2021-01-25 13:27:40
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ZTF Bright Transient Survey classification of AT 2020aeuv, 2021lx, 2021xv and 2021avg
Authors: Steve Schulze and Jesper Sollerman (OKC)
Source Group: ZTF
Keywords: Supernova
We report the spectroscopic classification of AT 2020aeuv, 2021lx, 2021xv and 2021avg.

Observations were carried out on the night of 24 January 2021 using the ALFOSC spectrograph mounted on the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Spain.

The spectra were obtained with 1-arcsec slit and grism #4 covering the spectral range from 3500-9400 AA. The integration times of each spectrum was 1800 s, except for 2021lx whose integration time was 2400 s.

SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B) gives excellent matches to each object. The details about the classifications are given in the table below.

ZTF is a project led by PI S. R. Kulkarni at Caltech, and includes IPAC; WIS, Israel; OKC, Sweden; JSI/UMd, USA; UW,USA; DESY, Germany; NRC, Taiwan; UW Milwaukee, USA and LANL USA. ZTF acknowledges the generous support of the NSF under AST MSIP Grant No 1440341. Alert distribution service provided by the DiRAC Institute at the University of Washington. Alert filtering is being undertaken by the GROWTH marshal system, supported by NSF PIRE grant 1545949. W. M. Keck Observatory access was supported by Northwestern University and the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA).

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2021avg [ZTF21aafkktu] 11:39:58.980 +14:31:40.69 SN II 0.031 Redshift from narrow Balmer lines 11:39:58.980 +14:31:40.69 SN II 0.031
TNS 2020aeuv [ZTF20aczgmai] 13:35:42.766 +13:19:55.65 SN IIn 0.042843 Redshift from NED/SDSS. 13:35:42.770 +13:19:55.76 SN IIn 0.042843
TNS 2021xv [ZTF21aadatfg] 16:07:32.810 +36:46:46.33 SN Ic-BL 0.05 SDSS J160732.83+364646.1 0.061 Redshift from SNID. 16:07:32.810 +36:46:46.33 SN Ic-BL 0.05
TNS 2021lx [ZTF21aabjesm] 05:39:35.445 +51:27:05.37 SN II 0.03 Redshift from SNID. 05:39:35.470 +51:27:05.51 SN II 0.03
