2023-10-25 13:40:38
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Classification of AT2023ufx as a likely SN II at z~0.01
Authors: M. Pursiainen (Warwick), S. Srivastav, S. J. Smartt (Oxford/QUB), C.R. Angus, M. Fulton, M. Nicholl, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, T. Moore, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsden (QUB/Birmingham), J. Gillanders, H. Stevance, S. Ramaiya (Oxford), M. Huber (IfA, Hawaii)
We report the classification of the transient AT2023ufx as a likely type II supernova at z~0.01

We report the classification of the optical transient ATLAS23tsa/ZTF23abjjqxf/AT2023ufx as a likely type II supernova at z~0.01. 

We obtained a low-resolution spectrum of AT2023ufx on 2023-10-19 using the Alhambra Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (ALFOSC) on the Nordic Optical Telescope at the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, Spain. The observation was performed using the Gr4 grism (3800-8000A) and a 1” slit. 

The spectrum shows broad H in absorption and emission, and weaker He I absorption. Template comparisons using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ…666.1024B) and superfit (Howell et al. 2005 2005ApJ…634.1190H) find matches to type II supernovae at z~0.01. 

We note that we are unable to firmly constrain the redshift and sub-type of 2023ufx at this epoch; we find plausible matches to type IIL, IIP, IIb and 1987A-like subtypes within the range 0.01<z<0.032 (see attached). We thus encourage further follow-up observations of this event. 


Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023ufx 08:24:51.568 +21:17:43.15 SN II 0.01 Broad H absorption and emission features, and some weaker He I absorption 08:24:51.568 +21:17:43.15 SN II 0.01
