SN 2022ccg
RA/DEC (2000)
02:52:29.130 +11:06:14.65
43.121375 +11.104069
Related AstroNotes: 2022-37
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2022-02-12 03:11:31.200
Discovery Mag
C. Fremling (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) collaboration


 SN_2022ccg - 2022-02-26 05:49:34 FTN / FLOYDS-N (Global SN Project)z=
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Mouse hovers at WL: 0 (rest),0 (observed)
SelectIDObs-date (UT)Tel / InstExp-TimeObserver/sReducer/sGroupSpectrum ascii fileSpectrum fits fileSpec. TypeAssoc. GroupsEnd prop. periodRemarks
120442022-02-26 05:49:34FTN / FLOYDS-N3600Las Cumbres ObservatoryGlobal SN Project tns_2022ccg_2022-02-26_05-49-34_FTN_FLOYDS-N_Global_SN_Project.ascii tns_2022ccg_2022-02-26_05-49-34_FTN_FLOYDS-N_Global_SN_Project.fitsObjectGlobal SN Project
Light Curves
FilterTel / InstObs-date rangePhotometry
orange-ATLASATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-022022-02-16 07:05:51 - 2022-02-18 05:34:232
IDObs-dateMag. / FluxErrLim. Mag./FluxUnitsFilterTel / InstExp-timeObserver/sRemarks
2668232022-02-18 05:34:2318.9650.15519.25ABMagorange-ATLASATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-0230Robot
2668222022-02-16 07:05:5118.56ABMagorange-ATLASATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-0230Robot[Last non detection]
G-GaiaGaia_Gaia-photometric2022-01-19 02:24:00 - 2022-02-17 13:58:052
IDObs-dateMag. / FluxErrLim. Mag./FluxUnitsFilterTel / InstExp-timeObserver/sRemarks
2669182022-02-17 13:58:0518.820.2ABMagG-GaiaGaia_Gaia-photometric60Robot
2669172022-01-19 02:24:0021.5ABMagG-GaiaGaia_Gaia-photometricRobot[Last non detection]
g-ZTFP48_ZTF-Cam2022-02-12 03:11:31 - 2022-02-12 03:11:412
IDObs-dateMag. / FluxErrLim. Mag./FluxUnitsFilterTel / InstExp-timeObserver/sRemarks
2699682022-02-12 03:11:4119.5120.21135919.666ABMagg-ZTFP48_ZTF-Cam30RobotData provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
2649082022-02-12 03:11:3119.51ABMagg-ZTFP48_ZTF-Cam30ZTF
r-ZTFP48_ZTF-Cam2022-02-12 04:39:22 - 2022-02-12 04:39:221
IDObs-dateMag. / FluxErrLim. Mag./FluxUnitsFilterTel / InstExp-timeObserver/sRemarks
2649092022-02-12 04:39:2219.71ABMagr-ZTFP48_ZTF-Cam30ZTF
w-P1PS2_GPC22022-02-22 05:48:35 - 2022-02-22 05:48:351
IDObs-dateMag. / FluxErrLim. Mag./FluxUnitsFilterTel / InstExp-timeObserver/sRemarks
2675472022-02-22 05:48:3518.510.0222ABMagw-P1PS2_GPC245Robot
AT Reports
IDTime received (UT)SenderReporter/sReportting groupDisc. Data SourceRADECDiscovery date (UT)Discovery Mag.FilterRelated filesAT TypeInternal nameAssoc. GroupsEnd prop. periodRemarks
1387512022-03-02 20:34:59FinkJulien Peloton, Anais Moller, Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink brokerFinkZTF02:52:29.121+11:06:14.652022-02-12 03:11:40.99819.512g-ZTFPSNZTF22aaagrexFinkEarly SN Ia candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at
1375962022-02-23 02:08:05PS2_Bot1K. C. Chambers, T. de Boer, J. Bulger, J. Fairlamb, M. Huber, C.-C. Lin, T. Lowe, E. Magnier, A. Schultz, R. J. Wainscoat, M. Willman (IfA, University of Hawaii), K. W. Smith, D. R. Young, O. McBrien, J. Gillanders, S. Srivastav, M. Fulton, S. J. Smartt, D. O'Neill, P. Clark, S. Sim (Queen's University Belfast), D. E. Wright (University of Minnesota)Pan-STARRSPan-STARRS02:52:29.138+11:06:14.762022-02-22 05:48:34.84818.51w-P1PSNPS22blqPan-STARRS
1372742022-02-19 16:12:36Gaia_Bot1S.T. Hodgkin, E. Breedt, A. Delgado, D.L. Harrison, M. van Leeuwen, G. Rixon, T. Wevers, A. Yoldas (IoA Cambridge), N. Ihanec, K. Kruszyńska, K.A. Rybicki, Ł. Wyrzykowski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory), Z. Kostrzewa-Rutkowska (Leiden Observatory), D. Eappachen (SRON/RU), G. Marton (Konkoly Observatory), on behalf of the Gaia Alerts teamGaiaAlertsGaiaAlerts02:52:29.130+11:06:14.652022-02-17 13:58:04.80018.82G-GaiaPSNGaia22argGaiaAlertsblue transient on a faint PanSTARRS source
1372322022-02-19 11:04:43ATLAS_Bot1J. Tonry, L. Denneau, H. Weiland (IfA, University of Hawaii), A. Heinze, B. Stalder (LSST), A. Rest (STScI), C. Stubbs (Harvard University), K. W. Smith, S. J. Smartt, D. R. Young, S. Srivastav, M. Fulton, J. Gillanders, T. Moore, C. Richman, L. Cai (Queen's University Belfast), T.-W. Chen (Stockholm), D. E. Wright (University of Minnesota), J. Anderson (ESO)ATLASATLAS02:52:29.144+11:06:14.852022-02-18 05:34:22.94418.965orange-ATLASPSNATLAS22gdfATLAS
1363512022-02-12 18:14:55ZTF_Bot1C. Fremling (Caltech) on behalf of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) collaborationZTFZTF02:52:29.120+11:06:14.622022-02-12 03:11:31.20019.51g-ZTFPSNZTF22aaagrexZTF
Classification Reports
IDTime received (UT)SenderClassifier/sGroupClassificationRedshiftRelated filesAssoc. GroupsEnd prop. periodRemarksADS Bibcode
119872022-02-27 22:06:00cpellegrinoCraig Pellegrino (UCSB/LCO), Yael Dgany (TAU), Iair Arcavi, Jamison Burke (UCSB/LCO), D. Andrew Howell, Curtis McCully, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Giacomo TerreranGlobal SN ProjectSN Ia0.07Global SN ProjectUsing Superfit (Howell et al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1190) and SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) we find best fits to normal SNe Ia around maximum light. The best-fit redshift from SNID is z=0.070. Assuming this redshift, we measure a SI II absorption velocity of approximately 12,000 km/s. The ZTF r-band magnitude obtained roughly four days before the spectrum is 18.4 (-18.9), consistent with a SN Ia before maximum light.2022TNSCR.542....1P


Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 137274 of Group GaiaAlerts
Previous RA, DEC: 02:52:29.120, +11:06:14.62 (43.121332, +11.1040624)
Updated RA, DEC: 02:52:29.130, +11:06:14.65 (43.121375, 11.104069)