2023-12-13 21:38:24
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Spectroscopic classification of the rapidly-evolving transient AT2023zaw as a SN Ib
Authors: J. H. Gillanders (Oxford), M. Huber, K. Chambers (IfA), S. J. Smartt, S. Srivastav (Oxford), T. W. Chen (NCU), M. Fulton, T. Moore, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl (QUB).
Keywords: Supernova
We report Gemini GMOS-N observations of the transient AT2023zaw, discovered by Karambelkar et al., (AstroNote 2023-335) and Sollerman et al., (TNS TR No. 195300), and reported as a fast-fading transient; see also Lee et al., (AstroNote 2023-338), Fulton et al., (AstroNote 2023-339) and Karambelkar et al., (AstroNote 2023-340). Our observations began at 2023-12-13 08:00:00 UT and lasted ~2400 seconds. Our reduced spectrum contains broad P-Cygni features, due to He I and Ca II. We conclude that AT2023zaw can be classified as a type Ib supernova.

We observed the transient AT2023zaw, discovered by Karambelkar et al., (AstroNote 2023-335) and Sollerman et al., (TNS TR No. 195300); see also Lee et al., (AstroNote 2023-338), Fulton et al., (AstroNote 2023-339) and Karambelkar et al., (AstroNote 2023-340), using the GMOS-N spectrograph at the Gemini-North observatory under the observing program ID GN-2023B-Q-125 (PI: M. Huber).


Our epoch of observation commenced approximately ~7 days post-explosion (estimated from the most recent ATLAS+ZTF non-detections). We obtained 4x600s exposures with the R400 grating, sampling a wavelength range of ~4200-9200 angstroms.


The reduced spectrum contains a number of broad P-Cygni features, from the He I 5678, 6678 and 7065 angstrom lines. We also note the presence of a strong P-Cygni feature due to the Ca II NIR triplet. We find reasonable matches to type Ib supernovae with SNID, a few days after peak. 


The evolution of the lightcurve from ATLAS, ZTF and Kinder (AstroNotes 2023-335, 2023-338 and 2023-339) roughly resembles that of the fast transient AT2018kzr (McBrien et al., 2019, Gillanders et al., 2020), while the Gemini spectrum more closely resembles the ultra-stripped supernova SN2019wxt (Agudo et al., 2023). 


Given all of the above, we classify AT2023zaw as a type Ib supernova, with an unusually fast-evolving lightcurve.


We thank the staff of the Gemini-North observatory for executing these observations.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2023zaw 04:29:20.237 +70:25:37.51 SN Ib UGC 03048 0.01015 04:29:20.235 +70:25:37.52 SN Ib
