TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 129571 [ 2021TNSTR3910....1T ]
Date Received (UTC): 2021-11-14 13:34:00
Date made public:
Sender: Mi Zhang
Reporting Group: XOSS Discovery Data Source: XOSS
Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Mi Zhang, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Quanzhi Ye (UMd), Xing Gao (Xingming Obs) report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2021aeqj
Discoverer internal name: XM82HT
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 02:51:52.850 (42.970208) DEC = +69:14:17.60 (69.238222)
Discovery date: 2021-11-13 18:36:12.960 (JD=2459532.27515)
Remarks: Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Mi Zhang, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Quanzhi Ye (UMd), Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report an AGN candidate (G=16.69+-0.05). The source appears to correspond to object Gaia EDR3 541771882001911680 (G=18.21) in the Gaia EDR3. Discovery was made on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88) around Nov. 13.77515, 2021 UT using a unfiltered CCD (0.3-m f/3.6 reflector). Images can be found at:
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2021-11-13 18:36:12.960
Flux: 16.69 VegaMag
Filter: Clear-
Instrument: Other
Telescope: Other
Remarks: The transient was discovered on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao using PAT at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88). Images can be found at:
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: The transient was discovered on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao using PAT at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88). Images can be found at:
Details of the new object can be viewed here:
Date Received (UTC): 2021-11-14 13:34:00
Date made public:
Sender: Mi Zhang
Reporting Group: XOSS Discovery Data Source: XOSS
Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Mi Zhang, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Quanzhi Ye (UMd), Xing Gao (Xingming Obs) report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2021aeqj
Discoverer internal name: XM82HT
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 02:51:52.850 (42.970208) DEC = +69:14:17.60 (69.238222)
Discovery date: 2021-11-13 18:36:12.960 (JD=2459532.27515)
Remarks: Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Mi Zhang, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Quanzhi Ye (UMd), Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report an AGN candidate (G=16.69+-0.05). The source appears to correspond to object Gaia EDR3 541771882001911680 (G=18.21) in the Gaia EDR3. Discovery was made on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88) around Nov. 13.77515, 2021 UT using a unfiltered CCD (0.3-m f/3.6 reflector). Images can be found at:
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2021-11-13 18:36:12.960
Flux: 16.69 VegaMag
Filter: Clear-
Instrument: Other
Telescope: Other
Remarks: The transient was discovered on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao using PAT at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88). Images can be found at:
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: The transient was discovered on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao using PAT at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88). Images can be found at:
Details of the new object can be viewed here: