2021-04-26 10:51:36
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Classification of SN2021fpl as a SLSN-I
Authors: M. Deckers, S. Prentice, K. Maguire, G. Dimitriadis, M. Magee, L. Harvey, J. Terwel (TCD)
Source Group: TCD
Keywords: Supernova
We report the classification of SN2021fpl as a SLSN-I

SN2021fpl was discovered by the ATLAS survey on 2021-03-15.

Spectroscopic observations were obtained by the Liverpool Telescope (Steele et al. 2004) using SPRAT (Piascik et al. 2014) on 2021-04-26 05:17:50.

Using our Python based classification tool we find matches to SN Ibc, in particular SN Ic at a redshift of approximately 0.115.

Using the ATLAS forced photometry pipeline (https://fallingstar-data.com/forcedphot/), the light curve has been rising for ~40 d, and is now at a magnitude of 17.4. This implies a luminosity greater than -21 mag so we classify the transient as a SLSN-I.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2021fpl [ATLAS21iao] 20:14:18.606 -18:10:56.83 SLSN-I 0.115 20:14:18.620 -18:10:56.57 SLSN-I 0.115
