The JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) obtained Cycle-1 NIRCam images of the GOODS-S field using 4 short-wavelength (SW) filters (F090W, F115W, F150W, and F200W) and 5 long-wavelength (LW) filters (F277W, F335M, F356W, F410M, and F444W). The data were taken in two time periods, UT Sep 29 - Oct 5, 2022 and Oct 7 - 11, 2022, targeting two neighboring areas. Five transients were detected with the first data set while three appeared in the second, with respect to the GOODS-S HST mosaic images (v2.0) distributed by the Hubble Legacy Fields (HLF) project ( Below we list the position, photometry and redshift information for each of these sources. The information on the host galaxies were obtained either from NED, SIMBAD, or the 3D-HST+CANDELS Catalog, and all the reported magnitudes are in AB.
AT 2022aeis (jades-gs-2022a) lies in galaxy CANDELS J033240.19-274742.6 (z_spec = 1.764), as reported in NED. It was discovered at position (03:32:40.187, -27:47:42.82) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=25.92(0.08), F115W=25.25(0.06), F150W=24.93(0.06), F200W=24.67(0.06), F277W=25.02(0.09), F335M=25.25(0.11), F356W=25.28(0.11), F410M=25.39(0.14), and F444W=25.43(0.16)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -19.27 at 416 nm and -19.85 at 724 nm.
AT 2022aeit (jades-gs-2022b) lies in galaxy 3D-HST+CANDELS GOODS-S ID-29458 (z_phot = 1.59), as reported in the 3D-HST+CANDELS catalog. It was discovered at position (03:32:43.886, -27:46:34.07) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=26.65(0.02), F115W=25.98(0.01), F150W=26.08(0.02), F200W=26.30(0.02), F277W=26.87(0.04), F335M=27.42(0.06), F356W=27.50(0.06), F410M=27.66(0.06), and F444W=27.70(0.08)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -18.34 at 444 nm and -18.23 at 579 nm.
AT 2022aeiu (jades-gs-2022c) lies in galaxy UDF 6558 (z_phot = 1.56), as reported in SIMBAD. It was discovered at position (03:32:46.067, -27:47:04.43) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=27.49(0.05), F115W=26.56(0.02), F150W=26.39(0.02), F200W=26.28(0.03), F277W=26.54(0.04), F335M=26.77(0.05), F356W=26.81(0.04), F410M=26.95(0.07), and F444W=26.92(0.07)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -17.71 at 449 nm and -17.88 at 585 nm.
AT 2022aeiv (jades-gs-2022d) lies in galaxy EIS J033242.29-274746.3 (z_spec = 0.998), as reported in NED. It was discovered at position (03:32:42.302, -27:47:45.87) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=25.97(0.05), F115W=25.72(0.10), F150W=25.61(0.12), F200W=25.48(0.16), F277W=26.07(0.34), F335M=26.10(0.41), F356W=26.26(0.45), F410M=26.36(0.48), and F444W=26.58(0.57)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -17.38 at 450 nm and -17.62 at 575 nm.
AT 2022aeiw (jades-gs-2022e) lies in galaxy GALEXMSC J033237.52-274838.8 (z_spec = 0.665), as reported in NED. It was discovered at position (03:32:37.537, -27:48:39.39) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=27.41(0.49), F115W=26.68(0.37), F150W=26.48(0.42), F200W=26.40(0.64), F277W=26.83(1.13), F335M=27.32(1.64), F356W=27.22(1.37), F410M=27.48(1.35), and F444W=27.59(1.56)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -15.05 at 540 nm and -15.77 at 690 nm.
AT 2022aeix (jades-gs-2022f) does not appear to have a host galaxy. It was discovered at position (03:32:27.153, -27:51:25.77) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=26.07(0.01), F115W=26.08(0.01), F150W=26.17(0.01), F200W=26.26(0.02), F277W=26.82(0.02), F356W=27.17(0.02), F410M=27.28(0.04), and F444W=27.53(0.04)
AT 2022aeiy (jades-gs-2022g) lies in galaxy ACS-GC 90042815 (z_spec = 0.964), as reported in NED. It was discovered at position (03:32:12.826, -27:50:12.87) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=28.14(0.69), F115W=26.99(0.27), F150W=26.64(0.23), F200W=26.07(0.21), F277W=26.76(0.44), F356W=26.80(0.48), F410M=27.71(1.09), and F444W=27.75(1.21)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -15.13 at 458 nm and -16.28 at 585 nm.
AT 2022aeiz (jades-gs-2022h) lies in galaxy EIS J033224.42-275154.2 (z_spec = 0.672), as reported in NED. It was discovered at position (03:32:24.465, -27:51:54.24) (J2000) and has the following preliminary apparent magnitudes:
F090W=27.15(0.27), F115W=26.66(0.22), F150W=26.34(0.21), F200W=26.03(0.23), F277W=25.98(0.25), F356W=26.24(0.23), F410M=26.37(0.20), and F444W=26.40(0.21)
The corresponding absolute magnitudes are -15.33 at 538 nm and -15.82 at 687 nm.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2022aeis [jades-gs-2022a] | 03:32:40.187 | -27:47:42.82 | CANDELS J033240.19-274742.6 | 1.764 | 03:32:40.187 | -27:47:42.82 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeit [jades-gs-2022b] | 03:32:43.886 | -27:46:34.07 | 3D-HST+CANDELS GOODS-S ID-29458 | 1.59 | 03:32:43.886 | -27:46:34.07 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeiu [jades-gs-2022c] | 03:32:46.067 | -27:47:04.43 | UDF 6558 | 1.56 | 03:32:46.067 | -27:47:04.43 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeiv [jades-gs-2022d] | 03:32:42.302 | -27:47:45.87 | EIS J033242.29-274746.3 | 0.998 | 03:32:42.302 | -27:47:45.87 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeiw [jades-gs-2022e] | 03:32:37.537 | -27:48:39.39 | GALEXMSC J033237.52-274838.8 | 0.665 | 03:32:37.537 | -27:48:39.39 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeix [jades-gs-2022f] | 03:32:27.153 | -27:51:25.77 | 03:32:27.153 | -27:51:25.77 | |||||||
TNS | 2022aeiy [jades-gs-2022g] | 03:32:12.826 | -27:50:12.87 | ACS-GC 90042815 | 0.964 | 03:32:12.826 | -27:50:12.87 | |||||
TNS | 2022aeiz [jades-gs-2022h] | 03:32:24.465 | -27:51:54.24 | EIS J033224.42-275154.2 | 0.672 | 03:32:24.465 | -27:51:54.24 |