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Showing results 251 to 300 out of 1486


Released: 2024-02-04 11:40:40
ATLAS24bry (AT2024bks): discovery of a candidate SN in ESO 508- G 008 (87 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer, C. Angus (QUB)...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024bks [ATLAS24bry]
RA, DEC:13:07:21.620, -27:22:31.26
(196.840083, -27.375350)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bry (AT2024bks) in galaxy ESO 508- G 008 at magnitude m_o = 18.32 +/- 0.17. At a distance of 87 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD ...
Released: 2024-02-04 11:02:20
ATLAS24bta (AT2024blf): discovery of a candidate supernova in CGCG 063-029 (97 Mpc)
C.R. Angus, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QU...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024blf [ATLAS24bta]
RA, DEC:09:39:53.925, +11:02:11.30
(144.974687, 11.036473)
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS2024bta (AT2024blf) in galaxy CGCG 063-029 at magnitude o = 18.84 +/- 0.12. At a distance of 97 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 6...
Released: 2024-02-03 21:44:04
Classification of AT2020afhd / ZTF20abwtifz as a tidal disruption event and report of Swift XRT detection at z = 0.024
E. Hammerstein (UMD), R. Chornock (Berkeley), S. Gezari (STScI), Y. Yao (Berkeley) on behalf of the ZTF TDE Science W...
Source Group: ZTF
Related Objects:
2020afhd [ZTF20abwtifz]
RA, DEC:03:13:35.700, -02:09:06.37
(48.398750, -2.151769)
We report the classification of the optical transient ZTF20abwtifz/AT2020afhd (RA = 03:13:35.67, Dec = -02:09:06.21, z = 0.024) as a tidal disruption event (TDE) due to its persistent blue optical ...
Released: 2024-02-02 14:45:30
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of AT 2024beb
R. Brivio, M. Ferro (INAF-OAB), L. Tartaglia (INAF-OAAb), S. Benetti (INAF-OAPd), S. Barmentloo (SU), M. Dennefeld (I...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2024beb [Gaia24ali]
RA, DEC:15:32:30.510, -45:27:01.37
(233.127125, -45.450381)
This report includes classifications of the CV AT 2023beb
Released: 2024-02-01 16:29:59
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
R. Brivio, M. Ferro (INAF-OAB), S. Benetti (INAF-OAPd), L. Tartaglia (INAF-OAAb), S. Barmentloo (SU), M. Dennefeld (I...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2024bfu [GOTO24ih]
RA, DEC:08:43:43.679, -17:11:19.16
(130.931996, -17.188657)
Type:SN Ia-pec
2024as [ATLAS24acr]
RA, DEC:10:05:06.320, +17:29:21.05
(151.276333, 17.489181)
This report includes classifications of the peculiar Type Ia (02cx-like) SN 2024bfu around maximum and the possible TDE AT 2024as. We encourage followup observations
Released: 2024-01-31 23:55:02
Asiago spectroscopic classification of AT 2023sil
I. Salmaso (INAF OAPd, Unipd), G. Valerin (INAF OAPd), F. Guidolin (Unipd)
Source Group: Padova-Asiago
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:04:47:52.958, -01:01:51.60
(71.970657, -1.031001)
Type:SN II
We report the spectroscopic classification of AT 2023sil as a Type II SN
Released: 2024-01-31 14:55:52
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of 3 optical transients
R. Brivio, M. Ferro, A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB), S. Benetti (INAF-OAPd), S. Barmentloo (Stockholm), M. Dennefeld (IAP), S...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2024ayv [ATLAS24bkf]
RA, DEC:13:48:21.590, -29:37:41.41
(207.089958, -29.628169)
Type:SN II
2024aob [ATLAS24bdv]
RA, DEC:09:27:43.554, -04:31:58.19
(141.931475, -4.532829)
Type:SN Ia
2024bcl [Gaia24akc]
RA, DEC:11:28:51.500, -50:22:26.65
(172.214583, -50.374069)
Related Notes:
This report includes classifications of 1 Type Ia, 1 early Type II SNe and 1 CV.
Released: 2024-01-28 17:08:25
ATLAS24bkf (AT2024ayv): discovery of a candidate SN in IC 4326 (65 Mpc)
J. Sommer (LMU/QUB), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. ...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024ayv [ATLAS24bkf]
RA, DEC:13:48:21.590, -29:37:41.41
(207.089958, -29.628169)
Type:SN II
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bkf (AT2024ayv) in galaxy IC 4326 at magnitude m_o = 17.91 +/- 0.12. At a distance of 65 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 60337...
