2022-04-28 14:27:34
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ZTF early discovery and rapid follow-up of the potential infant SN 2022inn / ZTF22aahwmww
Authors: Ido Irani (WIS), Erez Zimmerman (WIS), Jakob Nordin (Humboldt-Universität) ,Steve Schulze (OKC), Yahsvi Sharma (Caltech), Daniel Perley (LJMU), Jesper Sollerman (OKC), Rachel Bruch (WIS) and Avishay Gal-Yam (WIS)
Source Group: ZTF
Keywords: Supernova
We report the ZTF discovery and classification of SN 2022inn / ZTF22aahwmww - a young and blue Type II supernova in the nearby galaxy UGC 06365 at z=0.0108 (distance of ~45 Mpc). The transient was discovered on April 27, 2022 at 04:55 UT with an absolute ZTF g-band magnitude of M = -14.4 mag. The spectrum of the SN shows a blue continuum. We encourage follow-up observations of this transient.

We note the rapidly-rising, potentially young supernova in a nearby galaxy. The object was first discovered by ALeRCE (2022TNSTR1085....1M) in ZTF g-band images obtained on April 27, 2022 at 04:55 UT, about 2 days after the last non-detection.  The object was picked up by a custom filter for infant SNe on the AMPEL broker system (Nordin et al. 2019). The object was saved by duty astronomers and rapid follow-up was triggered.

The first detection is 1.73 magnitudes above the most recent upper limit 1.86 days before. The object was detected with a blue color of g-r = -0.45 mag, and assuming the redshift of the host (UGC 06365, z=0.0108 from NED), was discovered around absolute magnitude Mg=-14.4 mag, suggesting that this potential SN is indeed <2 days old.

We triggered Swift/UVOT photometry and optical spectroscopy followup observations. The spectrum of the SN shows a blue continuum, indicating it is indeed a SN. The current brightness of the SN is g=19.1 mag, similar to the brightness one day beforehand. 

We will continue to distribute alerts on such early SN detections via AstroNotes; additional follow-up observations of this transient are highly encouraged.

ZTF is a project led by PI S. R. Kulkarni at Caltech, and includes IPAC; WIS, Israel; OKC, Sweden; JSI/UMd, USA; UW,USA; DESY, Germany; NRC, Taiwan; UW Milwaukee, USA and LANL USA. ZTF acknowledges the generous support of the NSF under AST MSIP Grant No 1440341. Alert distribution service provided by DIRAC@UW. Alert filtering is being undertaken by the GROWTH marshal system (Kasliwal et al. 2019), supported by NSF PIRE grant 1545949.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2022inn [ZTF22aahwmww] 11:21:27.077 +63:01:24.63 SN 0.0108 UGC 06365 0.010837 11:21:27.070 +63:01:24.60 SN II 0.010837
