2024-02-08 22:25:42
Type: Object/s-Discovery/Classification
AT2024biz confirmed as SN, possilby type II around maximum.
Authors: M.Dennefeld (IAP/Paris and Sorbonne University), J.P. Troncin (OHP), C. Adami (LAM)
Keywords: Supernova
AT2024biz is indeed a SN, possibly type II around max, needs re-confirmation

We observed AT2024biz on Feb. 7, 23h00 UT, with Mistral on the T193 at Haute-Provence Observatory, through a temporary opening in  thick clouds. The SN is clearly visible, and brighter than 18th mag. With a redshift of 0.02449 for the Wise host galaxy (from NED), this gives an absolute magnitude around -17 or brighter. A poor quality, low S/N spectrum with Mistral (spectral resolution 700, range 400-800nm), shows a featureless continuum, hence possibly indicating a type II SN around maximum. A better quality spectrum is required to consolidate the classification.

Show current TNS values
Catalog Name Reported RA Reported DEC Reported Obj-Type Reported Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Remarks TNS RA TNS DEC TNS Obj-Type TNS Redshift
TNS 2024biz [GOTO24lw] 05:14:32.800 -04:40:33.40 SN WiseJ051433.19-044023.6 0.02449 05:14:32.860 -04:40:33.24 SN IIP 0.025
