RA/DEC (2000)
16:21:53.900 +38:55:47.24
245.474583 +38.929789
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2019-10-29 02:48:15.000
Host Name
NGC 6131
Host Redshift
Discovery Mag
F. Forster, F.E. Bauer, G. Pignata, J. Arredondo, G. Cabrera-Vives, R. Carrasco-Davis, P.A. Estevez, P. Huijse, E. Reyes, I. Reyes, P. Sanchez-Saez, C. Valenzuela, E. Castillo, D. Ruz-Mieres, D. Rodriguez-Mancini, M. Catelan, S. Eyheramendy, M.J. Graham on behalf of the ALeRCE broker


 SN_2019tqb - 2020-01-01 12:27:39 P60 / SEDM (ZTF)z=
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Show Mg II at z=vexp= km/s
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Show Ca II at z=vexp= km/s
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Show Å at z=vexp= km/s
Show Å at z=vexp= km/s
Show Å at z=vexp= km/s
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   Binning factor: (rounded to nearest integer >1)
Mouse hovers at WL: 0 (rest),0 (observed)

Light curves

Pointer position (MJD, Mag, Abs.Mag): (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
5884 2020-01-01 12:27:39 P60 / SEDM 1800 SEDmRobot auto ZTF tns_2019tqb_2020-01-01_12-27-39_P60_SEDM_ZTF.ascii Object
Light Curves
Filter Tel / Inst Obs-date range JD Range Photometry
g-P1 PS2_GPC2 2024-08-09 07:14:27 - 2024-08-09 07:14:27 2460531.8017 - 2460531.8017 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454403 2024-08-09 07:14:27 2460531.8017 21.09 0.28 21 ABMag g-P1 PS2_GPC2 27 Robot
w-P1 PS2_GPC2 2020-03-24 12:53:17 - 2020-03-24 12:53:17 2458933.037 - 2458933.037 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
126995 2020-03-24 12:53:17 2458933.037 18.8 0.03 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2019-10-25 02:44:09 - 2019-10-29 02:48:15 2458781.6139931 - 2458785.6168403 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
98652 2019-10-29 02:48:15 2458785.6168403 18.9117 0.118132 19.7178 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
98651 2019-10-25 02:44:09 2458781.6139931 19.4647 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 2019-09-28 18:23:02 - 2019-11-23 01:32:09 2458755.2659954 - 2458810.5639931 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
111028 2019-11-23 01:32:09 2458810.5639931 16.87 0.2 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 60 Robot
111027 2019-09-28 18:23:02 2458755.2659954 21.5 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric Robot [Last non detection]
orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 2020-01-22 13:36:28 - 2020-01-22 13:36:28 2458871.0669907 - 2458871.0669907 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
115269 2020-01-22 13:36:28 2458871.0669907 17.905 0.057 19.39 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot
orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 2020-01-16 14:47:02 - 2020-01-16 14:47:02 2458865.1159954 - 2458865.1159954 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
115268 2020-01-16 14:47:02 2458865.1159954 16.7 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
i-P1 PS1_GPC1 2020-06-03 12:04:19 - 2020-06-03 12:04:19 2459004.003 - 2459004.003 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
141047 2020-06-03 12:04:19 2459004.003 19.76 0.15 20.7 ABMag i-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
AT Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236670 2024-12-21 21:37:14 YSE_Bot1 D. O. Jones (UC Santa Cruz),K. D. French (Carnegie,Illinois) et al. YSE Pan-STARRS 16:21:53.893 +38:55:47.42 2024-08-09 07:14:26.880 21.09 g-P1 PSN PS20anw Pan-STARRS, YSE N
72829 2020-06-05 08:38:01 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Bulger et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 16:21:53.896 +38:55:47.27 2020-06-03 12:04:19.200 19.76 i-P1 PSN PS20anw Pan-STARRS N
65562 2020-03-30 23:27:46 PS2_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Bulger et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 16:21:53.882 +38:55:47.33 2020-03-24 12:53:16.800 18.8 w-P1 PSN PS20anw Pan-STARRS N
59519 2020-01-22 23:48:33 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,A. Heinze et al. ATLAS ATLAS 16:21:53.904 +38:55:47.38 2020-01-22 13:36:28.000 17.905 orange-ATLAS PSN ATLAS20clv ATLAS N
57608 2020-01-03 09:45:29 Gaia_Bot1 S.T. Hodgkin,E. Breedt,A. Delgado et al. GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts 16:21:53.900 +38:55:47.24 2019-11-23 01:32:09.000 16.87 G-Gaia Other Gaia20aaz GaiaAlerts candidate SN in galaxy NGC 6131 N
51088 2019-10-29 16:27:41 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 16:21:53.900 +38:55:47.20 2019-10-29 02:48:15.000 18.9117 g-ZTF PSN NGC 6131 ZTF19acjtpqd ALeRCE Early SN candidate (g-rise > 0.16+-0.02 mag/day) classified by ALeRCE using the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in http://alerce.online/object/ZTF19acjtpqd 2019TNSTR2215....1F N
Classification Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Classifier/s Group Classification Redshift Spectra Related files Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks ADS Bibcode
5876 2020-01-09 21:33:42 ZTF_Bot1 A. Dahiwale, C. Fremling (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) ZTF SN Ic 0.01717 1 ZTF 2020TNSCR..91....1D
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
5884 2020-01-01 12:27:39 P60 / SEDM 1800 SEDmRobot auto ZTF tns_2019tqb_2020-01-01_12-27-39_P60_SEDM_ZTF.ascii Object



Object coordinates updated

Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 57608 of Group GaiaAlerts
Previous RA, DEC: 16:21:53.900, +38:55:47.20 (245.4745836, +38.9297783)
Updated RA, DEC: 16:21:53.900, +38:55:47.24 (245.474583, 38.929789)