Released: 2024-01-25 11:02:35
ATLAS24bie (AT2024atk): discovery of a rapidly rising SN candidate in IC 4221 (42 Mpc)
J. Sommer (LMU/QUB), S. J. Smartt (Oxford/QUB), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moor...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024atk [ATLAS24bie]
RA, DEC:13:18:31.132, -14:36:39.06
(199.629717, -14.610849)
Type:SN II
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bie (AT2024atk) in galaxy IC 4221 at magnitude m_o = 17.78 +/- 0.10. At a distance of 42 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 60333...
Released: 2024-01-22 16:17:16
ATLAS24bgm (AT2024apt): discovery of a candidate SN in IC 0609 (80 Mpc)
T. Moore, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024apt [ATLAS24bgm]
RA, DEC:10:25:36.878, -02:12:39.29
(156.403657, -2.210913)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bgm (AT2024apt) in galaxy IC 0609 at magnitude m_o = 18.74 +/- 0.13. At a distance of 80 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 60330...
Released: 2024-01-20 13:32:14
ATLAS24bdf (AT2024any): discovery of a young and rapidly rising transient in NGC 1222 (35 Mpc)
S. Srivastav (Oxford), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024any [ATLAS24bdf]
RA, DEC:03:08:57.840, -02:56:45.82
(47.241000, -2.946061)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bdf (AT2024any) in galaxy NGC 1222 at magnitude m_o = 17.59 +/- 0.08. At a distance of 35 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 6032...
Released: 2024-01-20 09:35:45
ATLAS24baz (AT2024anc): discovery of a candidate SN in WISEA J105816.15+234140.2 (92 Mpc)
S. Srivastav (Oxford), M. Fulton, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024anc [ATLAS24baz]
RA, DEC:10:58:15.981, +23:41:37.28
(164.566586, 23.693688)
Type:SN II
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24baz (AT2024anc) in galaxy WISEA J105816.15+234140.2 at magnitude m_o = 18.78 +/- 0.11. At a distance of 92 Mpc, the transient was discove...
Released: 2024-01-19 13:05:31
ATLAS24bay (AT2024ana): discovery of a candidate SN in NGC 4850 (87 Mpc)
T. Moore, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024ana [ATLAS24bay]
RA, DEC:12:58:22.578, +27:57:58.14
(194.594077, 27.966151)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24bay (AT2024ana) in galaxy NGC 4850 at magnitude m_o = 18.95 +/- 0.13. At a distance of 87 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 6032...
Released: 2024-01-17 13:15:38
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
M. Bronikowski (Nova Gorica), K. Grzesiak, M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB), M. Dennefel (IAP), Stan Bar...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023xme [ATLAS23vjy]
RA, DEC:01:32:05.660, -58:22:11.06
(23.023583, -58.369739)
2024yc [ATLAS24ars]
RA, DEC:11:52:34.396, -45:46:54.30
(178.143317, -45.781750)
Type:SN Ia
2024zg [ATLAS24atc]
RA, DEC:00:50:48.350, -27:23:23.75
(12.701460, -27.389931)
Type:SN Ia
2024ut [ATLAS24apr]
RA, DEC:12:14:11.133, -25:07:54.81
(183.546386, -25.131891)
2024N [ATLAS24abp]
RA, DEC:14:04:48.370, -29:43:52.03
(211.201542, -29.731119)
Type:SN Ia
2023abdj [ATLAS23xvc]
RA, DEC:12:31:29.900, +19:05:29.00
(187.874583, 19.091389)
Type:SN Ia
This report includes classifications of four Type Ia's, one Type SLSN-II with broad and narrow Halpha emission. AT 2023ut shows blue featureless spectrum.
Released: 2024-01-16 14:51:28
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
K. Grzesiak (Warsaw), M. Bronikowski (Nova Gorica), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB), M. Dennefel (IAP),...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023acft [ATLAS23ybi]
RA, DEC:05:15:05.170, -34:24:04.00
(78.771542, -34.401111)
2023achj [ATLAS23yci]
RA, DEC:08:36:07.467, +25:06:47.06
(129.031110, 25.113073)
Type:SN II
2024aag [ZTF24aacaosi]
RA, DEC:13:14:09.251, -05:35:56.26
(198.538546, -5.598962)
Type:SN Ib-pec
2023aclj [ZTF23aaaxyeh]
RA, DEC:09:52:33.036, +00:59:03.19
(148.137651, 0.984219)
2024yq [ATLAS24asj]
RA, DEC:14:07:51.450, -10:03:42.05
(211.964375, -10.061681)
Type:SN Ia
2024it [ATLAS24agb]
RA, DEC:14:47:21.281, -35:45:17.72
(221.838671, -35.754922)
Type:SN II
This report includes classifications of one Type Ia, one Type Ib-pec and two Type II's. AT 2023acft shows blue featureless spectrum. AT 2023aclj shows a galaxy spectrum.
