ePESSTO+, the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (Smartt et al. 2015 2015A&A...579A..40S), reports the following supernova classifications.
Targets were supplied by the ATLAS survey (Smith et al. 2020 2020arXiv200309052S), the Zwicky Transient Facility ZTF (Bellm et al. 2019 2019PASP..131a8002B) - data stream processed through the Lasair broker (Smith, Williams, Young et al. 2019 2019RNAAS...3a..26S) and by the ALeRCE broker (Forster et al. 2020 https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.03303).
Observations were performed on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) at La Silla on the night of 2023 April 15, using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3985-9315A, 18A resolution). Classifications were done using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B), GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008 2008A&A...488..383H).
The classification spectra and additional details can be obtained from http://www.pessto.org (via WISeREP) and the IAU Transient Name Server.
The classified objects are listed in the Related Objects table below.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Source | Phase (days) | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2023eqr [ZTF23aaeemik] | 15:04:37.184 | +10:23:53.26 | SN II | 0.0336 | 0.033582 | ZTF | +11 to +20 | Redshift from the host galaxy | 15:04:37.178 | +10:23:53.11 | SN II | 0.0336 | |
TNS | 2023eqx [ZTF23aaekebt] | 18:03:25.773 | +21:09:13.58 | SN II | 0.02 | ZTF | A few days after max | Redshift from spectral match. | 18:03:25.778 | +21:09:13.42 | SN II | 0.02 | ||
TNS | 2023fdj [ATLAS23hlg] | 13:56:28.805 | -36:33:52.36 | SN II | 0.0128 | 0.012779 | ATLAS | Around max | We confirm the classification of the AstroNote 2023-79. | 13:56:28.805 | -36:33:52.36 | SN II | 0.0128 | |
TNS | 2023fep [ZTF23aaeyqoa] | 13:48:24.417 | -21:31:50.71 | SN Ia | 0.066 | ZTF | Around max | We confirm the classification by SCAT, Report No. 14674, and set the redshift to 0.066 based on narrow host lines. | 13:48:24.409 | -21:31:50.64 | SN Ia | 0.066 | ||
TNS | 2023ffg [ZTF23aaeffiu] | 16:21:53.143 | -25:42:38.88 | SN IIb | 0.037 | ZTF | Redshift from the narrow emission lines. Best match to 1993J around max. | 16:21:53.143 | -25:42:38.88 | SN IIb | 0.037 | |||
TNS | 2023ffl [ZTF23aaepnxn] | 13:15:13.182 | -14:18:14.82 | CV | 0 | ZTF | 13:15:13.182 | -14:18:14.82 | CV | |||||
TNS | 2023fjy [ZTF23aaeqsve] | 15:15:58.368 | +15:40:36.38 | SN Ia | 0.104 | 0.104135 | ZTF | Before peak | Redshift from the host galaxy. | 15:15:58.368 | +15:40:36.38 | SN Ia | 0.104 |