2021-04-09 05:40:20
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
DESIRT early discovery of two infant candidate SNe AT2021iro and AT2021irn
Authors: Xingzhuo Chen (TAMU), Lei Hu (PMO), Jiawen Yang (TAMU), Antonella Palmese (FNAL), Lifan Wang (TAMU), Xiaofeng Wang (Tsinghua U.) on behalf of the DESIRT team
Source Group: DESIRT
Here we report the DESIRT discovery of the transient AT2021irn in galaxy 2MFGC 11748 (z= 0.05684), and AT2021iro in galaxy LEDA 1226591 (z= 0.13717). AT2021irn was discovered on 2021-04-06 05:56 UT with an apparent magnitude of 21.693 +/- 0.058, and AT2021iro was discovered on 2021-04-06 05:09 UT with an apparent magnitude of 22.202 +/- 0.077. Follow-up observations of these two transients are strongly encouraged.

The DECam Search for Intermediate Redshift Supernovae program(DESIRT) reports the early discovery of two infant candidate SNe AT2021iro and AT2021irn.

AT2021iro was first detected on DECam g-band images obtained on 2021-04-06 05:09 UT about 3 days after the last non-detection with a limiting magnitude of 23.5 in g band. The discovery magnitudes are 22.202 ,21.653, 21.205 in g, r, and z bands respectively. Assuming the redshift of the host (LEDA 1226591, z= 0.13717 from NED), this object was discovered about absolute magnitude Mg = -16.8.

AT2021irn was first detected on DECam g-band images obtained on 2021-04-06 05:56 UT about 3 days after the last non-detection with a limiting magnitude of 23.5 in g band. The discovery magnitudes are 21.693,  21.44, 20.99 in g, r, and z bands respectively.  Assuming the redshift of the host (2MFGC 11748, z= 0.05684 from NED), this object was discovered about absolute magnitude Mg = -15.3 and is likely to rise to a magnitude of ~ 17.6 if it is a Type Ia SN. 

Rapid follow-up observations are strongly encouraged for these two SN candidates.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2021irn 14:28:44.827 +00:42:46.94 14:28:44.828 +00:42:46.88
TNS 2021iro 14:28:52.766 +02:25:37.45 14:28:52.765 +02:25:37.45
