RA/DEC (2000)
12:28:58.780 +03:34:22.01
187.244917 +3.572781
Related AstroNotes: 2020-130
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2020-07-01 13:10:34.000
Host Name
NGC 4457
Discovery Mag
Koichi Itagaki


 SN_2020nvb - 2020-07-01 21:50:24 LT / SPRAT (None)z=
 SN_2020nvb - 2020-07-01 20:40:02 Other / Other (None)z=
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   Binning factor: (rounded to nearest integer >1)
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Light curves

Pointer position (MJD, Mag, Abs.Mag): (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
7039 2020-07-01 21:50:24 LT / SPRAT S. C. Williams (Turku), R. Kotak (Turku), P. A. Mazzali (LJMU) None tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01.91_LT_SPRAT.txt Object
7057 2020-07-01 20:40:02 Other / Other 900 Flavio Castellani (Osservatorio Monte Baldo A99 Italy) Flavio Castellani (Osservatorio Monte Baldo A99 Italy), Claudio Balcon (Belluno, Italy) None tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01_20-40-02_Other_Other.dat tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01_20-40-02_Other_Other.fit Object The spectrum has been taken using ALPY 600 spectrograph and Atik 460Ex CCD attached to a SC 10” F10 telescope, in the course of Italian Supernovae Search Project.
Light Curves
Filter Tel / Inst Obs-date range JD Range Photometry
r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2021-02-23 08:26:17 - 2021-02-23 08:26:17 2459268.8515856 - 2459268.8515856 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
194711 2021-02-23 08:26:17 2459268.8515856 20.0744 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2021-02-23 10:27:54 - 2021-02-25 09:36:33 2459268.9360417 - 2459270.9003819 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
194713 2021-02-25 09:36:33 2459270.9003819 18.3428 0.0699159 19.4925 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
194712 2021-02-23 10:27:54 2459268.9360417 18.1939 0.0629639 20.1432 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 2020-06-21 09:51:50 - 2020-07-28 07:17:46 2459021.911 - 2459058.804 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
151931 2020-07-28 07:17:46 2459058.804 13.44 0.2 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 60 Robot
151930 2020-06-21 09:51:50 2459021.911 21.5 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric Robot [Last non detection]
orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 2020-06-26 06:56:10 - 2020-06-30 06:05:46 2459026.789 - 2459030.754 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
146035 2020-06-30 06:05:46 2459030.754 13.361 0.008 18.73 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
146034 2020-06-26 06:56:10 2459026.789 19.39 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
w-P1 PS1_GPC1 2021-02-10 15:48:58 - 2021-02-10 15:48:58 2459256.159 - 2459256.159 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
197859 2021-02-10 15:48:58 2459256.159 19.22 0.18 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
R-Cousins Other_Other 2020-07-03 11:49:00 - 2020-07-03 11:49:00 2459033.9923611 - 2459033.9923611 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
146349 2020-07-03 11:49:00 2459033.9923611 13.6 VegaMag R-Cousins Other_Other 300 F.Watanabe 0.4-m f/10 Meili telescope (Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope) + CCD (SBIG STL-1001E) at Nayoro Observatory
Clear- Other_Other 2020-07-01 13:10:34 - 2020-07-03 11:22:37 2459032.0490046 - 2459033.9740394 3
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
146419 2020-07-03 11:22:37 2459033.9740394 12.6 0.1 18 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 20 Yasuo Sano SCT 0.36-m F/11 reflector + FLI ML1001E CCD, Nayoro Hokkaido Japan
146418 2020-07-01 23:04:04 2459032.4611574 18 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 20 Yasuo Sano [Last non detection] Telescope:SCT 0.36-m F/11 reflector
146026 2020-07-01 13:10:34 2459032.0490046 13 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 0.5-m F/6.8 reflector+CCD (KAF-1001E)
AT Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
102446 2021-03-16 12:20:25 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Bulger et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 12:28:58.780 +03:34:22.14 2021-02-10 15:48:57.600 19.22 w-P1 PSN PS21bsf Pan-STARRS N
100445 2021-02-25 19:29:56 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 12:28:58.794 +03:34:22.04 2021-02-23 10:27:54.003 18.1939 g-ZTF PSN NGC 4457 ZTF21aamwpdf ZTF SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier - see http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.03309 - and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in http://alerce.online/object/ZTF21aamwpdf N
79010 2020-07-31 20:56:14 Gaia_Bot1 S.T. Hodgkin,E. Breedt,A. Delgado et al. GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts 12:28:58.780 +03:34:22.01 2020-07-28 07:17:45.600 13.44 G-Gaia PSN Gaia20dmy GaiaAlerts confirmed SN Ia N
75723 2020-07-05 05:39:49 Yasuo Sano Yasuo Sano et al. 12:28:58.800 +03:34:22.00 2020-07-03 11:22:37.000 12.6 Clear- PSN NGC4457 Followup ovservation N
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_2020nvb_atrep_75723.jpg 2020-07-05 05:39:49 Yasuo Sano
75691 2020-07-04 06:10:58 Fumitake Watanabe Fumitake Watanabe et al. 12:28:58.780 +03:34:22.10 2020-07-03 11:49:00.000 13.6 R-Cousins PSN N
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_2020nvb_atrep_75691.jpg 2020-07-04 06:10:58 Fumitake Watanabe
75559 2020-07-01 18:25:20 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,A. Heinze et al. ATLAS ATLAS 12:28:58.790 +03:34:22.09 2020-06-30 06:05:45.600 13.361 orange-ATLAS PSN ATLAS20rvf ATLAS N
75551 2020-07-01 13:33:21 Koichi Itagaki Koichi Itagaki et al. 12:28:58.820 +03:34:22.10 2020-07-01 13:10:34.000 13 Clear- PSN NGC 4457 2020TNSTR2003....1I N
Classification Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Classifier/s Group Classification Redshift Spectra Related files Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks ADS Bibcode
7045 2020-07-04 15:43:30 Claudio Balcon Flavio Castellani (Osservatorio Monte Baldo A99 Italy), Claudio Balcon (Belluno, Italy) None SN Ia 0.002939 1 GELATO (Harutyunyan et al., 2008, A&A, 488, 383) suggests that this SN is similar to that of Type la at the redshift of the host galaxy (z=0.002939; value from Cortés et al. 2015, ApJS, 216, 9). 2020TNSCR2036....1C
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
7057 2020-07-01 20:40:02 Other / Other 900 Flavio Castellani (Osservatorio Monte Baldo A99 Italy) Flavio Castellani (Osservatorio Monte Baldo A99 Italy), Claudio Balcon (Belluno, Italy) None tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01_20-40-02_Other_Other.dat tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01_20-40-02_Other_Other.fit Object The spectrum has been taken using ALPY 600 spectrograph and Atik 460Ex CCD attached to a SC 10” F10 telescope, in the course of Italian Supernovae Search Project.
7027 2020-07-01 23:04:04 Steven Williams S. C. Williams (Turku), R. Kotak (Turku), P. A. Mazzali (LJMU) None SN Ia 0.0029 1 2020TNSCR2009....1W
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
7039 2020-07-01 21:50:24 LT / SPRAT S. C. Williams (Turku), R. Kotak (Turku), P. A. Mazzali (LJMU) None tns_2020nvb_2020-07-01.91_LT_SPRAT.txt Object



Object coordinates updated

Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 79010 of Group GaiaAlerts
Previous RA, DEC: 12:28:58.790, +03:34:22.09 (187.24496, +3.57280222222)
Updated RA, DEC: 12:28:58.780, +03:34:22.01 (187.244917, 3.572781)


Object coordinates updated

Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 75559 of Group ATLAS
Previous RA, DEC: 12:28:58.820, +03:34:22.10 (187.245083, +3.572806)
Updated RA, DEC: 12:28:58.790, +03:34:22.09 (187.24496, 3.57280222222)