2021-02-03 12:11:21
Type: Object/s-Data/Analysis
Jansky VLA observations of SN 2020adow
Authors: Alessandra Corsi (TTU), Anna Ho (Berkeley), Shri Kulkarni (Caltech), Daniel Perley (LJMU)
Keywords: Supernova
We carried out radio follow-up observations of SN 2020adow with the Jansky VLA. Measured fluxes at 5 GHz are reported.

We observed the field of the SN Ic-BL SN 2020adow (Stanek et al. TNS AT Report No. 93957; Zheltoukhov et al. TNS Classification Report No. 8387) with the Jansky VLA on two epochs, 2020 Dec 30 at 03:49:21 UT (epoch 1) and 2021 Jan 10 at 02:51:02 UT (epoch two). Our observations were carried out at 5.5 GHz, with the array in its A configuration. In our preliminary analysis, we measure the following fluxes at a position compatible with the SN position: 28.5+/-7.1 uJy (epoch one) and 17.7+/-7.6 uJy (epoch 2, marginal detection). 

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2020adow 08:33:42.263 +27:42:43.54 SN Ic 0.0075050001 KUG 0830+278 0.007505 08:33:42.262 +27:42:43.56 SN Ic 0.0075050001
