TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 204414 [ 2024TNSTR.580....1H ]
Date Received (UTC): 2024-03-02 23:47:02
Date made public:
Sender: DESIRT_Bot
Reporting Group: DESIRT Discovery Data Source: DESIRT
Lei Hu (Carnegie Mellon U.), Brendan O'Connor (Carnegie Mellon U.), Antonella Palmese (Carnegie Mellon U.), Yuhan Chen (UC Berkeley), Aidan Catalano (Carnegie Mellon U.), Xingzhuo Chen (Texas A&M U.), Lifan Wang (Texas A&M U.), Tomás Cabrera (Carnegie Mellon U.), Keerthi Kunnumkai (Carnegie Mellon U.), Konstantin Malanchev (Carnegie Mellon U.), Veronica Diaz (Carnegie Mellon U.) on behalf of DESIRT Collaboration report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2023admh
Discoverer internal name: T202309152248439m012811
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 22:48:43.862 (342.18275630031) DEC = -01:28:11.26 (-1.4697948930355)
Discovery date: 2023-09-15 04:08:33.504 (JD=2460202.6726099)
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2023-09-15 04:08:33.504
Flux: 21.2395 ABMag
Filter: g-Sloan
Instrument: DECAM
Telescope: CTIO - 4-m Victor M. Blanco Telescope
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: DECam Legacy Survey
Details of the new object can be viewed here:
Date Received (UTC): 2024-03-02 23:47:02
Date made public:
Sender: DESIRT_Bot
Reporting Group: DESIRT Discovery Data Source: DESIRT
Lei Hu (Carnegie Mellon U.), Brendan O'Connor (Carnegie Mellon U.), Antonella Palmese (Carnegie Mellon U.), Yuhan Chen (UC Berkeley), Aidan Catalano (Carnegie Mellon U.), Xingzhuo Chen (Texas A&M U.), Lifan Wang (Texas A&M U.), Tomás Cabrera (Carnegie Mellon U.), Keerthi Kunnumkai (Carnegie Mellon U.), Konstantin Malanchev (Carnegie Mellon U.), Veronica Diaz (Carnegie Mellon U.) on behalf of DESIRT Collaboration report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2023admh
Discoverer internal name: T202309152248439m012811
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 22:48:43.862 (342.18275630031) DEC = -01:28:11.26 (-1.4697948930355)
Discovery date: 2023-09-15 04:08:33.504 (JD=2460202.6726099)
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2023-09-15 04:08:33.504
Flux: 21.2395 ABMag
Filter: g-Sloan
Instrument: DECAM
Telescope: CTIO - 4-m Victor M. Blanco Telescope
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: DECam Legacy Survey
Details of the new object can be viewed here: