SN2023gfo was discovered by the ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2011PASP..123...58T) on 2023-04-21.294 / MJD 60055.294 with the last nondetection on UTC 2023-04-16.00 / MJD 60050.00 (Moore et al. 2023TNSAN..92....1M). Spectroscopic observation was conducted with the Kast Double Spectrograph on the Shane 3m telescope at Lick Observatory. The spectrum obtained on UTC 2023-04-21.294 / MJD 60055.294.
Using the GELATO code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008A&A...488..383H; with a fixed redshift z=0.00594 of the host galaxy and after applying for an E(B-V)=0.7 extinction correction to the spectrum of SN2023gfo, we found a good match with the spectrum of the Type IIP SN1999gi at 3.8 days after the explosion. The high reddening suggested by the matching process may be compatible with the fact that SN2023gfo is located in a dense region of the spiral arm in its host galaxy.
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2023gfo [ATLAS23ioa] | 13:09:39.678 | -07:50:11.74 | SN II | 0.00594 | NGC4995 | 0.00594 | 13:09:39.670 | -07:50:11.80 | SN II | 0.006 |