Discovery certificate for object 2019rrc
TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 48423 [ 2019TNSTR1962....1F ]

Date Received (UTC): 2019-10-02 12:59:41
Sender: ZTF (ALeRCE)
Reporting Group: ALeRCE     Discovery Data Source: ZTF

F. Forster on behalf of the ALeRCE broker report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.

IAU Designation: SN 2019rrc
Discoverer internal name: ZTF19acbwjue
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 15:31:44.074 (232.9336432) DEC = +61:49:59.33 (61.8331462)
Discovery date: 2019-10-02 03:14:14.000 (JD=2458758.6348843)

Potential host galaxy: SDSS J153143.96+615008.8
Host redshift: 0.062

Remarks: Early SN candidate classified by ALeRCE using the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in


Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2019-10-02 03:14:14.000
Flux: 19.5149 ABMag
Filter: g-ZTF
Instrument: ZTF-Cam
Telescope: Palomar 1.2m Oschin

Remarks: Data provided by ZTF

Last non-detection:
Last non-detection date: 2019-09-23 02:56:48
Limiting flux: 20.1867 ABMag
Filter: r-ZTF
Instrument: ZTF-Cam
Telescope: Palomar 1.2m Oschin

Remarks: Data provided by ZTF

Details of the new object can be viewed here: