2024-04-13 00:53:42
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
Bibcode: 2024TNSAN.110....1H
Spectroscopic classification of young optical transients with LDSS-3
This report includes classifications of two normal Type Ia's, one Type Ia-pec, and one Type II. SN 2024gei is an infant Type II, showing strong narrow Balmer emission lines, and SN 2024gep is a peculiar SN Ia showing shallow broad absorption lines.
We report the following supernova classifications.
Targets were supplied by the ATLAS survey (Smith et al. 2020 2020PASP..132h5002S), the Zwicky Transient Facility ZTF (Bellm et al. 2019 2019PASP..131a8002B) - data stream processed through the ALeRCE broker (Forster et al. 2020 2021AJ....161..242F) and by the ESA Gaia Photometric Science Alerts Team DPAC.
Observations were performed on the Clay Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory on the night of 2024 April 10, using LDSS-3 spectrograph providing a wavelength coverage of 3800-10,000 A. Classifications were performed using SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007 2007ApJ...666.1024B) and GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008 2008A&A...488..383H).
Catalog | Name | Reported RA | Reported DEC | Reported Obj-Type | Reported Redshift | Host Name | Host Redshift | Remarks | TNS RA | TNS DEC | TNS Obj-Type | TNS Redshift |
TNS | 2024fzh [ATLAS24fkw] | 23:44:39.266 | -72:41:51.85 | SN Ia | 0.071 | Redshifted calculated from host galaxy narrow emission lines. | 23:44:39.266 | -72:41:51.85 | ||||
TNS | 2024gct [Gaia24bds] | 21:57:50.280 | -15:19:42.35 | SN Ia | 0.033 | Redshifted calculated from host galaxy narrow emission lines. | 21:57:50.280 | -15:19:42.35 | ||||
TNS | 2024gei [ZTF24aaiutyh] | 12:41:02.815 | +25:16:06.33 | SN II | 0.059 | SDSS J124102.77+251606.5 | Spectrum dominated by strong narrow Balmer emission lines, could be a young type II showing flash ionization lines or a Type IIn. Current abs mag -17.5 mag. | 12:41:02.815 | +25:16:06.33 | |||
TNS | 2024gep [ATLAS24foi] | 14:28:35.521 | -37:35:39.39 | SN Ia-pec | 0.012 | Peculiar SN Ia, showing shallow absorption lines, similar to SN 2002es. We detect C II at an expansion velocity of ~8200 km/s and Si II at ~7800 km/s. | 14:28:35.521 | -37:35:39.39 | SN Ia-pec | 0.012 |