Tonry et al. (TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 195382) and Smith et al. (AstroNote 2023-331) have reported the ATLAS detection of the transient AT 2023zcu (ATLAS23wvm), a likely supernova in the galaxy NGC 2139 (27 Mpc, redshift independent from NED), on 2023-12-08 04:16:52 UT at orange-ATLAS = 19.054 +/- 0.082.
Here, we report the ZTF detection of AT 2023zcu (ZTF23absdcgi) on 2023-12-09 07:32:32 UT at r = 16.042 ± 0.024. The rapid evolution of about 3 magnitudes in 1.1 days suggests that AT 2023zcu is a young SN II.
Spectroscopic and photometric follow up is encouraged.
The ZTF light curve available at the LSST-ZTF brokers, e.g. Lasair
Location of AT 2023zcu on the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey
Based on the ZTF public alerts processed by the Lasair broker.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2023zcu | 06:01:06.840 | -23:40:29.24 | 06:01:06.829 | -23:40:29.25 | SN II | 0.006 |