Released: 2024-01-15 23:30:14
ATLAS24atu (AT2024act): discovery of a candidate SN in 2MASX J15323951-2802239 (101 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024act [ATLAS24atu]
RA, DEC:15:32:39.238, -28:02:17.61
(233.163490, -28.038225)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24atu (AT2024act) in galaxy 2MASX J15323951-2802239 at magnitude m_c = 17.37 +/- 0.07. At a distance of 101 Mpc, the transient was discover...
Released: 2024-01-15 23:28:35
ATLAS24atw (AT2024acu): discovery of a candidate SN in FGC 0362 (78 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024acu [ATLAS24atw]
RA, DEC:02:56:08.850, +27:42:02.30
(44.036875, 27.700639)
Type:SN Ib/c
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24atw (AT2024acu) in galaxy FGC 0362 at magnitude m_o = 19.23 +/- 0.18. At a distance of 78 Mpc (redshift independent, from NED), the trans...
Released: 2024-01-14 14:12:47
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
M. Gromadzki, K. Grzesiak (Warsaw), M. Bronikowski (Nova Gorica), A. Kumar (Warwick), X. Sheng (QUB), J. Anderson (ES...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2024bt [PS24al]
RA, DEC:03:52:02.322, -16:06:45.03
(58.009677, -16.112509)
Type:SN Ia
2024py [ZTF23aakanao]
RA, DEC:13:03:56.321, -17:15:23.22
(195.984669, -17.256451)
Type:SN IIb
2024tv [ATLAS24aoi]
RA, DEC:08:24:34.560, -22:58:10.85
(126.144000, -22.969681)
Type:SN Ic-BL
2024yu [ASASSN-24ak]
RA, DEC:07:39:58.526, -76:04:32.34
(114.993860, -76.075650)
Type:SN Ia
2024iy [ZTF24aaahxph]
RA, DEC:09:59:19.932, -03:21:16.91
(149.833048, -3.354698)
Type:SN Ia
2024yf [ATLAS24art]
RA, DEC:12:58:05.050, -40:54:24.48
(194.521042, -40.906800)
Type:SN Ic
This report includes classifications of three Type Ia's, one Type IIb, one Type Ic and one Type Ic-BL
Released: 2024-01-13 13:59:57
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
K. Grzesiak (Warsaw), M. Bronikowski (Nova Gorica), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), A. Kumar (Warwick), X. Sheng (QUB), J. An...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023acjq [ATLAS23xqu]
RA, DEC:01:16:45.418, -52:26:02.94
(19.189240, -52.434150)
Type:SN II
2023zon [ATLAS23xcx]
RA, DEC:10:09:18.110, +18:32:04.49
(152.325458, 18.534581)
Type:SN II
2024hg [ATLAS24aey]
RA, DEC:09:21:47.910, -03:53:33.58
(140.449625, -3.892661)
Type:SN Ia
This report includes classifications of one Type Ia, two Type II.
Released: 2024-01-12 12:11:48
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
M. Bronikowski (Nova Gorica), K. Grzesiak, M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), A. Kumar (Warwick), X. Sheng (QUB), J. Anderson (E...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023abdh [GOTO23bzt]
RA, DEC:04:00:09.300, -45:19:04.94
(60.038750, -45.318039)
Type:SN Ia
2024tt [ATLAS24aoc]
RA, DEC:00:57:25.346, -76:03:34.32
(14.355610, -76.059533)
Type:SN Ia
2024vr [ATLAS24apw]
RA, DEC:02:35:21.118, -25:31:39.24
(38.837990, -25.527566)
Type:SN Ia
2023xxs [ATLAS23vvk]
RA, DEC:11:30:23.310, -41:03:42.44
(172.597125, -41.061789)
This report includes classifications of three Type Ia's, one Type II.
Released: 2024-01-11 11:53:23
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), N. Ihanec (Warsaw,ING), T. Petrushevska (Nova Gorica), C. Gutierrez (IEEC/ICE-CSIC), X. Sheng ...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023acfz [ATLAS23ybp]
RA, DEC:00:56:09.010, -42:56:30.26
(14.037542, -42.941739)
Type:SN Ia
This report includes classifications of one Type Ia.
Released: 2024-01-10 15:59:49
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
N. Ihanec (Warsaw,ING), T. Petrushevska (Nova Gorica), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), C. Gutierrez (IEEC/ICE-CSIC), X. Sheng ...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023acbr [ZTF23abvommm]
RA, DEC:02:27:03.193, -09:25:02.40
(36.763306, -9.417335)
Type:SN II
2024hy [ZTF24aaakprs]
RA, DEC:13:02:03.482, +01:08:05.17
(195.514509, 1.134770)
Type:SN Ia
2024qc [BGEM J103650.69-260923.7]
RA, DEC:10:36:50.710, -26:09:23.76
(159.211292, -26.156600)
Type:SN II
2024uj [ATLAS24api]
RA, DEC:11:07:49.060, -20:01:34.25
(166.954417, -20.026181)
Type:SN Ib-Ca-rich
This report includes classifications of one Type Ia, two Type II's. AT 2024uj is a young transient (last non-detection two days ago), showing blue continuum without apparent features. We encourage ...
Released: 2024-01-09 15:59:23
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
T. Petrushevska (Nova Gorica), N. Ihanec (Warsaw,ING), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), C. Gutierrez (IEEC/ICE-CSIC), X. Sheng ...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023xob [ZTF23abqimmw]
RA, DEC:01:44:47.047, +16:01:04.75
(26.196029, 16.017987)
Type:SN IIn
2023zgo [ZTF23abqkwzr]
RA, DEC:08:48:54.899, +31:47:00.82
(132.228745, 31.783561)
2024C [ATLAS24aaj]
RA, DEC:09:43:54.120, -29:43:38.93
(145.975500, -29.727481)
Type:SN IIn
2024dy [ATLAS24ada]
RA, DEC:10:46:45.030, +29:54:33.80
(161.687625, 29.909389)
Type:SN IIn
2024hm [ATLAS24afl]
RA, DEC:03:24:06.521, -38:43:59.42
(51.027169, -38.733171)
Type:SN Ia
2024ka [ATLAS24ahk]
RA, DEC:12:04:09.773, +01:49:33.66
(181.040721, 1.826018)
Type:SN Ib
This report includes classifications of one Type Ia, one Type Ib, three Type IIn's and one Bowen Fluorescence Flare.
Released: 2024-01-09 15:23:09
ATLAS24api (AT2024uj): discovery of a young and rapidly rising SN candidate in NGC 3566 (54 Mpc)
S. Srivastav (Oxford), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024uj [ATLAS24api]
RA, DEC:11:07:49.060, -20:01:34.25
(166.954417, -20.026181)
Type:SN Ib-Ca-rich
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24api (AT2024uj) in galaxy NGC 3566 at magnitude m_o = 18.59 +/- 0.16. At a distance of 54 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 60318...
Released: 2024-01-07 15:16:36
AT2024qc in WISEA J103650.74-260918.8 at 55 Mpc
Paul Groot (Radboud , UCT, SAAO), Hugo Tranin (U Barcelona), Paul Vreeswijk (Radboud), Gavin Ramsay (Armagh)
Source Group: BlackGEM
Related Objects:
2024qc [BGEM J103650.69-260923.7]
RA, DEC:10:36:50.710, -26:09:23.76
(159.211292, -26.156600)
Type:SN II
We report the discovery of AT2024qc in WISEA J103650.74-260918.8 at 55 Mpc, detected at q_AB = 17.5 with the BlackGEM-4 ("Emerald") telescope.
Released: 2024-01-07 00:32:35
ATLAS24ahk (AT2024ka): discovery of a candidate SN in CGCG 013-056 (77 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024ka [ATLAS24ahk]
RA, DEC:12:04:09.773, +01:49:33.66
(181.040721, 1.826018)
Type:SN Ib
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24ahk (AT2024ka) in galaxy CGCG 013-056 at magnitude m_o = 17.77 +/- 0.09. At a distance of 77 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 6...
Released: 2024-01-07 00:32:11
ATLAS24ahj (AT2024jz): discovery of a candidate SN in IC 1125 (31 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024jz [ATLAS24ahj]
RA, DEC:15:33:04.830, -01:37:30.58
(233.270125, -1.625161)
Type:SN Ia
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24ahj (AT2024jz) in galaxy IC 1125 at magnitude m_o = 18.61 +/- 0.19. At a distance of 31 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 60312....
Released: 2024-01-04 18:33:49
YSE Spectroscopic Classification of Transients with GMOS
Wynn Jacobson-Galán (UCB), Charlotte Angus (QUB), Ryan Foley, Kyle Davis (UCSC), on behalf of the YSE collaboration
Source Group: YSE
Related Objects:
2024fa [PS24ca]
RA, DEC:02:25:01.360, -24:47:12.88
(36.255667, -24.786911)
Type:SN II
The Young Supernova Experiment (YSE) collaboration reports the classification of 1 optical transient using the Gemini GMOS-N: 1 type II supernova within days of explosion.
Released: 2024-01-03 20:32:51
YSE Spectroscopic Classification of Transients with GMOS
Wynn Jacobson-Galán (UCB), J. Gillanders, S. J. Smartt, S. Srivastav, H. Stevance (Oxford), M. Fulton, M. Nicholl, K....
Source Group: YSE
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:23:02:53.530, +26:01:35.83
(345.723042, 26.026619)
Type:SN Ibn
The Young Supernova Experiment (YSE) collaboration reports the classification of 1 optical transient using the Gemini GMOS-N: 1 type Ibn supernova.
Released: 2024-01-03 17:05:14
ATLAS24ade (AT2024ee): discovery of a candidate SN in ESO 322- G 020 (46 Mpc)
J. Sommer (LMU/QUB), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. ...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024ee [ATLAS24ade]
RA, DEC:12:29:11.480, -40:41:30.84
(187.297833, -40.691900)
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24ade (AT2024ee) in galaxy ESO 322- G 020 at magnitude m_o = 17.88 +/- 0.15. At a distance of 46 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD =...
Released: 2024-01-01 20:00:09
ATLAS24abg (AT2024I): discovery of a candidate SN in 2MASX J14121130-2658267 (94 Mpc)
K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, X. Sheng, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2024I [ATLAS24abg]
RA, DEC:14:12:11.011, -26:58:24.88
(213.045880, -26.973577)
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS24abg (AT2024I) in galaxy 2MASX J14121130-2658267 at magnitude m_o = 18.46 +/- 0.16. At a distance of 94 Mpc, the transient was discovered ...
Released: 2024-01-01 12:23:08
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
S. Brennan, S. Barmentloo, P. Pessi, J. Sollerman, A. Gkini (OKC/SU), L. Galbany (ICE), J. Anderson (ESO), T.-W. Chen...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023abdl [PS23mnz]
RA, DEC:01:03:10.410, -14:00:34.24
(15.793376, -14.009512)
Type:SN Ia
2023abdv [ATLAS23xvm]
RA, DEC:01:11:08.470, -13:56:38.72
(17.785293, -13.944088)
Type:SN Ia-91bg-like
2023abdz [ATLAS23xuf]
RA, DEC:04:53:35.937, -76:00:25.04
(73.399738, -76.006957)
Type:SN Ia
2023accg [ATLAS23xzc]
RA, DEC:07:53:11.219, -22:17:40.36
(118.296747, -22.294544)
Type:SN Ia
2023acdv [ATLAS23xzs]
RA, DEC:13:32:45.130, -13:02:49.81
(203.188042, -13.047169)
Type:SN Ia-91bg-like
This report includes classifications of 5 Type Ia supernovae.
Released: 2023-12-31 11:52:42
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
S. Barmentloo, P. Pessi, S. Brennan, J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), M. Fulton (QUB), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), J. Anderson (ESO)...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023absw [ATLAS23xxa]
RA, DEC:00:49:00.552, -49:54:52.94
(12.252298, -49.914705)
Type:SN Ia
2023zzj [ZTF23abteoep]
RA, DEC:03:24:46.935, +02:49:50.99
(51.195562, 2.830830)
Type:SN Ia
2023abjs [ATLAS23xwi]
RA, DEC:03:38:51.894, -34:21:47.82
(54.716225, -34.363285)
Type:SN Ia
2023aaui [ATLAS23xus]
RA, DEC:03:43:36.009, -11:53:13.09
(55.900038, -11.886970)
2023xth [ZTF23abqkppm]
RA, DEC:06:44:45.142, +31:03:40.02
(101.188091, 31.061117)
Type:SN II
2023utm [ATLAS23ubl]
RA, DEC:06:50:51.760, -60:24:18.20
(102.715668, -60.405056)
2023ysa [Gaia23dlm]
RA, DEC:12:39:15.200, -26:54:27.79
(189.813333, -26.907719)
Type:SN Ib
This report includes classifications of 3 Type Ia SNe, 1 Type II SN, 1 Type Ic SLSN, 1 Type Ib SN, and 1 CV.
Released: 2023-12-30 22:28:47
The fast transient AT2023abbd discovered in Gaia, Pan-STARRS and ATLAS data
M. Fulton, (QUB) S. J. Smartt, S. Srivastav, J. Gillanders (Oxford), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, T. Moore, ...
Source Group: Pan-STARRS
Keywords: Supernova, Transient
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:23:02:53.530, +26:01:35.83
(345.723042, 26.026619)
Type:SN Ibn
We highlight the unusual fast evolving nature of AT2023abbd. Discovered by Gaia Alerts, it has a fast rise and fade measured in Pan-STARRS and ATLAS survey data. The transient lies within the thin ...
Released: 2023-12-30 13:54:46
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
S. Barmentloo, P. Pessi, S. Brennan, J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), M. Gromadzki (Warsaw), J. Anderson (ESO), T.-W. Chen (NC...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023aaqu [ATLAS23xua]
RA, DEC:00:23:10.430, -52:25:15.42
(5.793458, -52.420950)
Type:SN Ia
2023acbq [ZTF23abvtzdz]
RA, DEC:03:13:18.855, +17:59:27.88
(48.328563, 17.991079)
Type:SN Ia
2023zvf [ATLAS23xtf]
RA, DEC:05:25:59.237, -44:18:30.34
(81.496820, -44.308428)
This report includes classifications of 2 Type Ia supernovae and one unknown object.
Released: 2023-12-28 13:54:31
ATLAS23xxs (AT2023abtj): discovery of a candidate SN in galaxy CGCG 521-028 (53.4 Mpc)
X. Sheng, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Rams...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Transient, Supernova
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS23xxs (AT2023abtj) in galaxy CGCG 521-028 at magnitude m_o = 18.11 +/- 0.10. At a distance of 53.4 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJ...
Released: 2023-12-27 17:01:22
ATLAS23xws (AT2023abqf): discovery of a candidate SN in 2MASS J09461985+0304081 (87.7 Mpc)
X. Sheng, M. Nicholl, M. Fulton, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, A. Aamer (QUB), P. Ramsd...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS23xws (AT2023abqf) in galaxy 2MASS J09461985+0304081 at magnitude m_o = 18.51 +/- 0.18. At a distance of 87.7 Mpc, the transient was disco...
Released: 2023-12-24 17:00:48
ATLAS23xvb (AT2023abdi): discovery of a candidate SN in galaxy KUG 1159+338 (105 Mpc)
X. Sheng, M. Fulton, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, A. Aamer, (QUB), P. Ra...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS23xvb (AT2023abdi) in galaxy KUG 1159+338 at magnitude m_o = 17.85 +/- 0.11. At a distance of 105 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJ...
Released: 2023-12-24 14:33:27
ATLAS23xva (AT2023abdg): discovery of a fast rising candidate SN in NGC 7421 (28 Mpc)
X. Sheng, M. Fulton, K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, M. McCollum, T. Moore, J. Weston, P. Ramsden (QUB), A. Aa...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Here we report the ATLAS discovery of the transient ATLAS23xva (AT2023abdg) in galaxy NGC 7421 at magnitude m_o = 14.50 +/- 0.01. At a distance of 28 Mpc, the transient was discovered on MJD = 603...
Released: 2023-12-22 14:13:15
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
P. Pessi (OKC/SU), S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), S. Benetti (INAF OAPd), G. Di...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023xor [ATLAS23vmb]
RA, DEC:23:06:38.263, -35:38:56.48
(346.659429, -35.649021)
Type:SN II
2023zrc [ATLAS23xed]
RA, DEC:01:08:10.691, -36:03:35.66
(17.044547, -36.059907)
Type:SN Ia
2023zia [PS23lqn]
RA, DEC:05:08:21.247, -24:48:58.81
(77.088528, -24.816336)
Type:SN Ia
2023aael [GOTO23btt]
RA, DEC:02:36:30.762, -45:52:51.07
(39.128174, -45.880854)
Type:SN Ia
2023zpo [ZTF23abspatf]
RA, DEC:08:15:46.264, -10:13:23.05
(123.942769, -10.223070)
Type:SN Ia
2023aald [ZTF23abuffza]
RA, DEC:08:10:57.250, +14:14:33.44
(122.738544, 14.242622)
Type:SN Ia
2023aait [ATLAS23xot]
RA, DEC:09:49:24.900, -13:57:17.14
(147.353750, -13.954761)
Type:SN Ia
2023zec [ATLAS23wxg]
RA, DEC:22:58:05.548, -46:12:39.65
(344.523117, -46.211015)
Type:SN II
2023zzn [ATLAS23xjb]
RA, DEC:03:07:26.808, -42:39:31.22
(46.861701, -42.658672)
2023yxi [ATLAS23wsr]
RA, DEC:03:09:40.267, -31:13:22.37
(47.417777, -31.222880)
Type:SN II
2023aabw [PS23lut]
RA, DEC:08:13:40.595, -19:21:57.74
(123.419147, -19.366040)
This report includes the classification of 6 Type Ia supernovae, 3 Type II supernovae and 1 SLSN-I supernova.
Released: 2023-12-21 20:27:18
Classification of the optical transient ZTF23abohtqf/AT2023xen as a tidal disruption event at z=0.1335
Jean Somalwar (Caltech), Ryan Chornock (Berkeley), Vikram Ravi (Caltech), Yuhan Yao (Berkeley), Erica Hammerstein (UM...
Keywords: TDE
We report the classification of the optical transient ZTF23abohtqf/AT2023xen (RA = 07:52:12.679, Dec = +37:21:34.15, z = 0.1335) as a tidal disruption event (TDE) due to its persistent blue optical...
Released: 2023-12-21 14:02:01
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), P. Pessi (OKC/SU), T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), P. Wiseman (Southampton), M. ...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023zku [PS23lsp]
RA, DEC:01:15:03.210, -25:59:04.10
(18.763376, -25.984472)
Type:SN Ia-91T-like
2023aakt [ATLAS23xqw]
RA, DEC:01:41:56.980, -58:39:06.70
(25.487417, -58.651861)
Type:SN Ia
2023aakr [GOTO23bxc]
RA, DEC:06:03:33.332, -44:54:56.34
(90.888882, -44.915651)
Type:SN Ia
2023yko [Gaia23dml]
RA, DEC:02:34:08.520, -29:13:33.31
(38.535500, -29.225919)
Type:SN II
2023zrb [ATLAS23xec]
RA, DEC:03:00:07.020, -57:09:33.95
(45.029252, -57.159430)
Type:SN Ia
2023ysx [Gaia23dna]
RA, DEC:03:34:40.050, -55:19:13.30
(53.666875, -55.320361)
Type:SN II
2023zqw [ATLAS23xdw]
RA, DEC:06:46:07.912, -37:48:02.64
(101.532966, -37.800732)
Type:SN Ia
2023zcv [ATLAS23wwg]
RA, DEC:09:53:07.389, -42:26:49.73
(148.280787, -42.447147)
Type:SN Ia
2023xwe [Gaia23dll]
RA, DEC:06:48:02.330, -58:01:00.62
(102.009708, -58.016839)
Type:SN II
2023ywh [ATLAS23wrc]
RA, DEC:10:39:20.100, -45:00:30.20
(159.833750, -45.008389)
Type:SN II
2023yxp [PS23lro]
RA, DEC:01:40:34.359, -24:22:48.51
(25.143163, -24.380140)
This report includes classifications for 6 Type Ia supernovae and 4 Type II supernovae.
Released: 2023-12-20 14:02:59
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), P. Pessi (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), M. Fulton (QUB), A. Gkini (OK...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023zoh [ATLAS23xcl]
RA, DEC:05:57:26.940, -39:31:10.38
(89.362250, -39.519550)
Type:SN II
2023yqp [PS23lsu]
RA, DEC:03:24:49.810, -09:14:12.59
(51.207541, -9.236831)
Type:SN Ic
2023aajn [ATLAS23xsk]
RA, DEC:03:41:33.860, -02:46:50.12
(55.391083, -2.780589)
Type:SN Ia-91T-like
2023znl [ZTF23absvnkc]
RA, DEC:06:55:03.005, +19:16:00.84
(103.762523, 19.266899)
Type:SN Ia
2023aaib [ATLAS23xsg]
RA, DEC:07:05:05.550, -53:59:08.99
(106.273125, -53.985831)
Type:SN Ia
2023aamf [ATLAS23xse]
RA, DEC:11:01:58.696, -46:54:20.58
(165.494567, -46.905718)
Type:SN Ia
2023zmx [ZTF23absdhyl]
RA, DEC:09:09:17.439, +17:43:58.91
(137.322663, 17.733030)
Type:SN Ia
2023zoa [ATLAS23xbq]
RA, DEC:06:32:55.243, -42:35:24.19
(98.230181, -42.590052)
Type:SN Ia
2023ytq [ATLAS23wnr]
RA, DEC:05:44:21.651, -55:09:48.66
(86.090213, -55.163516)
Type:SN II
2023aamc [ATLAS23xrw]
RA, DEC:05:39:36.740, -40:57:20.12
(84.903083, -40.955589)
Type:SN Ia
2023ztl [ATLAS23xgz]
RA, DEC:06:37:41.810, -51:45:48.13
(99.424208, -51.763369)
2023aanu [ATLAS23xtb]
RA, DEC:03:39:47.970, -58:58:11.64
(54.949875, -58.969900)
Type:SN II
2023aaig [ATLAS23xnt]
RA, DEC:12:04:57.820, -30:43:47.32
(181.240917, -30.729811)
This reports includes the classification of 7 Type Ia supernovae, 3 Type II supernovae, one Type Ic supernova and one CV.
Released: 2023-12-19 14:20:10
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
P. Pessi (OKC/SU), S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), A. Gkini (OKC/SU), S. Benetti...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023zol [ATLAS23xcv]
RA, DEC:00:51:59.337, -15:28:13.34
(12.997239, -15.470371)
Type:SN Ia
2023aais [ATLAS23xqn]
RA, DEC:07:34:57.943, -02:49:28.48
(113.741428, -2.824578)
This report includes the classification of one Type Ia supernova and one CV.
Released: 2023-12-19 05:59:50
ZTF discovery of rapidly-evolving transient AT2023aafe
Robert Stein, Tomas Ahumada, Yu-Jing Qin, Mansi Kasliwal, Kaustav Das, Christoffer Fremling, Nicholas Early, Zach Van...
Source Group: ZTF
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:07:52:41.503, +35:35:04.34
(118.172931, 35.584539)
Related Notes:
We report the detection of rapidly-evolving transient ZTF23abulqve/AT 2023aafe, which rapidly rose to peak within a day and is now fading.
Released: 2023-12-19 05:40:53
Fast-evolving transients detected through a ZTF high-cadence experiment
Tomas Ahumada (Caltech), Yu-Jing Qin (Caltech), Robert Stein (Caltech), Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech), Kaustav Das (Caltec...
