RA/DEC (2000)
08:38:21.816 -00:03:59.56
129.5909 -0.066544
Related AstroNotes: 2024-358
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2024-11-09 11:59:35.998
Discovery Mag
Jesper Sollerman (SU), Christoffer Fremling (Caltech), Daniel Perley (LJMU), Theophile du Laz (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF

Light curves

Pointer position (MJD, Mag, Abs.Mag): (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
No Data
Light Curves
Filter Tel / Inst Obs-date range JD Range Photometry
w-P1 PS2_GPC2 2024-11-09 14:30:06 - 2024-11-09 14:30:06 2460624.10424 - 2460624.10424 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454233 2024-11-09 14:30:06 2460624.10424 19.95 0.12 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
BG-q-BlackGem BG3_BlackGEM-Cam3 2024-10-29 08:08:23 - 2024-11-12 08:45:04 2460612.8391551 - 2460626.8646296 2
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
448682 2024-11-12 08:45:04 2460626.8646296 19.61 0.16 20.22 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG3_BlackGEM-Cam3 60 robotic
448681 2024-10-29 08:08:23 2460612.8391551 20.87 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG3_BlackGEM-Cam3 60 robotic [Last non detection]
r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2024-11-06 12:20:41 - 2024-11-13 12:06:27 2460621.0143634 - 2460628.0044792 5
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
446305 2024-11-13 12:06:27 2460628.0044792 19.4398 0.13133 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
446536 2024-11-13 12:06:27 2460628.0044792 19.4398 0.13133 20.1849 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
446535 2024-11-10 12:32:32 2460625.0225926 19.8665 0.186272 20.2034 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
446303 2024-11-06 12:20:41 2460621.0143634 18.3457 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
446533 2024-11-06 12:20:41 2460621.0143634 18.3457 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2024-11-05 11:36:19 - 2024-11-09 11:59:36 2460619.9835532 - 2460623.9997222 4
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
446304 2024-11-09 11:59:36 2460623.9997222 20.0154 0.251371 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
446534 2024-11-09 11:59:36 2460623.9997222 20.0154 0.251371 20.3631 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
448914 2024-11-09 11:59:36 2460623.9997222 20.0154 0.251371 20.3631 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
448913 2024-11-05 11:36:19 2460619.9835532 19.9029 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
AT Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236569 2024-12-21 10:42:35 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 08:38:21.815 -00:03:59.28 2024-11-09 14:30:06.336 19.95 w-P1 PSN PS24mvg Pan-STARRS N
233787 2024-11-26 20:31:09 Fink Julien Peloton,Anais Moller,Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink broker et al. Fink ZTF 08:38:21.814 -00:03:59.28 2024-11-09 11:59:35.998 20.0154 g-ZTF PSN ZTF24absjfzb Fink Early SN Ia candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at https://fink-portal.org/ZTF24absjfzb N
233687 2024-11-26 09:40:20 BlackGEM_Bot1 P. Groot,H. Tranin,F. Stoppa et al. BlackGEM BlackGEM 08:38:21.816 -00:03:59.56 2024-11-12 08:45:04.000 19.61 BG-q-BlackGem PSN BGEM J083821.81-000359.5 BlackGEM N
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_2024abaw_atrep_233687_BlackGEM.pdf Finding Chart 2024-11-26 09:40:21 BlackGEM_Bot1
232578 2024-11-14 12:16:27 ALeRCE A. Munoz-Arancibia,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 08:38:21.821 -00:03:59.10 2024-11-09 11:59:35.998 20.0154 g-ZTF PSN SDSS J083821.82-000359.5 ZTF24absjfzb ALeRCE SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in http://alerce.online/object/ZTF24absjfzb N
232436 2024-11-13 14:02:03 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 08:38:21.818 -00:03:59.36 2024-11-09 11:59:35.998 20.0154 g-ZTF PSN ZTF24absjfzb ZTF 2024TNSTR4483....1S N
No Data



Object coordinates updated

Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 233687 of Group BlackGEM
Previous RA, DEC: 08:38:21.821, -00:03:59.10 (129.5909188743257, -0.06641729553240215)
Updated RA, DEC: 08:38:21.816, -00:03:59.56 (129.5909, -0.066544)


Object coordinates updated

Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 232578 of Group ZTF
Previous RA, DEC: 08:38:21.818, -00:03:59.36 (129.5909094, -0.0664877)
Updated RA, DEC: 08:38:21.821, -00:03:59.10 (129.5909188743257, -0.06641729553240215)