2023-05-13 03:00:44
Type: Object/s-Data/Analysis
SN2023aew: SCAT Spectroscopic Observations During Significant Rebrightening
Authors: Willem Hoogendam (Hawaii), Michael Tucker (Ohio State), Ben Shappee (Hawaii), Jason Hinkle (Hawaii), Mark Huber (Hawaii), Katie Auchettl (Melbourne), Chris Ashall (Virginia Tech)
Source Group: SCAT
Keywords: Supernova
As part of the ongoing Spectroscopic Classification of Astronomical Transients (SCAT) Survey, we obtained a UH2.2m/SNIFS spectra of SN 2023aew 90 days after the initial discovery by ZTF. We find a good fit to type Ic templates using SNID.
SN 2023aew was discovered on 2023-01-23 by ZTF, and was classified using spectroscopic observations from P60 / SEDM on 2023-01-27 as a SN IIb by Wise+23. Recently, Frohmaier+23 reported a re-brightening nearly 80 days after initial classification. They also observed SN 2023aew on 2023-04-20 with LT SPRAT instrument (1 x 600s) and reported a spectrum consistent with a SN Ib. 
We acquired three spectra of SN 2023aew on 2023-04-23, 2023-04-25, and 2023-04-29 as part of the SCAT survey. Exposures on 04-23 and 04-29 were 1800s taken under good conditions, and the exposure on 04-25 was 2400s with 1" seeing and some cirrus clouds. Using SNID, we find matches to late-time SN Ic templates. We have included our best SNID result and the first non Type-Ic SNID result for the 2023-04-23 spectrum. Our best SNID result is SN 2007gr (Ic-norm) at +42d. The best non-Type-Ic result is SN 2008D (Ib-pec) at +6 days. The other two epochs have similar SNID results. 
Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023aew 17:40:51.370 +66:12:22.75 SN IIb 0.025 SDSS J174050.55+661220.7 17:40:51.370 +66:12:22.75 SN IIb 0.025
