RA/DEC (2000)
23:48:44.490 +14:18:56.27
357.185375 +14.315631
Related AstroNotes: 2021-80
Reporting Group
Discovering Data Source
Discovery Date
2020-12-16 02:35:21.998
Host Name
SDSS J234844.75+141851.2
Host Redshift
Discovery Mag
F. Forster, F.E. Bauer, A. Munoz-Arancibia, G. Pignata, L. Hernandez-Garcia, L. Galbany, G. Pignata, E. Camacho, J. Silva-Farfan, A. Mourao, J. Arredondo, G. Cabrera-Vives, R. Carrasco-Davis, P.A. Estevez, P. Huijse, E. Reyes, I. Reyes, P. Sanchez-Saez, C. Valenzuela, E. Castillo, D. Ruz-Mieres, D. Rodriguez-Mancini, M. Catelan, S. Eyheramendy, M.J. Graham on behalf of the ALeRCE broker
Light curves
Pointer position (MJD, Mag, Abs.Mag): (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
No Data
Light Curves
AT Reports
ID | Time received (UT) | Sender | Reporter/s | Reporting group | Disc. Data Source | RA | DEC | Discovery date (UT) | Discovery Mag. | Filter | Related files | AT Type | Host name | Internal name | Assoc. Groups | End prop. period | Remarks | Bibcode | Unreal | Auto classification |
132681 | 2021-12-31 19:58:05 | PS2_Bot1 | K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Bulger et al. | Pan-STARRS | Pan-STARRS | 23:48:44.484 | +14:18:56.29 | 2020-12-08 06:15:50.400 | 21.8 | w-P1 | PSN | PS20myc | Pan-STARRS | N | ||||||
115454 | 2021-07-02 10:09:02 | ZTF_AMPEL_COMPLETE | J. Nordin,V. Brinnel,J. van Santen (HU Berlin) et al. | AMPEL | ZTF | 23:48:44.494 | +14:18:56.23 | 2021-06-20 09:26:04.704 | 19.34 | r-ZTF | PSN | ZTF20acydasr | ZTF | N | ||||||
97177 | 2021-01-17 20:50:38 | Gaia_Bot1 | S.T. Hodgkin,E. Breedt,A. Delgado et al. | GaiaAlerts | GaiaAlerts | 23:48:44.490 | +14:18:56.27 | 2021-01-14 21:05:45.600 | 18.83 | G-Gaia | PSN | Gaia21ahf | GaiaAlerts | candidate SN near galaxy SDSS J234844.42+141857.2 | N | |||||
95643 | 2021-01-05 20:34:39 | Fink | Julien Peloton,Anais Moller,Emille E. O. Ishida on behalf of the Fink broker et al. | Fink | ZTF | 23:48:44.491 | +14:18:56.18 | 2020-12-16 02:35:21.998 | 20.205 | r-ZTF | PSN | ZTF20acydasr | ZTF | Early SN candidate classified by Fink using the public ZTF stream. Object data at | N | |||||
95523 | 2021-01-05 03:17:43 | ATLAS_Bot1 | J. Tonry,L. Denneau,A. Heinze et al. | ATLAS | ATLAS | 23:48:44.483 | +14:18:56.12 | 2021-01-03 06:21:36.000 | 19.16 | orange-ATLAS | PSN | ATLAS21aav | ATLAS | N | ||||||
94253 | 2020-12-28 18:05:38 | PS1_Bot1 | K. C. Chambers,T. de Boer,J. Bulger et al. | Pan-STARRS | Pan-STARRS | 23:48:44.484 | +14:18:56.22 | 2020-12-26 06:54:43.200 | 19.15 | i-P1 | PSN | PS20myc | Pan-STARRS | This transient was discovered with the help of citizen science project Supernova Hunters run by Zooniverse. The candidate was identified by volunteers including Henryk Krawczyk, Simon Lund Sig Bentzen and Amy Loeschner | N | |||||
93986 | 2020-12-27 03:22:09 | ZTF_AMPEL_COMPLETE | J. Nordin,V. Brinnel,M. Giomi et al. | ZTF | ZTF | 23:48:44.483 | +14:18:56.23 | 2020-12-19 02:40:30.144 | 19.82 | r-ZTF | PSN | ZTF20acydasr | ZTF | See arXiv:1904.05922 for selection criteria. | N | |||||
93426 | 2020-12-19 19:24:55 | ALeRCE | F. Forster,F.E. Bauer,A. Munoz-Arancibia et al. | ALeRCE | ZTF | 23:48:44.488 | +14:18:56.20 | 2020-12-16 02:35:21.998 | 20.205 | r-ZTF | PSN | SDSS J234844.75+141851.2 | ZTF20acydasr | ZTF | SN candidate classified using ALeRCE's stamp classifier - see http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.03309 - and the public ZTF stream. Discovery image and light curve in http://alerce.online/object/ZTF20acydasr | 2020TNSTR3840....1F | N |
Classification Reports
No Data
Object coordinates updated
Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 97177 of Group GaiaAlerts
Previous RA, DEC: 23:48:44.484, +14:18:56.22 (357.185350533, +14.3156172797)
Updated RA, DEC: 23:48:44.490, +14:18:56.27 (357.185375, 14.315631)
Object coordinates updated
Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 94253 of Group Pan-STARRS1
Previous RA, DEC: 23:48:44.483, +14:18:56.23 (357.185344075, +14.315618075)
Updated RA, DEC: 23:48:44.484, +14:18:56.22 (357.185350533, 14.3156172797)
Object coordinates updated
Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 93986 of Group ZTF
Previous RA, DEC: 23:48:44.488, +14:18:56.20 (357.1853681, +14.31561165)
Updated RA, DEC: 23:48:44.483, +14:18:56.23 (357.185344075, 14.315618075)