2023-05-15 11:12:48
Type: Announcement-Data Release
Spectra of PESSTO data releases SSDR1-4 are publicly available on WISeREP
Authors: Ofer Yaron (WIS), David Young, Ken Smith (QUB), Stephen Smartt (Oxford/QUB), on behalf of the PESSTO collaboration
Source Group: PESSTO
The spectra released as part of the official PESSTO/ePESSTO data releases SSDR 1 to 4 are now up on WISeREP as a complete dataset, and the data - spectra and metadata lists - are also attached here and made available for download from this AstroNote.

PESSTO - The Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (Smartt et al. 2015 2015A&A...579A..40S) began operation as a public spectroscopic survey in April 2012, and was continued by the first extention (ePESSTO) over the period April 2017 - April 2019 (a third extension, ePESSTO+, is still in operation). The survey utilizes EFOSC2 and SOFI on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla, Chile, and has released so far four Spectroscopic Survey Data Releases, SSDR1-4.

The dataset contains a total of 5894 spectra for 2306 distinct objects. Of those, 133 objects have a spectral sequence in excess of 10 spectra per object; additional 124 objects hold between 5-9 spectra.

See the attached  objects metadata list - WISeREP_PESSTO_SSDR1-4_Objects.csv.

The spectra of SSDR1-4 cover the period of April 2012 till March 2019, and the break up of the number of spectra to the four data releases is as follows:

DR1    887
DR2    834
DR3    1346
DR4    2827

Out of the total of 5894 spectra, 5552 were obtained with the ESO-NTT/EFOSC2 spectrograph whereas the remaining 342 spectra are of SOFI, covering the NIR wavelength ranges (up to ~1.6/2.4 micron).

See the attached spectra metadata list - WISeREP_PESSTO_SSDR1-4_Spectra.tsv and the associated tar-balls containing the asciifits files. (Note that the tar-balls contain a total of 5902 ascii/fits files, so additional 8 spectra that don't exist in the metadata list, which can be ignored.)

The spectra are all associated with the PESSTO_SSDR1-4 group on WISeREP and can be retrieved on the search page, e.g. via this link.

The PESSTO data releases can be downloaded also from the ESO archive and by following the links and descriptions on the PESSTO website. The PESSTO data collection on the ESO science portal can be accessed here, and the data release description can be viewed here.

*** If you encounter any details that are not up-to-date or in error in the provided metadata lists or on WISeREP, e.g. a wrong object type, incorrect redshift, erroneous spectrum etc... please do notify us so we can update the details and correct whatever is needed. ***

