2023-10-25 18:02:41
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
X-shooter spectroscopy of SN2023vuc/GOTO23baj reveals a young supernova with flash ionisation features
Authors: A. Saccardi (GEPI/Paris Obs.), G. Leloudas (DTU Space), A. J. Levan (Radboud Univ. and Warwick Univ.), L. Izzo (INAF Napoli and DARK/NBI), A. de Ugarte Postigo (OCA), B. P. Gompertz (Birmingham), P. Jonker (Radboud Univ.), J. Palmerio (GEPI/Paris Obs.), E. Pian (INAF/OAS), G. Pugliese (Amsterdam), K. Wiersema (Univ. Herfordshire), R. A. M. J. Wijers (Amsterdam), on behalf of a larger collaboration:
Source Group: STARGATE
We report spectroscopic observations of the transient GOTO23baj/SN2023vuc that show it to be a young supernova with flash ionization features. The transient was found in the error box of the short GRB 231024A.

Following the discovery of GOTO23baj/SN2023vuc (Gompertz et al. 2023, GCN 34878; Iglesias-López et al., GCN 34881) within the error box of GRB 231024A (Fermi GBM Team, GCN 34876), we obtained a spectrum of the optical counterpart candidate with X-shooter. Observations started at 07:58 UT on 2023 Oct 25.

The spectrum is dominated by emission lines, that can be interpreted as strong He II 4686 (with a blue shoulder possibly associated with NIII / CIII) together with H-alpha and H-beta on top of a blue continuum, at a common redshift z = 0.056. The spectrum is consistent with those of very young supernovae that demonstrate flash-ionisation features a few hours to days after shock breakout (e.g. Gal-Yam et al. 2014, Nature, 509, 471). This is consistent with the non detection of the transient by ATLAS just 8 hours prior to the GOTO discovery. A comparison with SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) shows that the best matching template is that of SN 1998S at 12 days before maximum. Based on photometry reported by Iglesias-López et al. (GCN 34881), the transient absolute magnitude is around M_r = -18.8 (AB).

Considering the large GRB uncertainty region (12.6 deg radius) and its short duration, GOTO23baj/SN2023vuc is likely unrelated to GRB 231024A. However, this is a very young supernova and further observations are encouraged.

We acknowledge expert support from the ESO observing staff in Paranal, in particular Jonathan Smoker, Matias Jones and Felipe Gaete.


Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023vuc [GOTO23baj] 00:55:07.304 -15:15:19.43 SN II 0.056 00:55:07.306 -15:15:19.75 SN II 0.056
