TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 227135 [ 2024TNSTR3761....1F ]
Date Received (UTC): 2024-09-29 20:02:22
Date made public:
Sender: ALeRCE
Reporting Group: ALeRCE Discovery Data Source: ZTF
F. Forster, F.E. Bauer, G. Pignata, A. Munoz-Arancibia, A. Mourao, L. Hernandez-Garcia, L. Galbany, J. Silva-Farfan, R. Dastidar, J.P. Brandt, A. Alvarez, G. Cabrera-Vives, R. Carrasco-Davis, P.A. Estevez, B. Gamboa, P. Huijse, H. Larranaga, C. Mansilla, K. Medina, D. Moreno, E. Munoz, E. Pizarro, I. Reyes, P. Sanchez-Saez, D. Rodriguez-Mancini, M. Catelan, S. Eyheramendy, M.J. Graham on behalf of the ALeRCE broker report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2024wvu
Discoverer internal name: ZTF24abkdrsk
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 09:33:14.944 (143.31226564999) DEC = -01:29:31.60 (-1.4921119)
Discovery date: 2024-09-27 12:37:21.000 (JD=2460581.0259375)
Potential host galaxy: SDSS J093314.91-012931.3
Remarks: SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2024-09-27 12:37:21.000
Flux: 19.3819 ABMag
Filter: r-ZTF
Instrument: ZTF-Cam
Telescope: Palomar 1.2m Oschin
Remarks: Data provided by ZTF
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: ZTF non-detection limits not available
Details of the new object can be viewed here:
Date Received (UTC): 2024-09-29 20:02:22
Date made public:
Sender: ALeRCE
Reporting Group: ALeRCE Discovery Data Source: ZTF
F. Forster, F.E. Bauer, G. Pignata, A. Munoz-Arancibia, A. Mourao, L. Hernandez-Garcia, L. Galbany, J. Silva-Farfan, R. Dastidar, J.P. Brandt, A. Alvarez, G. Cabrera-Vives, R. Carrasco-Davis, P.A. Estevez, B. Gamboa, P. Huijse, H. Larranaga, C. Mansilla, K. Medina, D. Moreno, E. Munoz, E. Pizarro, I. Reyes, P. Sanchez-Saez, D. Rodriguez-Mancini, M. Catelan, S. Eyheramendy, M.J. Graham on behalf of the ALeRCE broker report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2024wvu
Discoverer internal name: ZTF24abkdrsk
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 09:33:14.944 (143.31226564999) DEC = -01:29:31.60 (-1.4921119)
Discovery date: 2024-09-27 12:37:21.000 (JD=2460581.0259375)
Potential host galaxy: SDSS J093314.91-012931.3
Remarks: SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in
Discovery (first detection):
Discovery date: 2024-09-27 12:37:21.000
Flux: 19.3819 ABMag
Filter: r-ZTF
Instrument: ZTF-Cam
Telescope: Palomar 1.2m Oschin
Remarks: Data provided by ZTF
Last non-detection:
Archival info: Other
Remarks: ZTF non-detection limits not available
Details of the new object can be viewed here: