2023-01-27 19:28:17
Type: Object/s-Data/Analysis
A Red Transient Detected in JWST NIRCam imaging of ULIRG Arp 220
Authors: Mike Engesser (STScI), Justin Pierel (STScI), Sebastian Gomez (STScI), Armin Rest (STScI), Ori Fox (STScI), Lou Strolger (STScI), Suvi Gezari (STScI), Rodrigo Angulo (JHU), Kyle Dalrymple (JHU), Annie Gao (JHU), , Muryel Guolo (JHU), Bryan Hilbert (STScI), Jacob Jencson (STScI), Bhavin Joshi (JHU), Melissa Shahbandeh (JHU), Matt Siebert (STScI), Tea Temim (Princeton), Qinan Wang (JHU), Bob Williams (STScI), Yossef Zenati (JHU)
We report a detection of an infrared transient in JWST NIRCam observations of Arp 220 (PID 2739). The source is detected in 6 filters and exhibits a red SED. These data were taken July 2022, so opportunity for follow-up observations may be limited.

We report a JOUST discovery of a new infrared transient candidate (AT 2023axi) in JWST observations of Arp 220. The target was detected in ERO program 2739 (PI:Klaus Pontoppidan) on MJD 59958.54 in 6 JWST NIRCam filters. The transient nature of the source is confirmed via image subtraction with an HST template image from MJD 58730, 1035 days prior. Preliminary AB magnitudes of the target are measured via simple aperture photometry using current JWST photometric calibration estimates:


Instrument: NIRCam


F090W 22.77 0.02

F150W 22.22 0.06

F200W 22.16 0.05

F277W 21.97 0.04

F356W 21.84 0.04

F444W 21.41 0.03


Host Galaxy: Arp 220 (IC 4553)

Host Redshift: 0.0184


Given the above, we suggest that the target is possibly a red nova, or an old, dust-obscured core-collapse supernova. Given the time since these data were taken, opportunity for follow-up is limited. 


The Transient Science@Space Telescope (TSST) collaboration studies stellar transients of varying types, including supernovae, kilonovae, super-luminous supernovae, TDE’s, and more. TSST develops and operates the transient monitor, JOUST, for the purpose of locating detections of known and new transients serendipitously in JWST data. 


Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023axi [joust2023y] 15:34:57.494 +23:30:14.30 Arp 220 0.0184 15:34:57.494 +23:30:14.30
