2023-11-06 11:54:28
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Gemini spectroscopy of AT2023ufx and redshift confirmation
Authors: Ashley Chrimes (ESA-ESTEC), Peter Jonker (Radboud), Andrew Levan (Radboud), Daniele Bjorn Malesani (Copenhagen)
We report Gemini GMOS-N spectroscopy of AT2023ufx and its host, finding a host redshift of 0.0146+/-0.0007.

We obtained Gemini GMOS-N spectroscopy of AT2023ufx on 16-Oct and 19-Oct, using the R400 grating and 1" slit. The position angle also covered the nearby (~3.7" away, m(r)~21, Pchance~2%) host galaxy. A strong host emission line, presumed to be Halpha, places the galaxy and transient at z=0.0146+/-0.0007. This is consistent with the redshift for a type IIP supernova based on SNID comparisons (see astronote 2023-278). Spectra for the transient (both epochs) and the host are made available. We thank the Gemini staff for their help in obtaining these observations. 

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023ufx 08:24:51.568 +21:17:43.15 SN II 0.0146 08:24:51.568 +21:17:43.15 SN II 0.01
