RA/DEC (2000)
08:56:10.594 +51:01:34.02
134.04413960007 +51.02611686208
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2025-01-11 06:48:11.998
Host Name
SDSS J085610.49+510134.4
Discovery Mag
A. Munoz-Arancibia, F.E. Bauer, G. Pignata, F. Forster, A. Mourao, L. Hernandez-Garcia, L. Galbany, J. Silva-Farfan, R. Dastidar, J.P. Brandt, A. Alvarez, G. Cabrera-Vives, R. Carrasco-Davis, P.A. Estevez, B. Gamboa, P. Huijse, H. Larranaga, C. Mansilla, K. Medina, D. Moreno, E. Munoz, I. Reyes, P. Sanchez-Saez, D. Rodriguez-Mancini, M. Catelan, S. Eyheramendy, M.J. Graham on behalf of the ALeRCE broker

Light curves

Pointer position (MJD, Mag, Abs.Mag): (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
No Data
Light Curves
Filter Tel / Inst Obs-date range JD Range Photometry
r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2025-01-11 08:48:55 - 2025-01-17 07:12:03 2460686.8673032 - 2460692.8000347 3
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
462651 2025-01-17 07:12:03 2460692.8000347 19.8724 0.221054 19.7262 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
462650 2025-01-17 06:42:44 2460692.7796759 19.8019 0.237526 19.7249 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
462648 2025-01-11 08:48:55 2460686.8673032 20.0253 0.281685 19.7231 ABMag r-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 2025-01-11 06:06:50 - 2025-01-17 08:14:32 2460686.7547454 - 2460692.8434259 4
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
462652 2025-01-17 08:14:32 2460692.8434259 19.5109 0.216183 19.7654 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
462649 2025-01-17 06:14:16 2460692.7599074 19.5089 0.241197 19.5235 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
462647 2025-01-11 06:48:12 2460686.7834722 20.0476 0.348014 19.6033 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot Data provided by ZTF
462646 2025-01-11 06:06:50 2460686.7547454 19.2826 ABMag g-ZTF P48_ZTF-Cam 30 Robot [Last non detection] Data provided by ZTF
orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 2025-01-22 07:48:24 - 2025-01-22 07:48:24 2460697.82528 - 2460697.82528 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
464586 2025-01-22 07:48:24 2460697.82528 19.47 ABMag orange-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot [Last non detection]
cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 2025-01-24 10:23:21 - 2025-01-24 10:23:21 2460699.93288 - 2460699.93288 1
ID Obs-date JD Mag. / Flux Err Lim. Mag./Flux Units Filter Tel / Inst Exp-time Observer/s Remarks
464587 2025-01-24 10:23:21 2460699.93288 19.291 0.151 19.49 ABMag cyan-ATLAS ATLAS-HKO_ATLAS-02 30 Robot
AT Reports
ID Time received (UT) Sender Reporter/s Reporting group Disc. Data Source RA DEC Discovery date (UT) Discovery Mag. Filter Related files AT Type Host name Internal name Assoc. Groups End prop. period Remarks Bibcode Unreal Auto classification
242417 2025-01-25 17:33:47 ATLAS_Bot1 J. Tonry,L. Denneau,H. Weiland et al. ATLAS ATLAS 08:56:10.588 +51:01:33.97 2025-01-24 10:23:20.832 19.291 cyan-ATLAS PSN ATLAS25axf ATLAS N
241274 2025-01-17 17:50:51 ALeRCE A. Munoz-Arancibia,F.E. Bauer,G. Pignata et al. ALeRCE ZTF 08:56:10.594 +51:01:34.02 2025-01-11 06:48:11.998 20.0476 g-ZTF PSN SDSS J085610.49+510134.4 ZTF25aacblvq ZTF SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier (Carrasco-Davis et al. 2021) and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in http://alerce.online/object/ZTF25aacblvq 2025TNSTR.220....1M N
No Data
