2022-09-21 21:53:42
Type: Object/s-Data/Analysis
Keck NIRC2+LGS Imaging Observations of SN 2022qmx (“SN Zwicky”)
Authors: C. Fremling, W. Meynardie, Lin Yan (Caltech), M. Salama, Jensen-Clem (UCSC)
Source Group: ZTF
Keck II observations in J and Ks bands of the strongly lensed Type Ia SN 2020qmx ("SN Zwicky"; Goobar et al. AstroNote 2022-180) show that SN Zwicky is multiply lensed with 4 images of the supernova clearly detected in our data.

We report on Keck II observations of the strongly lensed Type Ia SN 2020qmx ("SN Zwicky"; Goobar et al. AstroNote 2022-180). Imaging were taken in J and Ks bands on 2022-09-15 05:30UT using NIRC2 with the Laser Guide Star system and a pixel scale of 0.01"/pixel. The images show that SN Zwicky is multiply lensed with 4 images of the supernova clearly detected in our data.    

Filters = J, Ks
MJD = 59837

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2022qmx [ZTF22aaylnhq] 17:35:44.328 +04:49:56.86 SN Ia 0.35 17:35:44.328 +04:49:56.86 SN Ia 0.35
