The object was detected on 2022-03-10.71519 (17:09:52 UT) on 15 x 60s frames (15 mins total exposure) from Barlad Observatory (L22) Romania, taken with a 0.2m f4 newtonian and ASI 1600mm pro. Discovery magnitude 16.8 V. Image attached.
The object was detected on 2022-03-10.71519 (17:09:52 UT) on 15 x 60s frames (15 mins total exposure) from Barlad Observatory (L22) Romania, taken with a 0.2m f4 newtonian and ASI 1600mm pro. Discovery magnitude 16.8 V. Image attached.
Mr. Raffaele Belligoli (MPC A99 - Osservatorio Astronomico Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" - località Novezzina - 37020 Ferrara di Monte Baldo - Verona - Italy, ISSP - Italian Supernovae Search Project, ANS - Asiago Novae and Symbiotic stars)
The new transient was clearly detected on '2022-03-10 18:07:26' UT using 16 x 300s frames (4800s total) obtained by a Moravian G4-9000 KAF unfiltered CCD with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope from Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" Astronomic Observatory, località Novezzina, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy. The discovery magnitude is 16.5±0.5 mag in the CV band (clear visual). The discovery image is also available at:
Vîntdevară Dumitru Ciprian
Thu, 03/10/2022 - 22:16
The object was detected on 2022-03-10.71519 (17:09:52 UT) on 15 x 60s frames (15 mins total exposure) from Barlad Observatory (L22) Romania, taken with a 0.2m f4 newtonian and ASI 1600mm pro. Discovery magnitude 16.8 V. Image attached.
Vîntdevară Dumitru Ciprian
Thu, 03/10/2022 - 22:15
The object was detected on 2022-03-10.71519 (17:09:52 UT) on 15 x 60s frames (15 mins total exposure) from Barlad Observatory (L22) Romania, taken with a 0.2m f4 newtonian and ASI 1600mm pro. Discovery magnitude 16.8 V. Image attached.
Mr. Raffaele Belligoli (MPC A99 - Osservatorio Astronomico Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" - località Novezzina - 37020 Ferrara di Monte Baldo - Verona - Italy, ISSP - Italian Supernovae Search Project, ANS - Asiago Novae and Symbiotic stars)
Thu, 03/10/2022 - 19:48
Follow-up - Image
The new transient was clearly detected on '2022-03-10 18:07:26' UT using 16 x 300s frames (4800s total) obtained by a Moravian G4-9000 KAF unfiltered CCD with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope from Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" Astronomic Observatory, località Novezzina, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy. The discovery magnitude is 16.5±0.5 mag in the CV band (clear visual). The discovery image is also available at: