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Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
Degrees (0..360, with decimal point) or sexagesimal: HH:MM:SS.SS / HH MM SS.SS
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Showing results 201 to 250 out of 2,983
ID Sort ascending Name Reps Class RA DEC Obj. Type Redshift Host Name Host Redshift Reporting Group/s Discovery Data Source/s Classifying Group/s Associated Group/s Disc. Internal Name Disc. Instrument/s Class. Instrument/s TNS AT Public End Prop. Period Object Spectra Discovery Mag/Flux Discovery Filter Discovery Date (UT) Sender Remarks Unreal Sources Bibcode Ext. catalog/s
169530 AT 2024afsu 1 05:08:50.276 -08:24:24.01 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24npt PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 20.69 w-P1 2024-10-30 11:47:43.008 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5135....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237986 2024-12-29 19:43:31 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 05:08:50.276 -08:24:24.01 2024-10-30 11:47:43.008 20.69 w-P1 1 PSN PS24npt Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5135....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456749 2024-10-30 11:47:43 2460613.99147 20.69 0.21 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
169098 AT 2024afck 1 11:52:32.152 +50:27:25.75 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24nds PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 19.53 w-P1 2024-12-25 14:41:03.840 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5107....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237392 2024-12-28 10:23:14 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 11:52:32.152 +50:27:25.75 2024-12-25 14:41:03.840 19.53 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nds Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5107....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455758 2024-12-25 14:41:04 2460670.11185 19.53 0.03 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
169154 AT 2024afeo 1 23:51:47.247 -08:58:29.50 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24ngm PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 21.03 w-P1 2024-11-24 05:08:01.824 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5107....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237480 2024-12-28 12:22:35 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 23:51:47.247 -08:58:29.50 2024-11-24 05:08:01.824 21.03 w-P1 1 PSN PS24ngm Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5107....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455859 2024-11-24 05:08:02 2460638.71391 21.03 0.14 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
169698 AT 2024afzf 1 07:32:35.255 -17:18:14.87 ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS24sbn ATLAS-CHL - ATLAS-04 Y Y 19.194 orange-ATLAS 2024-12-30 05:46:33.024 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5147....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238258 2024-12-30 17:01:33 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 07:32:35.255 -17:18:14.87 2024-12-30 05:46:33.024 19.194 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24sbn ATLAS 2024TNSTR5147....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457147 2024-12-30 05:46:33 2460674.74066 19.194 0.196 19.4 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot
457146 2024-12-29 06:27:13 2460673.7689 19.38 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot [Last non detection]
164243 AT 2024ydo 3 10:04:07.279 +40:11:08.08 ZTF, GOTO, Pan-STARRS ZTF, GOTO, Pan-STARRS GOTO, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abmyoph GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 19.5365 g-ZTF 2024-10-12 11:17:06.999 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4001....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237763 2024-12-29 12:18:28 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 10:04:07.279 +40:11:08.08 2024-10-22 15:18:32.832 19.73 z-P1 1 PSN PS24nla Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456407 2024-10-22 15:18:33 2460606.13788 19.73 0.19 20.4 ABMag z-P1 PS1_GPC1 120 Robot
229906 2024-10-22 20:21:37 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,D. O'Neill,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 10:04:07.344 +40:11:07.77 2024-10-22 05:34:49.728 18.69 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24hhg GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441290 2024-10-22 05:34:50 2460605.732518 18.69 0.19 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
441289 2024-10-20 04:59:14 2460603.707795 18.5 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180 [Last non detection]
229137 2024-10-14 12:10:39 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 10:04:07.247 +40:11:08.27 2024-10-12 11:17:06.999 19.5365 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abmyoph ZTF 2024TNSTR4001....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
439931 2024-10-14 11:24:35 2460597.9754051 19.1536 0.105264 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
439930 2024-10-12 11:17:07 2460595.9702199 19.5365 0.159899 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
439929 2024-09-22 12:26:21 2460576.0182986 19.4581 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169202 AT 2024afgk 1 22:49:14.883 +42:35:08.33 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abymdvp P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.4521 r-ZTF 2024-12-07 03:12:45.996 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5112....1P
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237542 2024-12-28 15:33:54 Fritz Daniel Perley (LJMU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Theophile du Laz (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF et al. ZTF ZTF 22:49:14.883 +42:35:08.33 2024-12-07 03:12:45.996 20.4521 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abymdvp ZTF 2024TNSTR5112....1P N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456000 2024-12-23 03:53:41 2460667.6622801 20.3236 0.204042 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455999 2024-12-07 03:12:46 2460651.6338657 20.4521 0.291965 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455998 2024-12-06 05:41:12 2460650.7369444 20.1017 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169722 AT 2024agad 1 06:13:34.773 +52:19:13.23 YSE Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, YSE PS24nvz PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 21.24 g-P1 2024-12-26 09:16:04.224 YSE_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5160....1J
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238292 2024-12-30 19:18:51 YSE_Bot1 D. O. Jones (UC Santa Cruz),K. D. French (Carnegie,Illinois) et al. YSE Pan-STARRS 06:13:34.773 +52:19:13.23 2024-12-26 09:16:04.224 21.24 g-P1 1 PSN PS24nvz Pan-STARRS, YSE 2024TNSTR5160....1J N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457214 2024-12-26 09:16:04 2460670.88616 21.24 0.11 21 ABMag g-P1 PS2_GPC2 27 Robot
168463 AT 2024aeef 3 15:06:20.576 +43:12:13.72 SDSS J150620.53+431213.6 0.09355376 ALeRCE, ATLAS, GOTO ZTF, ATLAS, GOTO ALeRCE, ATLAS, GOTO ZTF24abycwgk ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, GOTO-N - GOTO-1, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 18.6773 r-ZTF 2024-12-17 13:15:45.003 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR4935....1M
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240776 2025-01-08 10:03:21 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,D. O'Neill,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 15:06:20.574 +43:12:13.58 2024-12-28 06:25:58.656 18.62 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO25ei GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
461588 2024-12-28 06:25:59 2460672.768035 18.62 0.15 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
461587 2024-12-19 05:10:58 2460663.715954 17.9 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 180 [Last non detection]
237332 2024-12-27 16:23:23 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 15:06:20.588 +43:12:13.42 2024-12-27 13:33:31.680 18.918 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rxj ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455662 2024-12-27 13:33:32 2460672.06495 18.918 0.19 19.1 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
455661 2024-12-23 15:57:27 2460668.1649 18.87 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
236217 2024-12-17 19:41:32 ALeRCE A. Munoz-Arancibia,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 15:06:20.576 +43:12:13.72 2024-12-17 13:15:45.003 18.6773 r-ZTF 2 PSN SDSS J150620.53+431213.6 ZTF24abycwgk ALeRCE Early SN candidate (r-rise > 0.10+-0.01 mag/day) classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR4935....1M N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
453519 2024-12-17 13:15:45 2460662.0526042 18.6773 0.158812 18.8949 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
453518 2024-12-17 11:53:13 2460661.9952894 17.0997 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
167710 AT 2024adbx 2 03:04:57.938 -01:11:59.75 YSE, Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, YSE PS24mgb PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.39 r-P1 2024-11-20 10:22:48.864 YSE_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR4723....1J
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236909 2024-12-23 20:38:59 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 03:04:57.938 -01:11:59.75 2024-11-23 08:27:24.768 20.57 w-P1 1 PSN PS24mgb Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454939 2024-11-23 08:27:25 2460637.85237 20.57 0.13 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
234710 2024-12-02 06:58:17 YSE_Bot1 D. O. Jones (UC Santa Cruz),K. D. French (Carnegie,Illinois) et al. YSE Pan-STARRS 03:04:57.937 -01:11:59.95 2024-11-20 10:22:48.864 20.39 r-P1 1 PSN PS24mgb Pan-STARRS, YSE 2024TNSTR4723....1J N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
450282 2024-11-20 10:22:49 2460634.93251 20.39 0.15 20.6 ABMag r-P1 PS1_GPC1 27 Robot
170076 AT 2024agii 1 14:16:07.912 +50:23:20.21 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24acahtzz P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.0582 g-ZTF 2024-12-22 10:47:26.001 Fritz N 2025TNSTR...8....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240127 2025-01-01 15:48:06 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 14:16:07.912 +50:23:20.21 2024-12-22 10:47:26.001 20.0582 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24acahtzz ZTF 2025TNSTR...8....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460264 2024-12-31 12:21:48 2460676.0151389 19.7939 0.16015 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
460263 2024-12-22 10:47:26 2460666.9496065 20.0582 0.363907 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
460262 2024-12-20 13:13:19 2460665.0509144 20.1741 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
166046 AT 2024aarf 2 22:37:01.081 -30:20:46.92 GOTO, Pan-STARRS GOTO, Pan-STARRS GOTO, Pan-STARRS GOTO24ici GOTO-S - GOTO-3, GOTO-S - GOTO-4, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 19.33 L-GOTO 2024-11-08 09:42:33.120 GOTO_bot N 2024TNSTR4383....1O
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238091 2024-12-29 20:19:35 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 22:37:01.081 -30:20:46.92 2024-11-02 05:06:44.928 19.69 w-P1 1 PSN PS24ntp Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456855 2024-11-02 05:06:45 2460616.71302 19.69 0.06 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
232022 2024-11-08 11:13:04 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 22:37:01.070 -30:20:47.53 2024-11-08 09:42:33.120 19.33 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24ici GOTO 2024TNSTR4383....1O N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
445352 2024-11-08 09:42:33 2460622.904554 19.33 0.12 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-4 360
445351 2024-11-02 12:22:41 2460617.01575 19.9 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180 [Last non detection]
168706 AT 2024aenm 1 16:02:42.190 -00:54:38.36 SDSS J160242.13-005439.2 ALeRCE ZTF ALeRCE ZTF24abylevb P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 18.2876 r-ZTF 2024-12-20 13:43:20.004 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR5011....1F
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236697 2024-12-22 01:11:30 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 16:02:42.190 -00:54:38.36 2024-12-20 13:43:20.004 18.2876 r-ZTF 3 PSN SDSS J160242.13-005439.2 ZTF24abylevb ALeRCE SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR5011....1F N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454460 2024-12-20 13:44:42 2460665.0727083 18.4252 0.117508 18.8454 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
454459 2024-12-20 13:44:01 2460665.0722338 18.447 0.141852 18.8943 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
454458 2024-12-20 13:43:20 2460665.0717593 18.2876 0.105318 18.9089 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
164425 AT 2024yhq 5 09:53:06.740 -04:08:25.37 GaiaAlerts, ATLAS, GOTO, ZTF, Pan-STARRS GaiaAlerts, ATLAS, GOTO, ZTF, Pan-STARRS ATLAS, GaiaAlerts, GOTO, Pan-STARRS, ZTF Gaia24cyn ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-STH - ATLAS-03, Gaia - Gaia-photometric, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 18.09 G-Gaia 2024-10-12 10:27:50.400 Gaia_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR4032....1H
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240291 2025-01-03 09:46:35 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 09:53:06.738 -04:08:25.37 2024-12-24 13:43:58.080 19.4 w-P1 1 PSN PS24oem Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460576 2024-12-24 13:43:58 2460669.0722 19.4 0.06 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
232429 2024-11-13 12:46:16 Fritz Ann Victor Adly Mina (UC Berkeley),Nabeel Rehemtulla (CIERA,NU) et al. ZTF ZTF 09:53:06.740 -04:08:25.30 2024-10-08 12:25:06.997 18.0264 r-ZTF 2 PSN ZTF24ablmyli ZTF Bright (m_peak <= 18.5) transient candidate identified autonomously by BTSbot (Rehemtulla et al. 2024; arXiv:2401.15167). N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
446284 2024-11-13 12:33:10 2460628.0230324 18.8699 0.10036 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
446283 2024-10-08 12:25:07 2460592.0174421 18.0264 0.063639 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
229834 2024-10-22 07:18:38 GOTO_bot T. Killestein,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 09:53:06.737 -04:08:25.34 2024-10-18 05:36:15.264 17.94 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24hhi GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441158 2024-10-18 05:36:15 2460601.733513 17.94 0.2 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
441157 2024-03-18 22:02:21 2460388.418297 18.8 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180 [Last non detection]
229431 2024-10-17 09:48:34 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 09:53:06.729 -04:08:25.35 2024-10-13 14:50:02.112 18.167 cyan-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24pjw ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
440463 2024-10-13 14:50:02 2460597.11808 18.167 0.09 19.09 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
440462 2024-07-01 18:21:28 2460493.26491 18.03 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-STH_ATLAS-03 30 Robot [Last non detection]
229405 2024-10-16 19:41:18 Gaia_Bot1 S.T. Hodgkin,E. Breedt,A. Delgado et al. GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts 09:53:06.740 -04:08:25.37 2024-10-12 10:27:50.400 18.09 G-Gaia 2 PSN Gaia24cyn GaiaAlerts Apparently hostless transient 2024TNSTR4032....1H N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
440414 2024-10-12 10:27:50 2460595.936 18.09 0.2 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 60 Robot
440413 2024-07-07 16:07:41 2460499.172 21.5 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric Robot [Last non detection]
169410 AT 1996cx 1 22:21:05.740 -27:37:08.90 PALEO PALEO PALEO Other - Other Y Y 17.6 R-Cousins 1996-08-14 14:22:00.000 Denis Denisenko N 2024TNSTR5134....1K
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237840 2024-12-29 14:59:14 Denis Denisenko L. Konkov,D. Denisenko (Vorobyovy Gory Education Center) et al. PALEO PALEO 22:21:05.740 -27:37:08.90 1996-08-14 14:22:00.000 17.6 R-Cousins 3 PSN PALEO Apparent supernova discovered by Leonid Konkov on the Red DSS plate. The object is located 0.4" West and 0.2" North from the center of anonymous galaxy. 2024TNSTR5134....1K N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456559 1996-09-18 12:12:00 2450345.0083333 18.7 19.5 ABMag I-Cousins Other_Other 5400 SERC-I Survey photographic plate taken with the UK Schmidt telescope.
456558 1996-08-14 14:22:00 2450310.0986111 17.6 22 ABMag R-Cousins Other_Other 3900 Second Epoch Southern photographic plate taken with the UK Schmidt telescope.
456557 1995-08-29 13:50:00 2449959.0763889 22 ABMag R-Cousins Other_Other 4800 [Last non detection] Second Epoch Southern photographic plate taken with the UK Schmidt telescope.
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_1996cx_atrep_237840_PALEO.jpg Color-combined (BR) DSS finder chart with 6'x6' FOV. North is up, East is to the left. 2024-12-29 14:59:15 Denis Denisenko
169826 AT 2024aged 1 05:35:35.051 -16:07:22.26 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24oay PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 22.08 w-P1 2024-12-27 09:30:24.768 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5171....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238445 2024-12-31 01:04:41 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 05:35:35.051 -16:07:22.26 2024-12-27 09:30:24.768 22.08 w-P1 1 PSN PS24oay Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5171....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457385 2024-12-27 09:30:25 2460671.89612 22.08 0.12 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
170092 AT 2025G 1 05:59:15.118 +13:32:28.72 ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS25aap ATLAS-CHL - ATLAS-04, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01 Y Y 19.287 orange-ATLAS 2025-01-01 09:54:11.232 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2025TNSTR...2....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240148 2025-01-01 17:02:15 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 05:59:15.118 +13:32:28.72 2025-01-01 09:54:11.232 19.287 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS25aap ATLAS 2025TNSTR...2....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460321 2025-01-01 09:54:11 2460676.91263 19.287 0.164 19.5 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot
460320 2024-12-31 04:55:19 2460675.70508 19.28 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot [Last non detection]
168126 AT 2024adrj 2 22:41:12.764 +36:26:21.36 YSE, Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, YSE PS24mip PS1 - GPC1, PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 20.11 i-P1 2024-12-07 04:57:37.152 YSE_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR4812....1J
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
241662 2025-01-19 20:31:53 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 22:41:12.764 +36:26:21.36 2024-12-10 06:33:51.264 20.59 w-P1 1 PSN PS24mip Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
463295 2024-12-10 06:33:51 2460654.77351 20.59 0.31 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
235421 2024-12-08 23:09:15 YSE_Bot1 D. O. Jones (UC Santa Cruz),K. D. French (Carnegie,Illinois) et al. YSE Pan-STARRS 22:41:12.755 +36:26:21.40 2024-12-07 04:57:37.152 20.11 i-P1 1 PSN PS24mip Pan-STARRS, YSE 2024TNSTR4812....1J N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
451875 2024-12-07 04:57:37 2460651.70668 20.11 0.23 20.7 ABMag i-P1 PS1_GPC1 27 Robot
170012 AT 2024agga 4 15:59:14.704 +27:45:05.70 SDSS J155914.65+274505.1 ALeRCE, ATLAS, GOTO, Fink ZTF, ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO, ZTF ZTF24acahvqx ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, GOTO-N - GOTO-1, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.516 r-ZTF 2024-12-29 12:14:25.996 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR5167....1M
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
241230 2025-01-16 20:30:57 Fink Julien Peloton,Anais Moller,Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink broker et al. Fink ZTF 15:59:14.704 +27:45:05.70 2024-12-29 12:14:25.996 20.516 r-ZTF 1 PSN ZTF24acahvqx ZTF Early SN Ia candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
462551 2024-12-29 12:14:26 2460674.0100231 20.516 0.364682 20.1402 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
240781 2025-01-08 10:08:45 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,D. O'Neill,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 15:59:14.693 +27:45:05.41 2025-01-08 06:00:04.320 18.98 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO25eb GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
461598 2025-01-08 06:00:04 2460683.750053 18.98 0.12 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
461597 2024-12-19 06:45:23 2460663.781519 17 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 135 [Last non detection]
240682 2025-01-06 18:33:21 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 15:59:14.709 +27:45:05.62 2025-01-06 14:50:47.040 18.905 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS25agt ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
461403 2025-01-06 14:50:47 2460682.1186 18.905 0.141 19.34 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
461402 2025-01-04 15:17:21 2460680.13705 19.49 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot [Last non detection]
240015 2024-12-31 19:53:42 ALeRCE A. Munoz-Arancibia,F.E. Bauer,F. Forster et al. ALeRCE ZTF 15:59:14.687 +27:45:05.56 2024-12-29 12:14:25.996 20.516 r-ZTF 2 PSN SDSS J155914.65+274505.1 ZTF24acahvqx ZTF SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR5167....1M N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460025 2024-12-31 12:47:34 2460676.0330324 19.8581 0.21137 20.0281 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
460024 2024-12-29 12:14:26 2460674.0100231 20.516 0.364682 20.1402 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
168738 AT 2024aeos 1 23:34:22.901 -59:49:27.23 GOTO GOTO GOTO GOTO24jgl GOTO-S - GOTO-3 Y Y 19.16 L-GOTO 2024-12-19 11:59:09.024 GOTO_bot N 2024TNSTR5016....1O
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236739 2024-12-22 11:39:14 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 23:34:22.901 -59:49:27.23 2024-12-19 11:59:09.024 19.16 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jgl GOTO 2024TNSTR5016....1O N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454574 2024-12-19 11:59:09 2460663.999406 19.16 0.12 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180
454573 2024-12-14 12:11:17 2460659.007827 19.2 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180 [Last non detection]
168408 AT 2024aecf 2 21:55:27.757 -06:50:47.77 ZTF, ATLAS ZTF, ATLAS ATLAS, ZTF ZTF24abxyusk ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.3516 g-ZTF 2024-12-11 02:33:59.996 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4930....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237386 2024-12-28 09:58:25 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 21:55:27.743 -06:50:47.00 2024-12-28 05:23:04.704 19.033 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rxr ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455751 2024-12-28 05:23:05 2460672.72436 19.033 0.199 19.14 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
455750 2024-12-22 06:05:26 2460666.75377 19.05 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot [Last non detection]
236110 2024-12-16 05:11:06 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 21:55:27.757 -06:50:47.77 2024-12-11 02:33:59.996 19.3516 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abxyusk ZTF 2024TNSTR4930....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
453349 2024-12-16 03:04:58 2460660.6284491 18.9915 0.171881 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
453348 2024-12-11 02:34:00 2460655.6069444 19.3516 0.267008 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
453347 2024-12-09 03:56:45 2460653.6644097 19.0973 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
