 SN Ibn 0.05 22:26:06.270 +10:33:29.65 SN Ibn 0.05
TNS 2020shr [ZTF20abxyaqc] 01:19:37.031 -23:51:45.72 SN Ia 0.0555 WISEA J011937.17-235150.9 0.055742 01:19:37.031 -23:51:45.84 SN Ia 0.0555
TNS 2020skb [ZTF20abxxzxy] 05:00:22.994 +06:50:07.14 SN Ia 0.066 05:00:22.995 +06:50:07.11 SN Ia 0.066
