2022-03-04 01:08:38
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ZTF discovery of the nearby transient candidate ZTF22aacyiqk / AT 2022ebw
Authors: A. Munoz-Arancibia (MAS/CMM), L. Hernandez-Garcia (MAS/UV), F. Forster (CMM/MAS), F.E. Bauer (UC/MAS), G. Pignata (UNAB/MAS), A. Mourao (CENTRA, U.Lisboa), L. Galbany (U. Granada), R. Dastidar (UNAB/MAS), on behalf of the ALeRCE broker
Source Group: ZTF
Keywords: Transient
We report the discovery of ZTF22aacyiqk / AT 2022ebw, a nearby transient candidate in the galaxy NGC 4605 (z=0.000454) reported by the ALeRCE broker (TNS #138925) using the ZTF public alert stream. The object was detected at a magnitude of 19.40 mag on a ZTF r-band difference image obtained on Mar 3rd, 2022 at 7:50 UT, 2 days after the last reported non-detection. Swift observations have been requested, and we encourage additional follow-up observations of this transient.

We report the discovery of ZTF22aacyiqk / AT 2022ebw, a transient candidate reported by the ALeRCE broker (TNS #138925) using the ZTF public alert stream. The object was detected on a ZTF r-band difference image obtained on Mar 3rd, 2022 at 7:50 UT with 19.40+-0.14 mag, 2 days after the last reported non-detection in ZTF r-band (19.89 mag). From these, we derive a light curve rise of 0.24+-0.07 mag/day. The ZTF light curve for this object can be explored in https://alerce.online/object/ZTF22aacyiqk.


From further exploration of ZTF PSF-fit forced photometry data using difference images at the object coordinates, we note a previous r-band measurement 2 days before the first ZTF alert that has 19.86+-0.22 mag (S/N=5.47). This is consistent with both the reported non-detection in ZTF alerts and derived light curve rise.


ZTF22aacyiqk is located in the galaxy NGC 4605, which has a redshift of 0.000454 (Epinat et al. 2008) and a distance of ~5.25 Mpc (Bottinelli et al. 1985). Assuming zero reddening, this redshift implies an absolute (difference) magnitude of -7.03+-0.14 mag for its first ZTF alert. Swift observations have been requested, and we encourage additional follow-up observations of this transient candidate, likely a nova or supernova.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2022ebw [ZTF22aacyiqk] 12:40:00.687 +61:36:31.43 NGC 4605 0.000454 12:40:00.687 +61:36:31.43
