The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; Bellm et al. 2019; Graham et al. 2019) Superluminous Supernova Science Program (Lunnan et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2022a,b) reports 11 candidate SLSNe, following the methodology outlined by Perley et al. (in prep.) We selected transients that have a long rise time (>20 days) and a faint or high-z host galaxy.
We summarise properties of the candidates in the Related Objects Table. These include coordinates, current magnitudes, approximate rise times, photometric redshifts of potential host galaxies (taken from the SDSS DR16 or the Legacy Survey DR9) and special remarks.
We will distribute alerts on such SLSN candidates via AstroNotes periodically; spectroscopic classifications and additional follow-up observations of these transients are encouraged.
This report is based on observations obtained with the Samuel Oschin Telescope 48-inch and the 60-inch Telescope at the Palomar Observatory as part of the Zwicky Transient Facility project. ZTF is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-2034437 and a collaboration including Caltech, IPAC, the Weizmann Institute for Science, the Oskar Klein Center at Stockholm University, the University of Maryland, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron and Humboldt University, the TANGO Consortium of Taiwan, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Trinity College Dublin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and IN2P3, France. Operations are conducted by COO, IPAC, and UW.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2023fzh [ZTF23aagjjbn] | 15:38:35.540 | +25:13:29.38 | SDSS J153836.39+251329.7 | r~19.4. Light curve shows a 25 day rise to r~g~19.0 mag, then a slow decay, remaining blue after peak. Counterpart has r = 23.7 in LS and 22.33 in SDSS. First reported to TNS by Pan-STARRS as PS23bwh. | 15:38:35.588 | +25:13:29.34 | |||||
TNS | 2023hxm [ZTF23aahgpbd] | 15:17:27.751 | +10:39:09.70 | SDSS J151727.73+103909.8 | r~19.4. Light curve shows a rise of 20 days, then plateau, and possibly now a second rise as of one week ago. Counterpart in SDSS/LS with r=22.9. | 15:17:27.751 | +10:39:09.70 | |||||
TNS | 2023gpp [ZTF23aahjdxa] | 16:44:02.551 | +16:16:18.69 | SDSS J164402.56+161617.6 | r~19.8, g~20.2. Offset from a red, extended source with photo-z from SDSS/LS/PS1 of z~0.25, indicating M~-20.5 (accounting for Galactic extinction). Rise of 40 days (possibly on plateau for the past 20). | 16:44:02.546 | +16:16:18.62 | |||||
TNS | 2023gqz [ZTF23aafsqod] | 12:05:19.232 | +00:34:25.01 | r~g~19.7. Light curve shows a rise over the first ~20 days and little fading over the following 30 days, with a persistent blue colour. A red, extended source is located 1.6 arcsec from the transient position in PS1 reference imaging. | 12:05:19.232 | +00:34:25.01 | ||||||
TNS | 2023gbo [ZTF23aafrlmy] | 23:41:42.345 | +34:13:46.06 | SDSS J234142.31+341345.9 | i~19.1. Post-peak, emerging from morning twilight, was r ~ 18.5 when observations began and now fading slowly. In a very faint host (r~22.4 mag) with SDSS photo-z = 0.667 ± 0.187 | 23:41:42.345 | +34:13:46.06 | |||||
TNS | 2023eqz [ZTF23aaekmhr] | 22:29:46.648 | +25:28:25.02 | i~19. Emerging from morning twilight, probably currently at or near peak. No bright host counterpart, but there is a r~24 mag source ~1 arcsecond away and a r~22 mag source 4 arcseconds away in LS. | 22:29:46.642 | +25:28:25.00 | ||||||
TNS | 2023dgd [ZTF23aadjnac] | 14:19:47.391 | +57:56:18.76 | SDSS J141947.38+575618.0 | r~19.6, g~20.2. The light curve is very flat and slow, with less than 0.5 mag of variation in any band over the past 80 days. Coincident with a faint (r~22.7 mag) and extended source with SDSS photo-z = 0.432 ± 0.100 | 14:19:47.391 | +57:56:18.76 | |||||
TNS | 2023emk [ZTF23aadujra] | 13:49:36.611 | -00:57:44.17 | SDSS J134936.49-005744.3 | r~19.7. Very slow evolution (a few tenths of a mag of fading over the past 60 days). Offset by 1.5 arcsec from a high photo-z host (0.41 ± 0.14 in SDSS). | 13:49:36.611 | -00:57:44.17 | |||||
TNS | 2023gvn [ZTF23aadgqbi] | 08:46:57.688 | +30:49:22.22 | SDSS J084657.69+304922.1 | r~18.7. So far rising for almost 60 days with little colour evolution. Coincident with a pointlike SDSS/PS1/LS source with r=21.81 and an LS photo z = 0.313 +/- 0.160, but the amplitude of the ongoing rise is much larger than expected for normal QSO variability. | 08:46:57.688 | +30:49:22.22 | |||||
TNS | 2023ekh [ZTF23aadqcvq] | 16:07:00.306 | +05:05:45.01 | SDSS J160700.26+050542.2 | r~19.8. Slow-evolving, post-peak transient with a red colour (g-r ~ 0.5) and only slight fading over the past 80 days. On the outskirts of an red r = 18.88 galaxy with LS photo z = 0.192 +/- 0.023 and SDSS photo z = 0.189 ± 0.029, implying M < -20 for the transient. | 16:07:00.306 | +05:05:45.01 | |||||
TNS | 2023isu [ZTF23aajdusw] | 11:54:35.317 | +58:36:48.32 | SDSS J115435.57+583647.1 | g~r~19.6. Lightcurve shows a rise over the first 20 days, followed by a possible plateau over the following 20 days. Offset by 2.3 arcsec from a red r = 18.71 galaxy with LS photo z = 0.212 +/- 0.094 and SDSS photo z = 0.192 ± 0.0286, implying M < -20 for the transient. | 11:54:35.317 | +58:36:48.32 |