2023-10-25 18:04:38
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
NOT spectroscopic observations of optical transients
Authors: A. Bobrikova, A. Bocharova, E. Georgiou, J. Hiltunen, S. Kanto, P. Charalampopoulos, C. Humina, T. Kangas, K. Matilainen, J. Thiim Gadeberg, E. Kankare, S. Mattila
We report the classification of one optical transient (a type IIn SN) and the observation of two more featureless blue continua.

We report the classification of one optical transient and the observations of two more, observed on 2023 October 24. Observations were performed on the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) at El Roque de Los Muchachos (Spain) using the ALFOSC instrument as part of the 2023 NOT observing school.

AT 2023vrq, shows a blue featureless conitnuum with a potential identification of a broad line at ~5050A. The ZTF light-curve shows that a rise of ~1.5 mags in ~3 days. The transient is 10 degress from the Galactic plane so we note the posibility of being a CV.

AT 2023vco is a ~ 1 week post-peak transient, noted as "Nuclear transient" from the Sherlock classification software (coincident with the host nucleus). The spectrum is blue and shows some potential broad features, one at ~ 7489A (but blended with the telluric) and one at ~ 6100A. No narrow host line can be identified. 

Further observations of the above 2 transients are encouraged.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023vbx 02:22:46.029 +26:27:35.71 SN IIn 0.033 SDSS J022245.94+262734.0 Redshift derived from SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B) fit. The light-curve is rising. At the last ZTF g-band detection (m=18.4, MJD=60241.4), the above redshift would imply an absolute magnitude of M~ -17.4. 02:22:46.032 +26:27:35.58 SN IIn 0.033
TNS 2023vco 02:23:18.740 -21:03:16.99 Other The light-curve is declining (~1 week post-peak). The last ZTF g-band detection is at m=18.9 (MJD=60242.4). 02:23:18.740 -21:03:16.99 SLSN-I 0.167
TNS 2023vrq 20:24:09.598 +16:21:24.07 Other The light-curve is rising. The last ZTF g-band detection is at m=18.5 (MJD=60242.1). 20:24:09.575 +16:21:24.14
