2023-09-17 18:55:22
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
Authors: R. Byrne, B. Fitzpatrick, M. Fraser (Univ. College Dublin), C. Gutiérrez (IEEC/ICE-CSIC), T. Moore (QUB), S. Srivastavm (QUB), M. Fulton (QUB), J. Anderson (ESO), T.-W. Chen (NCU), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), C. Inserra (Cardiff), E. Kankare (Turku), T. Müller Bravo (ICE), M. Nicholl (QUB), O. Yaron (Weizmann), D. Young (QUB), J. Tonry, L. Denneau, H. Weiland, A. Lawrence, R. Siverd (IfA, University of Hawaii), N. Erasmus, W. Koorts (South African Astronomical Observatory), A. Jordan, V. Suc (UAI, Obstech), S. J. Smartt (Oxford/QUB), K. W. Smith, S. Srivastav, M. McCollum, J. Weston (QUB), L. Shingles (GSI/QUB), L. Rhodes (Oxford), J. Sommer (LMU/QUB), A. Rest (STScI), C. Stubbs (Harvard), K. C. Chambers, M. Huber, A. Schultz, T. de Boer, J. Bulger, J. Fairlamb, C.-C. Lin, T. Lowe, E. Magnier, P. Minguez, R. J. Wainscoat, H. Gao (IfA, Hawaii)
Source Group: ePESSTO+
This report includes classifications of 12 Type Ia's, 4 Type II's and a Type IIb. A transient was seen at the position of SN2023suz in 2019 (AT2019sqq), however this is probably unrelated to the Type Ia SN which we classify here.

ePESSTO+, the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (Smartt et al. 2015 2015A&A...579A..40S), reports the following supernova classifications. As ePESSTO+ does not observe over the summer, this is the first ePESSTO+ astronote since June.

Targets were supplied by the Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients (Chambers et al. 2016 2016arXiv161205560C), the ATLAS survey (Smith et al. 2020 2020arXiv200309052S), and the Zwicky Transient Facility ZTF (Bellm et al. 2019 2019PASP..131a8002B) - data stream processed through the Lasair broker (Smith, Williams, Young et al. 2019 2019RNAAS...3a..26S) and by the ALeRCE broker (Forster et al. 2020 https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.03303).

Observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) at La Silla on the night of 2023 Sept 16, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B), and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008 2008A&A...488..383H). Where redshifts are reported to two decimal places they have been determined from the SN spectrum; where they are reported to three decimal places they are determined from narrow lines in the host galaxy.

The classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.

The classified objects are listed in the Related Objects table below.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Source Phase (days) Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023sia [PS23iam] 03:06:42.700 -11:09:53.96 SN II 0.032 5 03:06:42.690 -11:09:54.04 SN II 0.032
TNS 2023rhj [ZTF23abavosd] 01:00:49.384 +16:53:17.71 SN II 0.04 SDSS J010049.51+165326.5 13 01:00:49.384 +16:53:17.71 SN II 0.04
TNS 2023rwk [ZTF23abccwvo] 01:32:03.828 -23:52:24.46 SN II 0.08 13 01:32:03.828 -23:52:24.46 SN II 0.08
TNS 2023rty [PS23hrz] 00:50:50.957 -24:44:31.74 SN II 0.043 10 00:50:50.957 -24:44:31.74 SN II 0.043
TNS 2023shg [ATLAS23ski] 02:49:04.407 -31:10:13.48 SN IIb 0.018 10 02:49:04.429 -31:10:13.35 SN IIb 0.018
TNS 2023sjl [PS23icn] 00:43:01.746 -19:55:57.04 SN Ia 0.1 0 00:43:01.746 -19:55:57.04 SN Ia 0.1
TNS 2023rqu [ZTF23abbkvxe] 04:22:48.165 -07:32:04.75 SN Ia 0.08 SDSS J042248.40-073206.6 2 04:22:48.170 -07:32:04.96 SN Ia 0.08
TNS 2023rff [ATLAS23rxv] 04:12:24.481 -64:00:40.81 SN Ia 0.02 0 04:12:24.490 -64:00:40.86 SN Ia 0.02
TNS 2023sho [ATLAS23skx] 05:03:10.639 -23:14:56.81 SN Ia 0.04 2 05:03:10.633 -23:14:56.90 SN Ia 0.04
TNS 2023slz [ATLAS23snh] 23:55:53.793 -34:33:14.67 SN Ia-91T-like 0.06 4 23:55:53.793 -34:33:14.67 SN Ia-91T-like 0.06
TNS 2023snl [ATLAS23spo] 23:32:26.744 -69:13:43.60 SN Ia 0.07 0 23:32:26.744 -69:13:43.60 SN Ia 0.07
TNS 2023siv [ATLAS23sln] 23:39:22.207 +28:07:35.21 SN Ia 0.05 0 23:39:22.207 +28:07:35.21 SN Ia 0.05
TNS 2023rug [ZTF23abbbhak] 21:20:54.229 -13:47:23.14 SN Ia 0.081326 0 Previously classifed by Fremling et al. as a Type Ia SN from a SEDM spectrum 21:20:54.229 -13:47:23.14 SN Ia 0.081326
TNS 2023ryf [PS23huk] 22:35:43.752 -08:13:46.29 SN Ia 0.05 0 22:35:43.752 -08:13:46.29 SN Ia 0.05
TNS 2023suz 22:39:11.035 -05:00:10.62 SN Ia 0.1 0 Apparently coincident with previous transient AT2019sqq. 22:39:11.035 -05:00:10.62 SN Ia 0.1
TNS 2023rnp [ATLAS23sbg] 00:00:39.430 -15:58:59.94 SN Ia 0.1 4 00:00:39.422 -15:58:59.85 SN Ia 0.1
TNS 2023slw [ATLAS23snb] 19:32:18.854 -53:35:15.37 SN Ia 0.05 3 19:32:18.854 -53:35:15.37 SN Ia 0.05
