Showing results 1 to 4 out of 4
Classification of SN2021fpl as a SLSN-I
Source Group: TCD
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2021fpl [ATLAS21iao]
RA, DEC:20:14:18.620, -18:10:56.57
(303.577583, -18.182381)
We report the classification of SN2021fpl as a SLSN-I
SN 2021dqs is a long-rising SN II with light curve variability
Source Group: TCD
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2021dqs [ZTF21aalxurx]
RA, DEC:13:44:05.738, +43:04:18.05
(206.023910, 43.071680)
Type:SN II
We classify SN 2021dqs as a Type II SN. It's ZTF light curve indicates a rise time of >35 days with a rebrightening.
TCD identification of a possible superluminous supernova
Source Group: TCD
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2021flc [ASASSN-21dd]
RA, DEC:10:55:25.471, +54:46:53.58
(163.856130, 54.781550)
Type:SN I
We identify SN 2021flc as a SLSN-I candidate.
TCD spectroscopic classification of the long-lived and luminous transient SN 2019hge
Source Group: TCD
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:22:24:21.210, +24:47:17.12
(336.088375, 24.788089)
We classify SN 2019hge as a supernova, most likely of type IIb. With a double-peaked light curve, rise time of over 53 days, and peak magnitude of -19.5 mag, this object is highly unusual.
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