164651 AT 2024yqg 3 09:08:37.163 +34:36:21.11 ZTF, Fink, Pan-STARRS ZTF, Pan-STARRS Fink, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abmypeb P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.3511 g-ZTF 2024-10-12 11:13:02.003 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4092....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240288 2025-01-03 09:44:51 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 09:08:37.163 +34:36:21.11 2024-12-02 14:06:08.640 21.34 w-P1 1 PSN PS24oej Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460573 2024-12-02 14:06:09 2460647.0876 21.34 0.1 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
229832 2024-10-21 21:50:34 Fink Julien Peloton,Anais Moller,Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink broker et al. Fink ZTF 09:08:37.154 +34:36:20.78 2024-10-12 11:13:02.004 20.3511 g-ZTF 2 PSN ZTF24abmypeb Fink Early SN Ia candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441155 2024-10-12 11:13:02 2460595.9673843 20.3511 0.251261 20.2346 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
441154 2024-09-21 11:52:49 2460574.9950116 19.0483 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
229768 2024-10-21 11:07:39 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 09:08:37.158 +34:36:20.84 2024-10-12 11:13:02.003 20.3511 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abmypeb ZTF 2024TNSTR4092....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441015 2024-10-21 10:55:26 2460604.955162 19.5413 0.1543 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441014 2024-10-12 11:13:02 2460595.9673843 20.3511 0.251261 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441013 2024-10-09 12:10:05 2460593.0070023 19.6611 ABMag i-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169194 AT 2024afgc 1 07:56:38.074 +65:19:03.33 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abyezpf P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.5505 g-ZTF 2024-12-09 07:20:59.999 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5112....1P
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237534 2024-12-28 15:31:25 Fritz Daniel Perley (LJMU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Theophile du Laz (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF et al. ZTF ZTF 07:56:38.074 +65:19:03.33 2024-12-09 07:20:59.999 20.5505 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abyezpf ZTF 2024TNSTR5112....1P N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455976 2024-12-22 12:27:42 2460667.0192361 19.8246 0.190207 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455975 2024-12-09 07:21:00 2460653.80625 20.5505 0.303891 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455974 2024-12-09 05:51:29 2460653.7440856 18.694 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
168778 AT 2024aeqg 1 00:31:35.451 +25:48:51.45 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abzaqfu P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 18.8847 r-ZTF 2024-12-10 04:22:31.998 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5035....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
236816 2024-12-23 05:53:25 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 00:31:35.451 +25:48:51.45 2024-12-10 04:22:31.998 18.8847 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abzaqfu ZTF 2024TNSTR5035....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454747 2024-12-23 02:36:53 2460667.6089468 19.6528 0.196124 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
454746 2024-12-10 04:22:32 2460654.6823148 18.8847 0.147234 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
454745 2024-12-10 03:16:40 2460654.6365741 19.5776 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169602 AT 2024afvo 1 02:52:59.112 +24:16:05.42 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24ntm PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.98 w-P1 2024-11-02 11:38:13.632 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5135....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238088 2024-12-29 20:18:58 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 02:52:59.112 +24:16:05.42 2024-11-02 11:38:13.632 20.98 w-P1 1 PSN PS24ntm Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5135....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456852 2024-11-02 11:38:14 2460616.98488 20.98 0.12 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
169682 AT 2024afyp 2 08:17:05.833 -65:51:56.65 GOTO, ATLAS GOTO, ATLAS ATLAS, GOTO GOTO24jro ATLAS-CHL - ATLAS-04, ATLAS-STH - ATLAS-03, GOTO-S - GOTO-4 Y Y 19.5 L-GOTO 2024-12-28 10:42:55.872 GOTO_bot N 2024TNSTR5152....1O
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240382 2025-01-04 01:16:39 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 08:17:05.833 -65:51:56.65 2025-01-02 23:26:19.104 19.001 cyan-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS25adf ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460734 2025-01-02 23:26:19 2460678.47661 19.001 0.136 19.38 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-STH_ATLAS-03 30 Robot
460733 2025-01-01 06:18:58 2460676.76317 19.43 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot [Last non detection]
238216 2024-12-30 12:57:08 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 08:17:05.847 -65:51:55.92 2024-12-28 10:42:55.872 19.5 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jro GOTO 2024TNSTR5152....1O N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457075 2024-12-28 10:42:56 2460672.946477 19.5 0.15 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-4 180
457074 2024-12-25 10:56:38 2460669.956 19.8 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-4 180 [Last non detection]
169482 AT 2024afqy 1 07:17:34.191 +56:19:04.72 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24nnz PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.8 w-P1 2024-11-23 13:56:47.040 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5135....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237931 2024-12-29 19:04:49 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 07:17:34.191 +56:19:04.72 2024-11-23 13:56:47.040 20.8 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nnz Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5135....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456688 2024-11-23 13:56:47 2460638.0811 20.8 0.07 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
169090 AT 2024afcc 2 02:09:55.661 -27:21:42.73 ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS24rxp ATLAS-CHL - ATLAS-04, ATLAS-STH - ATLAS-03, GOTO-S - GOTO-3 Y Y 19.125 cyan-ATLAS 2024-12-26 19:34:45.984 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5087....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237794 2024-12-29 12:46:08 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 02:09:55.668 -27:21:42.81 2024-12-29 11:39:07.200 19.81 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jps GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456450 2024-12-29 11:39:07 2460673.985496 19.81 0.14 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180
456449 2024-12-20 13:09:25 2460665.048207 20.1 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180 [Last non detection]
237374 2024-12-27 20:52:35 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 02:09:55.661 -27:21:42.73 2024-12-26 19:34:45.984 19.125 cyan-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rxp ATLAS 2024TNSTR5087....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455730 2024-12-26 19:34:46 2460671.31581 19.125 0.184 19.6 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-STH_ATLAS-03 30 Robot
455729 2024-12-26 02:21:33 2460670.5983 19.46 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot [Last non detection]
169714 AT 2024afzv 1 16:20:27.485 +69:32:14.64 ALeRCE ZTF ALeRCE ZTF24acacflw P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.0882 g-ZTF 2024-12-30 13:16:35.996 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR5146....1M
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238283 2024-12-30 18:03:05 ALeRCE A. Munoz-Arancibia,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 16:20:27.485 +69:32:14.64 2024-12-30 13:16:35.996 20.0882 g-ZTF 1 PSN ZTF24acacflw ALeRCE SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR5146....1M N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457201 2024-12-30 13:16:36 2460675.0531944 20.0882 0.168884 20.5335 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
164850 AT 2024yxx 3 06:13:45.047 +44:37:08.58 ZTF, Fink, Pan-STARRS ZTF, Pan-STARRS Fink, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abmklqn P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.4069 g-ZTF 2024-10-11 11:16:57.002 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4122....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237130 2024-12-25 11:23:07 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 06:13:45.047 +44:37:08.58 2024-10-13 13:57:48.384 20.15 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nal Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455313 2024-10-13 13:57:48 2460597.08181 20.15 0.06 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
230565 2024-10-25 19:32:10 Fink Julien Peloton,Anais Moller,Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink broker et al. Fink ZTF 06:13:45.048 +44:37:08.65 2024-10-11 11:16:57.003 20.4069 g-ZTF 2 PSN ZTF24abmklqn Fink Early SN Ia candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
442581 2024-10-11 11:16:57 2460594.9701042 20.4069 0.226311 20.3431 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
442580 2024-10-08 10:39:23 2460591.9440162 20.5785 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF, classified by Fink
230096 2024-10-23 10:42:59 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 06:13:45.044 +44:37:08.77 2024-10-11 11:16:57.002 20.4069 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abmklqn ZTF 2024TNSTR4122....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441584 2024-10-23 09:43:55 2460606.9054977 19.654 0.142644 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441583 2024-10-11 11:16:57 2460594.9701042 20.4069 0.226311 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441582 2024-10-08 12:11:38 2460592.0080787 20.2352 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169418 AT 2024afom 1 06:26:54.573 +63:32:44.88 SDSS J062654.72+633250.6 ALeRCE ZTF ALeRCE ZTF24abzsrpo P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.5063 r-ZTF 2024-12-29 06:42:08.997 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR5123....1F
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237850 2024-12-29 15:25:33 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 06:26:54.573 +63:32:44.88 2024-12-29 06:42:08.997 19.5063 r-ZTF 2 PSN SDSS J062654.72+633250.6 ZTF24abzsrpo ALeRCE Early SN candidate (r-rise > 0.10+-0.02 mag/day) classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR5123....1F N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456573 2024-12-29 06:42:09 2460673.7792708 19.5063 0.131227 20.47 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
456572 2024-12-23 09:44:08 2460667.9056481 18.6031 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
168890 AT 2024aeuo 4 10:06:23.434 +03:25:22.47 BlackGEM, ZTF, GOTO, ATLAS BlackGEM, ZTF, GOTO, ATLAS ATLAS, BlackGEM, GOTO, ZTF BGEM J100623.43+032522.4 ATLAS-CHL - ATLAS-04, ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, BG4 - BlackGEM-Cam4, GOTO-N - GOTO-1, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.42 BG-q-BlackGem 2024-12-24 05:59:48.000 BlackGEM_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5043....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240165 2025-01-02 00:09:20 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 10:06:23.468 +03:25:22.57 2025-01-01 15:12:30.816 18.968 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS25aaw ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460342 2025-01-01 15:12:31 2460677.13369 18.968 0.135 19.45 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
460341 2024-12-31 07:28:30 2460675.81146 19.37 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-CHL_ATLAS-04 30 Robot [Last non detection]
237298 2024-12-27 07:42:09 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,G. Ramsay,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 10:06:23.444 +03:25:21.58 2024-12-27 01:53:17.952 19.01 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jmi GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455593 2024-12-27 01:53:18 2460671.578678 19.01 0.16 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
455592 2024-12-18 01:54:56 2460662.579823 18.1 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 180 [Last non detection]
236968 2024-12-24 11:07:32 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 10:06:23.465 +03:25:22.31 2024-12-22 10:08:52.995 19.6568 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abyzekx ZTF N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455030 2024-12-24 10:43:31 2460668.9468866 19.5224 0.137117 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455029 2024-12-22 10:08:53 2460666.9228356 19.6568 0.171787 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455028 2024-12-14 11:59:09 2460658.9994097 18.5235 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
236965 2024-12-24 10:50:02 BlackGEM_Bot1 S. Scaringi,H. Tranin,F. Stoppa et al. BlackGEM BlackGEM 10:06:23.434 +03:25:22.47 2024-12-24 05:59:48.000 19.42 BG-q-BlackGem 2 PSN BGEM J100623.43+032522.4 BlackGEM 2024TNSTR5043....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455022 2024-12-24 05:59:48 2460668.7498611 19.42 0.09 21.02 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG4_BlackGEM-Cam4 60 robotic
455021 2024-12-17 08:29:29 2460661.8538079 19.93 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG4_BlackGEM-Cam4 60 robotic [Last non detection]
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_2024aeuo_atrep_236965_BlackGEM.pdf Finding Chart 2024-12-24 10:50:04 BlackGEM_Bot1
168449 AT 2024aedr 3 13:10:25.629 -15:56:18.86 ATLAS, ZTF, Pan-STARRS ATLAS, ZTF, Pan-STARRS ATLAS, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ATLAS24rkr ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 18.335 orange-ATLAS 2024-12-16 15:25:42.240 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR4922....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240244 2025-01-02 22:02:43 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 13:10:25.629 -15:56:18.86 2024-12-30 15:08:49.632 20.52 w-P1 1 PSN PS25q Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
460472 2024-12-30 15:08:50 2460675.13113 20.52 0.1 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
236593 2024-12-21 13:42:57 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 13:10:25.640 -15:56:18.76 2024-12-19 12:32:02.002 19.0575 i-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abyhhlb ZTF N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454276 2024-12-21 12:56:22 2460666.0391435 19.1213 0.155586 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
454275 2024-12-19 12:32:02 2460664.0222454 19.0575 0.130105 ABMag i-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
454274 2024-11-30 13:20:24 2460645.0558333 19.6107 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
236176 2024-12-16 18:52:55 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 13:10:25.614 -15:56:18.80 2024-12-16 15:25:42.240 18.335 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rkr ATLAS 2024TNSTR4922....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
453454 2024-12-16 15:25:42 2460661.14285 18.335 0.147 18.56 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
453453 2024-12-14 15:16:17 2460659.13631 18.46 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot [Last non detection]
169082 AT 2024afbu 1 15:15:58.730 -54:38:40.63 GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts Gaia24dtl Gaia - Gaia-photometric Y Y 17.18 G-Gaia 2024-12-24 16:13:26.400 Gaia_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5089....1H
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237356 2024-12-27 18:39:27 Gaia_Bot1 S.T. Hodgkin,E. Breedt,A. Delgado et al. GaiaAlerts GaiaAlerts 15:15:58.730 -54:38:40.63 2024-12-24 16:13:26.400 17.18 G-Gaia 2 Other Gaia24dtl GaiaAlerts Galactic plane source brightens by 0.2 mag 2024TNSTR5089....1H N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455696 2024-12-24 16:13:26 2460669.176 17.18 0.2 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric 60 Robot
455695 2024-08-19 19:30:43 2460542.313 21.5 ABMag G-Gaia Gaia_Gaia-photometric Robot [Last non detection]
166624 AT 2024abne 2 20:40:03.224 -16:44:19.32 ZTF, Pan-STARRS ZTF, Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abtagjp P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 19.5577 r-ZTF 2024-11-15 03:04:44.999 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4558....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238039 2024-12-29 20:02:04 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 20:40:03.224 -16:44:19.32 2024-11-20 05:07:28.992 19.5 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nrq Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456802 2024-11-20 05:07:29 2460634.71353 19.5 0.07 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
232916 2024-11-20 05:27:25 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 20:40:03.220 -16:44:19.85 2024-11-15 03:04:44.999 19.5577 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abtagjp ZTF 2024TNSTR4558....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
447127 2024-11-20 03:04:49 2460634.6283449 19.3448 0.151046 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
447126 2024-11-15 03:04:45 2460629.6282986 19.5577 0.261722 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
447125 2024-11-14 03:04:41 2460628.6282523 19.549 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169018 AT 2024aezj 3 04:18:52.427 +20:19:27.86 ATLAS, Pan-STARRS, GOTO ATLAS, Pan-STARRS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO, Pan-STARRS ATLAS24rvs ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 19.208 orange-ATLAS 2024-12-26 08:52:08.256 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5077....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
240611 2025-01-06 14:42:54 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 04:18:52.440 +20:19:27.78 2025-01-03 22:05:59.712 18.97 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO25bo GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
461238 2025-01-03 22:06:00 2460679.420828 18.97 0.12 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
461237 2024-12-19 01:02:51 2460663.543645 19.3 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180 [Last non detection]
238133 2024-12-29 20:58:56 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 04:18:52.427 +20:19:27.86 2024-12-25 10:07:20.064 19.6 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nvd Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456898 2024-12-25 10:07:20 2460669.92176 19.6 0.06 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
237224 2024-12-26 11:43:41 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 04:18:52.437 +20:19:27.95 2024-12-26 08:52:08.256 19.208 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rvs ATLAS 2024TNSTR5077....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455478 2024-12-26 08:52:08 2460670.86954 19.208 0.168 19.4 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
455477 2024-12-25 09:36:28 2460669.90032 19.35 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
169178 AT 2024affm 1 10:09:01.115 +51:03:11.90 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abykxfu P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.6754 r-ZTF 2024-12-19 07:24:45.002 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5112....1P
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237509 2024-12-28 14:44:30 Fritz Daniel Perley (LJMU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Theophile du Laz (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF et al. ZTF ZTF 10:09:01.115 +51:03:11.90 2024-12-19 07:24:45.002 19.6754 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abykxfu ZTF 2024TNSTR5112....1P N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455904 2024-12-24 10:14:57 2460668.9270486 19.2354 0.112946 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455903 2024-12-19 07:24:45 2460663.8088542 19.6754 0.25415 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455902 2024-12-17 11:42:31 2460661.9878588 17.8927 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
164911 AT 2024zag 4 02:46:01.519 +41:14:18.12 ZTF, GOTO, ATLAS, Pan-STARRS ZTF, GOTO, ATLAS, Pan-STARRS ATLAS, GOTO, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abmxmyb ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, GOTO-N - GOTO-1, GOTO-N - GOTO-2, P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 21.0537 g-ZTF 2024-10-13 10:13:04.998 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4135....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237124 2024-12-25 11:19:58 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 02:46:01.519 +41:14:18.12 2024-11-10 10:49:23.808 20.02 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nah Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455305 2024-11-10 10:49:24 2460624.95097 20.02 0.11 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
231158 2024-10-31 16:15:29 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 02:46:01.558 +41:14:19.17 2024-10-30 09:49:11.424 19.218 cyan-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24pvm ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
443796 2024-10-30 09:49:11 2460613.90916 19.218 0.146 19.5 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot
443795 2024-10-24 12:49:49 2460608.03459 19.1 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
231082 2024-10-31 08:07:07 GOTO_bot G. Ramsay,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 02:46:01.542 +41:14:18.87 2024-10-30 22:35:17.088 19.33 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24hwc GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
443623 2024-10-30 22:35:17 2460614.441172 19.33 0.1 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 360
443622 2024-10-28 23:27:23 2460612.477354 19.2 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180 [Last non detection]
230209 2024-10-24 08:10:30 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 02:46:01.514 +41:14:18.15 2024-10-13 10:13:04.998 21.0537 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abmxmyb ZTF 2024TNSTR4135....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441827 2024-10-24 06:53:16 2460607.7869907 19.6352 0.127423 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441826 2024-10-13 10:13:05 2460596.9257523 21.0537 0.337618 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441825 2024-10-13 10:12:24 2460596.9252778 20.8432 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169186 AT 2024affu 1 13:55:05.979 -09:30:41.54 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abwsxwu P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.8461 r-ZTF 2024-12-02 13:09:50.002 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5112....1P
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237521 2024-12-28 15:25:25 Fritz Daniel Perley (LJMU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Theophile du Laz (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF et al. ZTF ZTF 13:55:05.979 -09:30:41.54 2024-12-02 13:09:50.002 19.8461 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abwsxwu ZTF 2024TNSTR5112....1P N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455937 2024-12-06 13:19:52 2460651.055463 19.7908 0.212706 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455936 2024-12-02 13:09:50 2460647.0484954 19.8461 0.215723 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
455935 2024-11-30 13:28:45 2460645.0616319 19.1773 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169834 AT 2024agel 1 10:34:01.461 -29:17:56.26 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24obg PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 21.18 w-P1 2024-12-27 14:11:25.728 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5171....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238453 2024-12-31 01:06:21 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 10:34:01.461 -29:17:56.26 2024-12-27 14:11:25.728 21.18 w-P1 1 PSN PS24obg Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5171....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457393 2024-12-27 14:11:26 2460672.09127 21.18 0.17 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
169658 AT 2024afxs 1 06:58:46.475 +39:46:09.55 ZTF ZTF ZTF ZTF24abzxyez P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 20.2709 r-ZTF 2024-12-19 08:56:22.997 Fritz N 2024TNSTR5161....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238172 2024-12-30 06:30:28 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 06:58:46.475 +39:46:09.55 2024-12-19 08:56:22.997 20.2709 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24abzxyez ZTF 2024TNSTR5161....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456972 2024-12-30 05:27:58 2460674.7277546 19.5423 0.149877 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
456971 2024-12-19 08:56:23 2460663.8724884 20.2709 0.269759 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
456970 2024-12-14 06:18:24 2460658.7627778 19.2582 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
167595 AT 2024acxm 2 10:15:38.697 -11:22:25.65 WISEA J101538.20-112217.8 ALeRCE, ATLAS ZTF, ATLAS ALeRCE, ATLAS ZTF24abuveqj ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, P48 - ZTF-Cam Y Y 19.9784 g-ZTF 2024-11-30 10:46:01.001 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR4706....1F
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
238262 2024-12-30 17:28:09 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 10:15:38.723 -11:22:25.73 2024-12-30 13:34:09.696 19.634 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24sbr ATLAS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
457155 2024-12-30 13:34:10 2460675.06539 19.634 0.191 19.71 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot
457154 2024-12-28 14:17:57 2460673.0958 19.61 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
234485 2024-12-01 02:41:49 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 10:15:38.697 -11:22:25.65 2024-11-30 10:46:01.001 19.9784 g-ZTF 3 PSN WISEA J101538.20-112217.8 ZTF24abuveqj ALeRCE SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR4706....1F N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
449913 2024-11-30 11:58:24 2460644.9988889 20.1592 0.207594 20.204 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
449912 2024-11-30 10:46:01 2460644.9486227 19.9784 0.252932 19.899 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
449911 2024-11-26 12:03:17 2460641.0022801 20.1534 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
168714 AT 2024aenu 2 00:47:57.208 -42:13:11.23 BlackGEM, GOTO BlackGEM, GOTO BlackGEM, GOTO BGEM J004757.20-421311.2 BG4 - BlackGEM-Cam4, GOTO-S - GOTO-3, GOTO-S - GOTO-4 Y Y 20 BG-q-BlackGem 2024-12-22 01:37:00.000 BlackGEM_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5013....1G
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237808 2024-12-29 12:48:13 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,D. O'Neill,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 00:47:57.210 -42:13:11.87 2024-12-28 12:04:09.696 19.77 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jnm GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456484 2024-12-28 12:04:10 2460673.002891 19.77 0.17 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180
456483 2024-12-20 11:47:42 2460664.991465 20 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-4 180 [Last non detection]
236706 2024-12-22 06:00:21 BlackGEM_Bot1 P. Groot,H. Tranin,F. Stoppa et al. BlackGEM BlackGEM 00:47:57.208 -42:13:11.23 2024-12-22 01:37:00.000 20 BG-q-BlackGem 2 PSN BGEM J004757.20-421311.2 BlackGEM 2024TNSTR5013....1G N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454485 2024-12-22 01:37:00 2460666.5673611 20 0.12 21.27 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG4_BlackGEM-Cam4 60 robotic
454484 2024-12-16 01:13:39 2460660.5511458 20.02 ABMag BG-q-BlackGem BG4_BlackGEM-Cam4 60 robotic [Last non detection]
Related files
File Comments Last Modified (UT) Modified By
tns_2024aenu_atrep_236706_BlackGEM.pdf Finding Chart 2024-12-22 06:00:33 BlackGEM_Bot1
168754 SN 2024aepi 2 1 04:37:01.095 -10:29:11.69 SN Ic 0.03 WISEA J043701.09-102912.0 ALeRCE, GOTO ZTF, GOTO ePESSTO+ ALeRCE, GOTO ZTF24abyqzpi GOTO-S - GOTO-3, GOTO-S - GOTO-4, P48 - ZTF-Cam ESO-NTT - EFOSC2-NTT Y Y 1 19.4359 g-ZTF 2024-12-16 08:10:19.001 ALeRCE N 2024TNSTR5011....1F
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237614 2024-12-28 18:38:34 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,G. Ramsay,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 04:37:01.103 -10:29:11.47 2024-12-19 15:04:20.928 19.07 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jnz GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456191 2024-12-19 15:04:21 2460664.128025 19.07 0.19 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-4 180
456190 2024-12-13 16:35:12 2460658.191106 18.6 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-S_GOTO-3 180 [Last non detection]
236769 2024-12-22 15:03:33 ALeRCE F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 04:37:01.095 -10:29:11.69 2024-12-16 08:10:19.001 19.4359 g-ZTF 4 PSN WISEA J043701.09-102912.0 ZTF24abyqzpi ALeRCE Early SN candidate (g-rise > 0.09+-0.02 mag/day, r-rise > 0.06+-0.01 mag/day) classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in 2024TNSTR5011....1F N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454643 2024-12-21 08:06:40 2460665.837963 19.5337 0.127402 20.1856 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
454642 2024-12-19 09:03:58 2460663.8777546 19.6364 0.229708 19.4978 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
454641 2024-12-16 08:10:19 2460660.8404977 19.4359 0.296117 18.923 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
454640 2024-12-16 07:34:40 2460660.8157407 19.28 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
Classification reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Classifier/s Group Classification Redshift Spectra Related files Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks ADS Bibcode
19008 2024-12-28 16:59:31 ePESSTOplus_Bot1 N. Koivisto, C. Vassallo, T. Kravtsov, A. Horowicz on behalf of ePESSTO+ ePESSTO+ SN Ic 0.03 1 ePESSTO+ 2024TNSCR5119....1K
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
19103 2024-12-28 05:36:56 ESO-NTT / EFOSC2-NTT 1499 N. Koivisto, C. Vassallo T. Kravtsov ePESSTO+ tns_2024aepi_2024-12-28_05-36-56_ESO-NTT_EFOSC2-NTT_ePESSTO+.asci tns_2024aepi_2024-12-28_05-36-56_ESO-NTT_EFOSC2-NTT_ePESSTO+.fits Object
ID Obs-date (UT) Tel / Inst Exp-Time Observer/s Reducer/s Group Spectrum ascii file Spectrum fits file Spec. Type Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks
19103 2024-12-28 05:36:56 ESO-NTT / EFOSC2-NTT 1499 N. Koivisto, C. Vassallo T. Kravtsov ePESSTO+ tns_2024aepi_2024-12-28_05-36-56_ESO-NTT_EFOSC2-NTT_ePESSTO+.asci tns_2024aepi_2024-12-28_05-36-56_ESO-NTT_EFOSC2-NTT_ePESSTO+.fits Object
164982 AT 2024zcy 3 00:56:46.364 +44:39:24.83 ZTF, GOTO, Pan-STARRS ZTF, GOTO, Pan-STARRS GOTO, Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24ablsspa GOTO-N - GOTO-1, P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.6606 r-ZTF 2024-10-09 08:18:22.003 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4150....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237114 2024-12-25 11:12:06 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 00:56:46.364 +44:39:24.83 2024-11-11 07:22:23.808 20.17 w-P1 1 PSN PS24mzy Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455295 2024-11-11 07:22:24 2460625.80722 20.17 0.21 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
231264 2024-11-01 11:24:05 GOTO_bot A. Kumar,G. Ramsay,K. Ackley et al. GOTO GOTO 00:56:46.481 +44:39:24.54 2024-11-01 02:09:58.464 19.42 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24hxf GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
444049 2024-11-01 02:09:58 2460615.590259 19.42 0.19 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 180
444048 2024-10-30 00:31:50 2460613.522114 19.2 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 135 [Last non detection]
230331 2024-10-25 09:42:01 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 00:56:46.399 +44:39:24.96 2024-10-09 08:18:22.003 20.6606 r-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24ablsspa ZTF 2024TNSTR4150....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
442091 2024-10-25 07:17:11 2460608.8035995 19.7626 0.200731 ABMag i-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
442090 2024-10-09 08:18:22 2460592.846088 20.6606 0.222306 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
442089 2024-10-09 08:09:22 2460592.839838 19.9466 ABMag i-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
164933 AT 2024zbb 2 07:06:58.697 +39:25:18.43 ZTF, Pan-STARRS ZTF, Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24aboiyai P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 19.9399 g-ZTF 2024-10-21 08:50:08.998 Fritz N 2024TNSTR4135....1S
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237118 2024-12-25 11:15:23 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 07:06:58.697 +39:25:18.43 2024-10-31 14:15:43.200 19.8 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nab Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455299 2024-10-31 14:15:43 2460615.09425 19.8 0.14 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
230238 2024-10-24 12:23:33 Fritz Jesper Sollerman (SU),Christoffer Fremling (Caltech),Daniel Perley (LJMU) et al. ZTF ZTF 07:06:58.712 +39:25:18.45 2024-10-21 08:50:08.998 19.9399 g-ZTF 3 PSN ZTF24aboiyai ZTF 2024TNSTR4135....1S N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
441907 2024-10-24 11:27:11 2460607.9772106 19.7668 0.140425 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441906 2024-10-21 08:50:09 2460604.8681597 19.9399 0.236076 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam
441905 2024-10-19 11:56:33 2460602.9976042 19.2076 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam [Last non detection]
169426 AT 2024afou 1 09:05:08.050 +18:55:11.30 MASTER MASTER MASTER MASTER OT J090508.05+185511.3 Other - Other Y Y 14.3 Clear- 2024-12-27 21:39:38.592 MASTER N 2024TNSTR5132....1L
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237859 2024-12-29 15:35:35 MASTER V.Lipunov,E.Gorbovskoy,N.Tiurina et al. MASTER MASTER 09:05:08.050 +18:55:11.30 2024-12-27 21:39:38.592 14.3 Clear- 3 Other MASTER OT J090508.05+185511.3 MASTER 2024TNSTR5132....1L N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
456594 2024-12-27 21:43:41 2460672.40534 14.3 16.4 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 60 Robot MASTER-Tunka
456593 2024-12-27 21:39:39 2460672.40253 14.3 17.6 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 60 Robot MASTER-Tunka
456592 2011-12-01 20:29:14 2455897.35363 20.2 VegaMag Clear- Other_Other 180 Robot [Last non detection] MASTER-Tunka
168770 AT 2024aepy 2 12:20:45.994 +40:04:15.30 ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS, GOTO ATLAS24rrf ATLAS-HKO - ATLAS-02, ATLAS-MLO - ATLAS-01, GOTO-N - GOTO-1, GOTO-N - GOTO-2 Y Y 18.55 orange-ATLAS 2024-12-21 14:18:38.592 ATLAS_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5025....1T
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237462 2024-12-28 12:11:23 GOTO_bot D. O'Neill,K. Ackley,M. Dyer et al. GOTO GOTO 12:20:46.041 +40:04:14.44 2024-12-27 05:14:32.352 18.79 L-GOTO 2 Other GOTO24jmw GOTO N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455834 2024-12-27 05:14:32 2460671.718431 18.79 0.14 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-2 180
455833 2024-12-20 03:43:59 2460664.655538 17.7 ABMag L-GOTO GOTO-N_GOTO-1 180 [Last non detection]
236804 2024-12-23 00:11:33 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 12:20:45.994 +40:04:15.30 2024-12-21 14:18:38.592 18.55 orange-ATLAS 2 PSN ATLAS24rrf ATLAS 2024TNSTR5025....1T N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
454711 2024-12-21 14:18:39 2460666.09628 18.55 0.133 19.06 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-MLO_ATLAS-01 30 Robot
454710 2024-12-19 14:08:05 2460664.08895 18.99 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
169010 AT 2024aezb 1 06:26:20.175 +37:08:29.66 LAST LAST LAST LAST - LAST-Cam Y Y 19.41 Clear- 2024-12-25 08:48:28.800 LAST_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5080....1K
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237213 2024-12-26 08:56:04 LAST_Bot1 R. Konno (WIS),E. Zimmerman (WIS),A. Horowicz (WIS) et al. LAST LAST 06:26:20.175 +37:08:29.66 2024-12-25 08:48:28.800 19.41 Clear- 2 PSN LAST 2024TNSTR5080....1K N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455456 2024-12-25 08:48:29 2460669.867 19.41 ABMag Clear- LAST_LAST-Cam 400
455455 2024-03-08 05:03:50 2460377.711 21.11 ABMag Clear- LAST_LAST-Cam 400 [Last non detection]
169042 AT 2024afah 1 23:42:43.038 +02:47:32.74 Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS PS24nci PS1 - GPC1 Y Y 20.54 w-P1 2024-11-29 05:16:43.680 PS1_Bot1 N 2024TNSTR5082....1C
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237268 2024-12-26 22:32:03 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 23:42:43.038 +02:47:32.74 2024-11-29 05:16:43.680 20.54 w-P1 1 PSN PS24nci Pan-STARRS 2024TNSTR5082....1C N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455538 2024-11-29 05:16:44 2460643.71995 20.54 0.09 22 ABMag w-P1 PS1_GPC1 45 Robot
168304 AT 2024adyf 2 10:38:58.155 -17:39:04.57 ZTF, Pan-STARRS ZTF, Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS, ZTF ZTF24abxugel P48 - ZTF-Cam, PS2 - GPC2 Y Y 20.4046 g-ZTF 2024-12-08 12:02:33.792 ZTF_CLU_PUBLIC N 2024TNSTR4885....1D
AT reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Photometry Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
237389 2024-12-28 10:19:04 PS1_Bot1 K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Fairlamb et al. Pan-STARRS Pan-STARRS 10:38:58.155 -17:39:04.57 2024-12-25 13:33:03.168 20.11 w-P1 1 PSN PS24ndp Pan-STARRS N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
455755 2024-12-25 13:33:03 2460670.06462 20.11 0.09 22 ABMag w-P1 PS2_GPC2 45 Robot
235770 2024-12-12 19:00:22 ZTF_CLU_PUBLIC K. De (Caltech) on behalf of ZTF et al. ZTF ZTF 10:38:58.150 -17:39:04.38 2024-12-08 12:02:33.792 20.4046 g-ZTF 2 PSN ZTF24abxugel ZTF 2024TNSTR4885....1D N
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
452781 2024-12-08 12:02:34 2460653.00178 20.4046 20.1013 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 None
452780 2024-12-06 12:28:18 2460651.01965 19.9946 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 None [Last non detection]