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:06:51:35.937, +42:55:05.84
(102.899736, 42.918290)
2023aadr [ZTF23abudlls]
RA, DEC:08:35:21.205, +46:31:55.79
(128.838354, 46.532163)
2023zzb [ZTF23abtcveg]
RA, DEC:02:57:44.600, +45:19:04.91
(44.435835, 45.318032)
Type:SN Ia
2023zzk [ZTF23abtycgb]
RA, DEC:03:38:52.780, +40:59:19.02
(54.719917, 40.988617)
Type:SN II
2023aaeg [ZTF23abtopsg]
RA, DEC:01:03:57.180, +80:39:39.56
(15.988250, 80.660989)
Type:SN Ib
Related Notes: ,
We announce the first three-day high-cadence experimental survey with the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and report five fast-evolving transients found during the first extra-galactic pilot: AT 20...
Released: 2023-12-18 18:41:13
Spectroscopic Classification of AT2023zzk as SN II with Keck I + LRIS
Kyle Davis (UCSC), Ryan Foley (UCSC)
Source Group: UCSC
Related Objects:
RA, DEC:03:38:52.780, +40:59:19.02
(54.719917, 40.988617)
Type:SN II
We report the spectroscopic classification of AT2023zzk as a SN II (see ATel #16384).
Released: 2023-12-18 14:52:48
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), P. Pessi (OKC/SU), T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), G. Leloudas (DTU Space), A. G...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023zeh [ATLAS23wzl]
RA, DEC:01:11:14.380, +07:07:53.51
(17.809917, 7.131531)
Type:SN II
2023ywq [ATLAS23wrd]
RA, DEC:01:03:41.420, -39:52:29.93
(15.922583, -39.874981)
Type:SN Ia
2023qwe [ZTF23aazyfss]
RA, DEC:02:53:13.207, -00:20:57.27
(43.305030, -0.349241)
Type:SN II
2023zof [ATLAS23xcj]
RA, DEC:10:16:15.350, +18:35:19.10
(154.063958, 18.588639)
Type:SN Ia
2023zea [ATLAS23wxe]
RA, DEC:09:53:07.627, -37:59:54.39
(148.281780, -37.998441)
Type:SN Ia
2023zeq [ZTF23abqygjv]
RA, DEC:01:08:54.204, -20:38:24.31
(17.225851, -20.640087)
This report includes the classification of three Type Ia, two Type II supernovae and one SLSN-IIn supernova.
Released: 2023-12-17 15:57:32
ePESSTO+ spectroscopic classification of optical transients
T. Schweyer (OKC/SU), P. Pessi (OKC/SU), S. Barmentloo (OKC/SU), J. Sollerman (OKC/SU), S. Schulze (NW), P. Charalamp...
Source Group: ePESSTO+
Related Objects:
2023zst [ATLAS23xft]
RA, DEC:03:30:31.979, -52:26:22.89
(52.633248, -52.439692)
Type:SN Ia
2023zwx [ZTF23abtttrl]
RA, DEC:09:35:11.190, +01:20:59.50
(143.796625, 1.349861)
Type:SN Ia-91T-like
2023zpr [ATLAS23xeg]
RA, DEC:07:16:19.674, +01:23:18.82
(109.081975, 1.388561)
Type:SN Ia
2023zvn [PS23lvq]
RA, DEC:10:42:18.990, +19:06:58.14
(160.579125, 19.116150)
Type:SN Ia
2023wob [ATLAS23vdl]
RA, DEC:04:42:33.100, -15:16:40.20
(70.637916, -15.277833)
Type:SN IIn
2023yxs [ATLAS23wto]
RA, DEC:06:26:04.638, -31:15:25.40
(96.519327, -31.257056)
Type:SN IIn
2023yqw [GOTO23bub]
RA, DEC:00:17:38.324, +22:43:55.74
(4.409684, 22.732149)
Type:SN IIn
2023yeu [PS23kti]
RA, DEC:04:19:34.470, +04:18:17.82
(64.893625, 4.304950)
Type:SN IIn
This report includes the classification of 4 Type Ia supernovae and 4 Type IIn supernovae.
Released: 2023-12-16 22:07:06
ATLAS and Lasair-ZTF highlight the rapidly evolving transient AT2023zzk in UGC 02805 (86 Mpc)
M. Fulton, (QUB) S. J. Smartt, S. Srivastav, J. Gillanders (Oxford), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, M. Nicholl, T. Moore, ...
Source Group: ATLAS
Keywords: Supernova
Related Objects:
2023zzk [ZTF23abtycgb]
RA, DEC:03:38:52.780, +40:59:19.02
(54.719917, 40.988617)
Type:SN II
Through combined ATLAS and ZTF photometry, we report the fast rising and fast fading nature of the transient AT2023zzk, discovered by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) collaboration on MJD == 60292....


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